"Well, I'll arrange it for you right now. Besides, according to your grandfather's request, the lawyer can accompany you. Other people Just wait outside. " Ling Tian glanced at the black suit man beside him, with a look that his boss was about to be green.

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Yunshan's face turned black again. Just now he kept silent. Now he can't bear it any more. He is the only son of the old man. Why should he listen to an outsider in the end?

"Dean Ling, I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide? Even if you are famous in the imperial capital, it's my family's business. I'm afraid it's not your turn to intervene? " Yunshan's eyes stare at Lingtian coldly.

Ling Tian glanced at him faintly, "it's your Lao Tzu's own account, not my decision. Even if you don't believe it, I'm not reluctant, but if the patient has any good or bad at that time, I'll have to say sorry."

Yunshan's face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water. Lingtian's tone was clearly threatening him and deliberately pushing the responsibility to him!

Damn it! What the old man wants to do!

Yunshan gritted his teeth and hummed coldly, "Dean Ling, don't label me casually. I'm just worried about my father's health."

Ling Tian hit the next mouth, "who knows? I don't care about your family's affairs. If it wasn't for Miss Yun's face, I wouldn't care about your family. "

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Yunshan's face turns blue and white, but he knows Lingtian's strength very well. To tell the truth, even if he gets all the shares in yunchongshan's hands, I'm afraid it's just a pile of dregs in front of Lingtian.

In this reality of respecting strength, he really does not have the capital to clamor with Ling Tian, but he is not reconciled. Not only the old man Yun Chongshan is inclined to Yun Weiyang, but also the doctor who suddenly appeared is obviously inclined to Yun Weiyang. It's really hateful!

"Mr. Yun, the master told me in person and accompanied by lawyer Xing. What else do you worry about?" Uncle Chen said with a calm face.

Yunshan glared at Uncle Chen, and immediately snorted, "I'm just worried about the old man's body, hum! Since it's the old man's idea, I have nothing to worry about. "

Lingtian is too lazy to pay attention to Yunshan any more. He turns around and looks at Xiangyun Weiyang, "Miss Yun, what kind of lawyer, come with me."

Yun Weiyang droops his head and follows Ling Tian, while Xing Ming follows him. The three soon walk to the intensive care unit. Ling Tian glances at the lawyer, and then says: "the old man is still half awake. You can go in, but try not to stimulate him. Is that clear?"

Yun Weiyang nodded heavily, "well, I know."

Ling Tian sighed, "there's a little master here. Don't cry ahead of time. It's really not good. You can call that scum girl from Youlan. Maybe there will be a turn for the better."

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Ling Tian's words remind Yun Weiyang that if Yun Chongshan can survive this pass, and Youlan can cure him, maybe his illness will not change!

At the thought of this, Yun Weiyang's face suddenly eased a bit, "OK, I'll go first."

Ling Tian

She said yes! She even said that this spicy chicken didn't have Youlan's contact information before?!

She certainly has!

This special so clearly is intentionally bad his affection!

My knife! I must chop this spicy chicken today!

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Yun Weiyang and Xing Ming walk into the intensive care unit together, but they don't realize that a man who has run away behind her is eager to tear her.

Intensive care unit.

Yun Chongshan is lying on the hospital bed, with all kinds of tubes inserted on his body. The instrument shows several rows of curves and not optimistic numbers. In his turbid old eyes, it seems that something is passing, and he is holding on, as if waiting for something.

As soon as Yun Weiyang came in, he saw a picture of a thin old man lying lifeless on the hospital bed, waiting for his life to come to the end.

Many things in life can't be reversed. At that moment, she suddenly felt as if she was separated from the rest of the world. It was clear that not long ago, this old man was smiling at her kindly, holding her little hand, teaching her to be a toddler, and then to be a human

In a flash, memories come like tides

Yunweiyang's heart, is also with the memory of a little bit of pain, blood dripping.

In this world, only time is irreversible, only life and death are unchangeable.

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Yun Weiyang felt that her breathing was a little difficult. She took several deep breaths. Then she came to the hospital bed step by step. In a few short steps, she seemed to have gone a long life.

"Grandfather..." Yunweiyang stood in front of the hospital bed, his voice hoarse.

On the hospital bed, Yun Chongshan's muddy eyes turned gently, and his slow eyes looked at Yun Weiyang standing against the light. His lips moved a few times, his fingers moved, and he wanted to take down the ventilator.

"Weiyang..." Some of yunchongshan's words are not clear.

Yun Weiyang's eyes turned red and her throat was as painful as a thorn. She bit her teeth and bent down to take off the ventilator on the surface of yunchongshan. Then she held yunchongshan's old, thin and cool palm, "grandfather, Weiyang is here, sorry grandfather..." Since that incident in those years, she has deliberately alienated and avoided Yun Chongshan. This old man, who is already in his twilight days, is always thinking about her. Now that Yun Chongshan is in danger, she suddenly understands that no matter what happened in those years, she should not deliberately alienate. In this worldMany people are so complicated that there is no absolute right or wrong, but time will never come again.

Yun Chongshan tightly grasped Yun Weiyang's palm, and a smile slowly appeared on his pale cheek, "Weiyang Don't be sad, grandpa is old, there will be such a day The only thing that grandpa can't let go is you... " Yun Weiyang's nose is sour, and her heart seems to be stabbed by a sharp blade, which makes her breath slow. She is biting her teeth, trying to control her mood. "Don't worry, Grandpa, Weiyang has grown up, and Weiyang can take good care of herself Grandpa, don't worry about the future, OK Yun Chongshan holds Yun Weiyang's hand tightly. In his turbid old eyes, he is full of pity and doting, with a trace of reluctance. If he is still in his prime, he still has time to plan a better future for his baby granddaughter, but now he is decaying and can no longer protect her. "Weiyang You've been living too hard these years. If your grandfather is not with you, what can you do by yourself Grandfather left something for you. You must keep it. Do you understand? "

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