Yunweiyang mouth twitch, a face "ha ha Da" expression, mouth: "or you'd better consider, empathy don't love it."

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I'm not as coquettish as you!

An Ruoxi held her chin with a smile, "Shi Huhu, I like you to be so duplicative."

Yun Weiyang laughed twice and turned to continue to see the judges. There were 11 people participating in this competition. That is to say, in addition to the designer who was directly eliminated from the competition, there were 9 others.

The next time, Yun Weiyang because of tension, has been pinching his fingers, head suddenly cast a shadow, Liu Jingting leaned over, voice low husky mouth: "don't be nervous, you can win."

Yun Weiyang was stunned, and immediately raised his eyes subconsciously. In his dark eyes, there was a handsome face, which was different from Huo tingxiao's cold temperament. The man's face was smiling like a spring breeze.

I don't know why. She always feels that this little brother seems to have seen him somewhere, especially the deep eyes that can't catch any information

“…… Now, let's welcome our "simply It's beautiful! My God! It's a perfect work On the judging panel, the middle-aged man was staring at the big screen with ecstasy and said excitedly.

"No matter the details or the overall creativity, they are really perfect, worthy of the Golden Tripod award. They can always kill unexpected dark horses..."

"The perfect combination of retro and modern, and even a bit of convergence in the domineering, no mountains and no dew, but it is enough dazzling, it can not be ignored, from ancient times to the present, the wedding dress is to achieve, is not it?"

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Listening to the professional judges on the judging table, Yun Weiyang's eyes didn't fall on the screen. She didn't expect that the title of today's semi-finals would be this. She didn't expect that her obsession would become a bargaining chip for her to break out of the siege at this time.

Not far away, Han Jingli sat on the chair with a stiff back, a pair of dark eyes, as if hiding endless emotions, staring at the red wedding dress on the screen.

The man's eyes are dim in an instant, and his eyes are deep looking at the cloud. His face seems to be covered with an invisible frost.

He had known for a long time that she would become famous one day with such a pair of hands.

Originally, all this belonged to him

Yun Weiyang didn't notice Han Jingli's abnormality. He just looked at the painting calmly. After the incident five years ago, some things had completely changed, and everything she was proud of had become a taboo she couldn't face.

But she thought that one day she would break the shackles and start all over again.

Until I met Huo tingxiao, the seemingly proud and lonely man, but he always dotes on her in his own way. In this case, what else can she fear?

Now, on the judging bench.

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Zong Shaoqing also stares at the work with a shocked face. They all saw the semi-finished products at the time of the competition, but they didn't expect that the whole work would be so shocked.

Who said that she would open the back door

What's so special? Where can I open the back door?!

That's enough to kill all sides, OK!

"President Zong, this work is perfect. I want to call him!" Beside Zong Shaoqing, a young man opened his mouth with hot eyes.

"Yes, President Zong, this is the only black horse in the second round! I'd like to see which God is the author who can draw such a powerful design! "

"I must sign him! It's OK to sneak him! "

Zong Shaoqing listened to the messy voice in his ear. He was a little embarrassed. What's the difference between this one or two and the one just released?!

Zong Shaoqing pinched her eyebrows and turned to look at He Cheng, who said nothing. "Mr. He What do you think? "

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He Cheng tilted his head with one hand and didn't even look at him. He just played with the green silk on his fingertips. "It's OK. I finally met a little Huigen."

Er Are you sure it's Hui Root

This special is not a monk, you have your sister's Huigen!

However, I can get a "OK" evaluation from He Cheng, which proves that this work has really reached a certain level. After all, since he was the judge of the Golden Tripod award, the score given by He Cheng Never more than six.

Zong Shaoqing coughed, "look, how many points do you give for this work?"

He Cheng was silent for two seconds and said slowly: "nine points."

Zong Shaoqing's pupil suddenly shrank. Did he hear it wrong?! He Cheng will give 9 points!

Temo must have opened it in the wrong way!

The review ended soon, and the staff handed the score to the moderator.

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When the host opened the envelope in public, he raised the thin paper in his hand excitedly, "my God, 9. Seven! The highest score today is 9. Seven! Let's give our warmest applause to work No. 9 for getting such a high score! CongratulationsIn the whole hall, there was a burst of thunderous applause.

An Ruoxi is so excited that she goes directly over Liu Jingting, holds Yun Weiyang's head and shakes it hard for a long time. She is even more excited than she has won the prize.

"Ah! Shihuhu, I heard you right, 9. Seven! The highest result in the history of the Golden Tripod award! Shihuhu, you are so awesome

Yun Weiyang was dazzled by her, and pushed her away, "do you want to shake me to death, so as to inherit my ant flower?"

An Ruoxi was stunned for two seconds, and a pair of distressed cousins said, "shihuhu, what time is it? Do you still think about your broken ant flower? I'm sure that after tonight, you will be the most dazzling star in the design world

Yun Weiyang raised her eyes and looked at her. In fact, she never wanted to be a star. At the beginning, she liked design just because of that person's words.

But the past is like smoke, until now, fortunately, this expertise, can also bring her a trace of glory.

"Weiyang Congratulations Liu Jingting's thin lips and eyes are shining. Huo HaoChen black face, a face is not happy, "Hey, you call who is not Yang, call so intimate?"

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