"That's it?" Huo tingxiao's deep and hoarse voice rang out slowly.

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Huo Hao Chen cold hum a, "I said wrong?"? Do you have the ability to tell her what you have done? Tell her how cold-blooded and cruel you are to kill your own brother! Huo tingxiao, you Dare you

The whole hall was dead as a grave.

The air seemed to be frozen in an instant, freezing to the bone. The hall was full of suffocating pressure and chills.

Huo tingxiao's dark eyes darkened in an instant. His eyes were like ice blades. He stared at Huo HaoChen for a moment, and his coldness became more and more frightening. Rao Shi Huo HaoChen didn't expect that Huo tingxiao would have such a big reaction.

As the whole family knows, Huo Yunfeng has always been a taboo of Huo tingxiao. Even if the previous one of Huo Jianzhang has become history, this thorn is still there.

Today, if he had not been completely angered by Huo tingxiao, he would not have violated Huo tingxiao's taboo.

Huo tingxiao sat on the sofa, his thin lips stretched into a straight line, his eyes were dark, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to be an animal about to break through the cage. The next second, he would burst into tears and destroy the sky and the earth!

"Huo tingxiao, we are back Eh, Huo HaoChen, why are you here? Don't you want to eat again? I'll tell you, if you always come to your third uncle's house to eat like this, should you consider paying me for food? " Suddenly came the voice of dissatisfaction from yunweiyang.

Huo HaoChen back suddenly a stiff, he even if is to rub meal of, why still want to pay board fee? And, you have to give it to her!

"You don't care about me! Why should I pay for food? " Huo HaoChen's face is as black as the bottom of the pot, his forehead is blue and blue, and he roars angrily.

Yun Weiyang glared at him discontentedly. The goods are so fierce because they have eaten explosives today?

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What's more, if you don't pay for food, how dare you be bigger?!

An aunt with no temper is really not worthy of being an aunt.

Yun Weiyang takes Xiaobao and holds a vegetable basket in one hand. Then he goes to Huo tingxiao and complains, "Huo tingxiao, you see that your nephew is becoming more and more disrespectful. You don't care if you come here every day and don't pay for food!"

When Yun Weiyang walks past, Huo HaoChen sees that Yun Weiyang is also wearing the same pajamas as Huo tingxiao's father and son. His face sinks instantly, as if covered with a layer of ice.

Is this woman crazy?!

Does she know the meaning of this kind of family dress!

"Well, I'm in charge." The haze on Huo tingxiao's face faded like the tide, and he opened his mouth without expression.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Yunweiyang found the support, immediately smile to Huo HaoChen, "Na, you hear me? Your three uncles have all spoken. Do you want to pay for the food or not? "

Huo HaoChen looked numb. He pinched his fingers on both sides and opened his mouth word by word: "I'm not good at it. You have the ability to bite me!"

He left the hall without looking back.

Yun Weiyang scratched his head with a muddled face, "is this product explosive today? I just said a few words casually, so careful Huo tingxiao, do you think he will take advantage of me to work on purpose for revenge? "

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Huo tingxiao eyes a MI, "he dares."

"It's not true

Well, it's cool to have someone to support me. Now I feel like a runaway wild horse. It may wave up at any time

Falling in love with a wild horse, I would like to plant a grassland on his head.

The next day

Because today is the second round of the Golden Tripod award, yunweiyang got up early in the morning, and his side was empty. Huo tingxiao got up first.

To tell you the truth, she always wanted to find out what the structure of Huo tingxiao was. It seemed that a man could work for dozens of hours without sleep

Well, he must have good physical strength

Reflecting that she was driving early in the morning, Yun Weiyang deeply despised her shameless behavior. Then she got up from the bed and washed. She stood in front of the huge mirror and gently rubbed her cheek with her slender fingers.

For this day She has been waiting too long

The lost honor, the slander on her Today, she will take back one by one!

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After a long time, yunweiyang specially picked a dress that was particularly eye-catching and put it on.

After all, she is going to see Bai Lianhua today. She can't lose no matter in momentum or strength.

Today, she will prove to everyone that the adopted daughter of the cloud family, who was once despised by them, is no worse than the daughter of the big star!

At this point, downstairs.

Qin Ye stood in front of the table with a head of messy hair, "boss, it's already arranged. Master Liu will be there to play for his sister-in-law in today's rematch."Huo tingxiao is a veteran cadre posture, sitting at a desk reading newspapers, smell speech head also did not lift: "well."

"What, do you want to tell your sister-in-law in advance? After all, Master Liu's name is too big. In case he scares his sister-in-law at that time... " Qin Ye worried.

Huo tingxiao: "no need."

Qin Ye smokes. To tell you the truth, he is really worried that his sister-in-law will ruin the show today

After all, no one can guess whether master Liu, who is famous in the imperial capital, will attend the second round of the Golden Tripod award, or will go there for a little designer who has never won the award

God bless you!

DIDU, DIDU hotel.

The annual Golden Tripod awards competition is held in this imperial hotel. Participants and invited guests must hold the invitation card specially issued by the jury to enter the competition.

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Even though it's only the second round today, the Golden Tripod award is very valuable in the design industry. In addition, it has invited many big men and artists to come on the stage, which is really high. Therefore, reporters have been gathered outside the hotel for a long time. After all, this kind of occasion has been hot enough to stir up some frivolous news.

At this time, a black Bentley car came slowly and stopped in front of the hotel gate.

When the driver opened the door, Han Jingli's tense face was relieved. After getting out of the car, he put his left hand back like a gentleman and stretched out his right hand, as if waiting for something.

The next second, Yun Yiyi, dressed in a white evening dress, calmly and gracefully got off the car. Her white and tender palm gently held Han Jingli's arm, and her face was full of a gentle smile, which was very beautiful.

She is dressed up to attend today. Standing with Han Jingli at the moment, she is just like a pair of golden girls.

At the moment when Yun Yiyi appeared, he surprised the audience and immediately attracted a burst of exclamation.

"Damn it! The goddess is more and more beautiful

"The beauty of the golden age, the temperament, my God, is the most popular female artist in the circle now!"

"Popular entertainment is such a treasure! Next to that is the boss of Han's group, right? Tut, that's a lot of good fortune... "

"What a beautiful couple! They are models in the entertainment industry!" "Hehe, golden girl? I'm afraid you don't know that yunyiyi is a little three who robbed his sister's boyfriend! I've dug into this before, engagement ceremony, you Have you really forgotten? "

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