Xiao Yue went to Xiaoshan and sat down, "Dad, what's the matter? Are you so happy?"

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Xiaoshan put down the purple clay pot in his hand and rubbed his hands with joy. "Do you know the Yunlan venture capital that has just emerged in the imperial capital?"

Yunlan venture capital, a new rich person in the circle, has sent people to contact with Yunlan venture capital before, but it seems that the other party has no intention of cooperation, so she doesn't spend much time on it.

After all, in Xiao Yue's eyes, no matter how good the weapon is, if it can't be used by himself, he can only give up.

"Yes, I have." Xiao yuedao. Xiaoshan laughs and blushes: "recently, Yunlan venture capital has cooperated with several large real estate companies to carry out a number of ecological planning projects. The operation is good and the profits are considerable. However, in business, too many people are not necessarily a good thing. In addition to Hans group, several other companies have already quit the project. They will wait for the project to be signed, and no matter what happens in the future Is it the Xiao family or the company? I don't know who dares to oppose our father and daughter! " Yunlan venture capital has a good background and strength. Even Hanchen can't find out the details of the other party, but the only thing is certain that Yunlan venture capital does have the investment capital. If it can cooperate with Yunlan venture capital and establish a long-term cooperative relationship, Xiao family will rise to a new height again.

Heart read so far, Xiao Yue is also a smile: "that is really to congratulate dad."

"Ha ha, yue'er, both Xiao's family and the company will be yours in the future. Don't let Dad down. Although the company's affairs are important, tingxiao's side You can't neglect it, you know? " As soon as Xiaoshan's words changed, an imperceptible light came across the bottom of his eyes.

If the Xiao family can marry with the Huo family, no one can shake Xiao Yue's position in the Xiao family.

Xiao Yue smell speech, Mou Guang micro flash, "Dad rest assured, I know how to do."

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Xiaoshan sighed helplessly, "you, I don't worry about anything else. It's just that this temperament is too arrogant. Men like women who want to conquer. You should also cooperate with tingxiao properly. Tingxiao will naturally respond to you."

Xiao Yue pursed her lips. For her, what she wanted was not only Huo tingxiao's response, nor the position of Huo's mother, nor the wealth of a man

What she wants is just the man's heart from beginning to end!

In this world, only she is enough to match that man, and only she is worthy to stand side by side with him!

"Yes, Dad." Xiao Yue said in a deep voice.

Xiao Shan nodded, as if he had suddenly thought of something. His brow wrinkled slightly. "By the way, what's the matter with you and that boy of the Song family?"

"Muyuan and I have always been just friends and will always be." Xiao Yue's voice is light. Xiao Shan touched his chin and immediately raised his eyebrows. "It's OK, but you should have a good sense of propriety. After all, although the strength of the Song family is not as good as that of the Huo family, it's not something we can chew. If it wasn't for tingxiao, I think that the boy of the Song family is also good. The most important thing is that he likes you so much and will do a lot of things for you that others won't do."

Xiao Shan's words are also up to the point. Xiao Yue naturally understands the meaning of his words and says in a soft voice: "I have a sense of propriety about muyuan."

Xiaoshan nodded, "this is the best. It's not too early. Go to have a rest first."

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Xiao Yue no longer goes upstairs.

In the next few days, Yun Weiyang and Xiao Qinglan discussed the establishment of a new company and the procedures. She sent Qin ye to run errands. After a few days, the company had a preliminary plan and design.

For several days in a row, a few people were very busy.

That evening, while eating bread, Yun Weiyang discussed with Xiao Qinglan and an Ruoxi about the decoration of the new company. She was really not in charge of the house and didn't know the cost of firewood and rice. After a rough budget, she looked at a long list of figures and looked worried.


The mobile phone on the desk rings. Yunweiyang doesn't look at the caller ID either. He swipes the screen and sticks the phone to his ear. "Hello."

The other end of the mobile phone is a dead silence. Yunweiyang takes the mobile phone away and scans it to make sure that the phone is connected. Is it a harassment call?

As Yun Weiyang was about to hang up, a hoarse and painful voice suddenly rang out at the end of his mobile phone: "Mr. mu Can you come to the hospital, please

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The sound It sounds so familiar!

Yun Weiyang was stunned for two seconds. Then he remembered that the voice seemed to be Shen Yanqi. Before, she accidentally met Shen Yanqi, who was helpless and worried. For a moment, she felt compassion and sent her to canglan villa. Later, she left her contact information and never contacted again.

Listening to Shen Yanqi's voice, it seems that something is wrong.

Thinking of this, Yun Weiyang couldn't help but have a meal and immediately said, "where are you? Don't be afraid, I'll be right here! "

At the other end of the mobile phone, under a pale incandescent light, the girl's thin and thin body trembled slightly, and her right hand clung tightly to an examination report. Because of too much force, her finger joints protruded in white, and the white joints seemed to be broken in the next second.The girl's face was as pale as paper, and a huge sense of despair and confusion appeared on her face. She bit her lips for a long time, and then whispered in a panic: "sorry, I can't find anyone to help. Excuse me, this is Renyi hospital, third floor, obstetrics and Gynecology Department..."

Obstetrics and Gynecology

These three words are like a thunder, which suddenly brings bloody scenes to my mind

Blood all over the sky A baby covered in blue The icy sound

Yun Weiyang's blood color faded instantly. She shook her head and tried to keep calm. She said in a dumb voice, "OK, I'll come right away. Don't be afraid. I'll come right away, OK?"

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"Well, thank you, Mr. mu."

Yunweiyang again told a few words, this just hang up the phone, and then grab the mobile phone lightning ran out.


The child she couldn't keep four years ago She won't let anything happen to her this time!

Yunweiyang is crazy and rushes to the garage. Then he drives all the way to Renyi hospital.

About half an hour later.

The black Bentley car stops in front of a small hospital which looks very shabby and dilapidated. This hospital is a private hospital, and its equipment is extremely shabby. There is a pungent smell of mildew and disinfectant everywhere in the hospital. Yun Weiyang got out of the car and ran straight to the third floor. As soon as she came out of the stairs, she saw Shen Yanqi sitting on the chair in the corridor with a worried face.

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