More than half an hour later.

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Huo tingxiao just came out of the intensive care unit. Yun Weiyang was pacing outside the intensive care unit. Seeing Huo tingxiao come out, he rushed up with an arrow, "how about Huo tingxiao? What did grandfather say? No help? "

Huo tingxiao took a leisurely look at her, "my grandfather is very satisfied with my grandson-in-law."

"It's not true

I can't take that

What's so special? I'm worried to death outside. It's very easy. But Huo tingxiao doesn't have any help there.

"Well We're not married yet. Can you be reserved? " Yunweiyang pinched his eyebrows. The next second, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Huo tingxiao. "By the way, how did you get the fake marriage certificate? I think the steel seal on it is true... "

Huo tingxiao Mei Feng micro Yang, "confidential."

Yunweiyang mouth a smoke, secret your sister, ah, special, then there are her photos!

Qin Ye covers his titanium alloy dog eyes. He thinks that his dog eyes will be blinded sooner or later. It's enough to abuse the dog as soon as he comes out.

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God, why does the fairy who is so beautiful that she doesn't eat fireworks in my mind still don't appear!

Until returning to the villa, Huo tingxiao didn't let go of how the two marriage certificates came from. Yun Weiyang was so angry that he stormed in the room. However, someone looked like an old God and refused to say anything.

"Give me a kiss and I'll let you know." Cloud is not central grinding headache of someone, really can't pass, tone of quiet way.

Yun Weiyang had a "ha ha Da" expression on his face. Then he went up and gave a kiss on the man's cheek. Then he immediately backed away: "can you say it now?"

Huo tingxiao smile: "a treasure, do false."

"It's not true

Your sister! How could she forget the Almighty treasure!

I don't know why. I feel insulted.

What she didn't know, however, was that in order to get the marriage certificate, Huo tingxiao used his royal mold maker

At that time, the mold maker's heart almost collapsed. He was a textbook figure in the mold industry, and he was reduced to the point of getting a marriage certificate, which was still fake

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"Well, it's getting late. I'll go to bed first." Yun Weiyang immediately ran away and ran away like a gust of wind.

Huo tingxiao raised his eyes, his eyes firmly locked on the girl's back, and the picture of the hospital suddenly appeared in his mind. On the bed, the old yunchongshan entrusted him, and he remembered every word.

Weiyang, no matter what happens in the future, I will never let go.

As long as I live one day, I will protect you one day Never die In the early morning, a microblog quickly became popular. A big V named "Ma Sanye" suddenly burst out an explosive news with pictures and texts, claiming that a small employee of the song group wanted to rely on beauty to gain a higher position. He deliberately seduced song muyuan, the crown prince of the group. Later, he was expelled from the song group because of his bad personal life.

At the bottom of the microblog, there is the personal information of the little employee. In addition, there are the relevant work evidence of the employee, and some intimate photos with song muyuan. Finally, there are the treatment records of the little employee going to the hospital for abortion.

In just a few minutes, the comment area under Mr. Ma's microblog exploded. Not only that, the hot topics were all negative news about the little employee.

"Ouch, the world of rich people is beyond our imagination"

"the most disgusting thing for me is this kind of woman. It's a shame for women to seduce the boss by virtue of her beauty!"

"The rich people don't just play. Ha ha, they really deserve to be abandoned. No one is curious who the little wild race belongs to?"

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"This kind of rubbish woman is disgusting! Diss, she! Ha ha

"Are you crazy about money? Ha ha, still want to use baby to tie man's heart?! Fool

Yun Weiyang is lying on the bed brushing her micro blog. When she sees this micro blog, she jumps up from the bed. She holds her mobile phone tightly, and her eyes fall on the photo of the little employee at the bottom of the micro blog.

In the photo, the girl's head is blue and drooping, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her lips are slightly smiling. Why should she put so much dirty water on her clean and white face?

These people It's really damned that people should be sentenced to death at will!

Yun Weiyang bites her teeth, and a trace of anger emerges in her eyes. The next second, she gets up from the bed and dials Ling Tian's mobile phone.

"Damn it! Sister in law, don't call me at this time. Temo hospital is almost under siege. NIMA, are these reporters all bandits? Damn it, I can't stop them. I'll be damned! " There was a lot of noise on the other end of the mobile phone, and Lingtian couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Yun Weiyang's face suddenly sank, "are you downstairs? You go to see Yanqi immediately and make sure she has no problem! It's better to find a way to button her cell phone down, okay? "As long as Shen Yanxian doesn't see that microblog, there is still room for all this to turn around!

Shen Yanxi has just experienced a life and death. If she is involved in this storm again, no one can predict whether she can withstand the blow.

I just hope it's all in time!

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"OK, I see. I'll go up in a minute." Ling Tian flies fast. Although he has arranged for someone to look at Shen Yanqi, he is also worried that there will be an accident. It's better to guard by himself.

Hang up the phone, cloud Weiyang immediately grabbed the mobile phone, even the pajamas have no time to change, directly ran downstairs.

"Huo tingxiao, I don't have time to explain to you. I have to go to the hospital immediately!" Yunweiyang just out of the room, he came across Huo tingxiao from the study.

Huo tingxiao frowned slightly, "I'll send you there."

Yunweiyang a Leng, "well, you go to drive, I wait for you at the door."

Huo tingxiao nodded, yunweiyang thought, and immediately dialed anruoxi's mobile phone.

"Shihuhu, why do you call me so late?" Anruoxi yawned and looked drowsy.

Yun Weiyang said in a deep voice: "small nine, can I trouble you for one thing?"

An Ruoxi noticed that her tone was not right, and immediately said with a bold face: "you and I don't have to be so polite. What's the matter? You said, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water for you!"

Yun Weiyang took a deep breath, "can you borrow some military vehicles from your seven brothers?" Anruoxi sprang up from the bed and said, "Damn, shihuhu, who are you going to fight with? Who dares to offend you? I'm going to send for someone

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