"Ah, shihuhu, who called you? It's mysterious. It can't be my beautiful lady Anruoxi leaned back on the sofa with a face full of gossip.

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Yun Weiyang put away his mobile phone and said quietly: "nothing. It's just a harassment call. By the way, I remember that I still have something to do. Go out first. If you meet Mr. Huo, you will say that I'm going out to free myself."

An Ruoxi's expression of "delivering tea to the boss" said, "shihuhu, I dare not fish so blatantly. Your operation is too powerful."

Yun Weiyang glanced at her faintly, "do you know that you are so modest? Who doesn't know that you are the king of fishing

An Ruoxi coughed softly, "Shi Huhu, when did you become so honest? What? You have something else to do. Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to tease my beauties."

Anruoxi said, burning his ass as if he had to run away.

When an Ruoxi left, Yun Weiyang's face turned black. Although she doesn't know what the other party is from, it's not easy for her to take away Xiao Qinglan.

Yun Weiyang's eyes narrowed dangerously. After a few seconds, she left the office quickly.

After coming out of the office, Yun Weiyang picked up the car with the driver, and then immediately rushed to the bank to withdraw the cash. Then she went back to Huo's house. After everything was ready, she waited for the other party's contact on the car. When she used to follow the seventh master, she didn't take on such a task less. At that time, she had just experienced that incident, and Han Jingli completely betrayed her. For her, it was meaningless to live. After unintentionally saving the seventh master, she began to gradually like the exciting and fatiguing things.

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Later, she finally understood that she was willing to put it down, so she wanted to start a new life. Now, for Xiao Qinglan, she seems to be back to that year again. Something that has been silent for a long time in her blood seems to wake up again.

If the world bullies me and humiliates me, then why should I tolerate it? Then stop the killing!

About half an hour later, yunweiyang received another call from the other party.

"There is an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Dongcheng District. If I don't see 10 million yuan in an hour, you can wait to collect Xiao Qinglan's corpse."

After the other party said a word, he hung up the phone directly.

Yunweiyang immediately started the car, a bang at the foot of the accelerator, the car quickly drove out like an arrow.

Yunweiyang was quite familiar with the terrain of the imperial capital. He took a shortcut all the way. After running more than ten red lights, he quickly rushed to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Dongcheng District.

The abandoned warehouse is backed by a barren mountain. Because it has been abandoned for a long time, it looks very desolate.

The black Bentley car, like a ferocious beast, rushed directly through the abandoned door of the warehouse. A dozen people in black were patrolling in the warehouse, and suddenly surrounded the whole Bentley car like a tide. Inside the car, Yun Weiyang looks at the people gathered outside the car with no expression. These people all have guns in their hands. The control of guns in China is very strict. Most guns on the road are smuggled goods, and those who own this road and have not been captured are no more than ten forces in the imperial capital.

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Yun Weiyang carefully searched for this information in his mind. Fortunately, he had more or less learned some information about the Tao from the seventh master before. Although he was not sure, he had at least a bottom in his heart.

"Dong Dong..."

A bald man in a black suit, with a Sharp Machete in his hand, hit the black Bentley car with the back of the knife, and the car suddenly made a crisp noise.

"You little slut, our big brothers are all here. Don't you get out of the car yet?" A sharp and harsh voice with a bit of sarcasm suddenly rang out.

It was the man who hit the Bentley car with the back of a knife just now. As soon as the man's words came out, there was a burst of unbridled laughter.

"Hey, hey, five, are you addicted again? Don't worry. You can have fun this time. "

"No, this time, the gold owner didn't ask for a living. The sheep came into the tiger's mouth Isn't that Sao Lang hoof a piece of meat on the chopping board now, hehe... "

"I heard that this coquettish girl is very good-looking, but I don't know if she can live well, hehe..."

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"Pa --" a sound

Just now, the bald man slashed on the glass above the driving position of the Bentley. The glass suddenly made a soft sound, but it just cracked a thin crack.

There was a burst of laughter all around, and the bald man was angry. He was about to continue to cut the window with his knife. The next second, there was a "bang" shot in the window, and then there was a scream like a pig in the air.

I saw the bald man holding the hand of the machete, was shot through, the palm of a bloody, blood down his palm Pa Pa Pa PA.

The bald man covered his palm with pain, and his whole face was as white as paper, without a trace of blood.Then, there was another bang in the air. The door of the Bentley was kicked open, and a man in a British suit walked down from the car without expression.

"This What's going on? Not a woman? Are we mistaken? " I don't know who it is. I suddenly said something.

This is a British style dress, and you can't see the gender at all Is it really the person they're looking for?!

Is there something wrong?!

"Bah! I don't care who he is. If he dares to run wild in my territory, he will seek death! Catch him first At this time, a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit with a sinister face yelled.

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The middle-aged man had a tuft of goatee on his chin and was extremely thin. Yun Weiyang's face sank a little when he saw the middle-aged man.

Thin and emaciated, goatee

A name, Zhuge Yan, suddenly appeared in Yun Weiyang's mind!

Zhuge Yan is very famous in Taoism. He was born into a butcher's family. At the age of 8, he killed his own parents by hand. Later, he worked in Taoism. In just a few years, he became a frightening figure in Taoism and set up a blood alliance!

Most of the members of the blood league are Desperado with human lives. They do all kinds of evil in the road, but no one dares to fight against the blood League. As long as you give money, the blood league can kill anyone for you.

If Xiao Qinglan is really in their hands, I'm afraid it will be more or less dangerous now!

Damn it! Who in the end did not hesitate to ask the people of the blood League to kill her!

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