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This time to jump out to install white lotus?

After so many years, how come we haven't made any progress "Have you passed? Why do I feel lighter? In other words, Miss Yun thinks that after such abuse, she can still accept others' apology so quietly. If you can do it, I will apologize to her immediately. " Yun Weiyang said with no expression.

Yun Yiyi chokes. Why didn't she find out that Yun Weiyang's eloquence is so good?

Cloud Yi skin smile meat don't smile of way: "ha ha, since elder sister this tone also came out, that is not as good as this matter so calculate, this dress, regard as I give elder brother-in-law to make amends, how?"

Yun Weiyang sneered, "not so good. Just now I think this dress is pretty good. I just want to have a look at it. Now I feel that this kind of thing doesn't match my man."

On hearing this, several celebrities beside Yun Yiyi could not help laughing. There was a hint of ridicule and disdain in the laughter.

This men's clothing store is a high-end luxury brand in China. Most people don't buy this kind of clothes at all. After all, it's too expensive, and Yun Weiyang says that this kind of clothes can't match her men. It's really ridiculous.

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Su Mo has been helped up by another celebrity. She has just been humiliated. Now she has recovered. She can't accept the fact that she is trampled by Yun Weiyang. Therefore, at the moment, Su Mo's heart is also full of evil fire. Hearing Yun Weiyang say so, she can't help but sneer and say: "you're not afraid to talk big. Any one of these clothes is your salary for several years. Ha ha, I don't believe you can marry a rich man and afford this kind of clothes!"

"It's not, the country bumpkin who has no money. What's the fat man doing here?"

"Ha ha, it's shameless to the extreme..."

Yunyiyi listen to Su Mo and others do not cover up the slander, heart a burst of dark cool, but on the face is a pair of white lotus appearance, scold a way: "Mo Mo, elder sister again how to say is also our family's adopted daughter, how can you so to elder sister?"

Yun Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly. "Miss Yun, I've said many times that I have nothing to do with your Yun family. Don't you feel uncomfortable when you shout one by one?"

Yun Yiyi choked and said with a dry smile, "Dad, that's also angry. Why do you need it, sister? When Dad's angry, he'll recognize his sister. "

"I'm sorry, I took the initiative to break off the relationship with your cloud family. It's not your cloud family that swept me out." Cloud does not center cold voice way.

Cloud Yiyi bit teeth, even the camouflage on the face are about to insist on, she did not expect, but a few days, cloud Weiyang unexpectedly become so eloquent.

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What went wrong At this time, several men in black suits came in quickly. The first man walked towards Xiaobao immediately after entering the door. Then he stood in front of Xiaobao and said respectfully: "young master! I wonder if you are here in person. What can I do for you? "

Young master?!

Who are these men in suits who come out suddenly? Why do they call this child young master

The shopping guide on one side turned pale and said, "Mr. Qin Why did you come here in person Well, this young master is... " The man at the head glanced at the shopping guide from the corner of his eye, and his face changed slightly. Although his brother didn't explain the whole thing clearly on the phone, the last sentence was very clear. No matter who is unhappy today, whether it's the little ancestor of the Huo family or the mysterious woman, he's the president He knows the identity of the young master. Although the Huo family is extremely strict in protecting the young master, the outside world only knows that there is a young master in the Huo family, but few people have seen him personally. Even he only hears some little news from Qin Ye.

"It's not something you should know! What happened just now? " The man that calls Qin Zong denounces a way.

The shopping guide was very nervous and swallowed his saliva. She thought Yun Weiyang and the child were ordinary guests, but now she saw general manager Qin as if he were facing a big enemy. No matter how stupid she was, she knew that they were not simple.

And she just had the eye not to know Taishan, has offended these two people!

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The shopping guide's forehead suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't tell why. Mr. Qin's face was so ugly that he could wring it out. "Is this Mr. Qin, the person in charge of the shopping mall? I'm Yun Yiyi, who is popular in entertainment. What happened just now was a misunderstanding. Besides, it didn't cause any loss How about that? " Yunyiyi felt an ominous premonition

in his heart, and said with a stiff head.

This shopping mall is one of the most prosperous large shopping malls in the imperial capital. She only knows that the person in charge of this shopping mall is Qin. She has a high status in the imperial capital. Even Han family may not have the strength to compare with it.

General manager Qin turned his head and looked at Yun Yiyi indifferently. He said in a cold voice, "who are you? When is it your turn for an outsider to intervene in the internal affairs of my shopping mall? "Yunyiyi forehead Qingjin jump, she thought she only reported the name, the other party even if don't know, but how much will also give a face, but did not expect, the other party directly a word hit down, clearly is not to give face.

Cloud depends on a burst of blue and white on the face, she is biting the lip dead and dead, but did not continue to speak again not knowing interest.

Seeing this, the shopping guide turned pale with fright. He didn't dare to hide the slightest bit and told the story all over again.

Qin always more listen to the face is more ugly, no wonder Qin night call over will be so angry, how can he have so low things!

Mr. Qin coldly glanced at the shopping guide, "the customer is God. Is that how you respect your guests? How can my men raise such things as you

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The guide turned pale and didn't dare to explain. Mr. Qin snorted coldly, "you go to the financial department to settle your salary immediately. From then on, any department store under my name will never employ you again! In addition, all the brand stores in the mall will take part in the training again. When will they learn well

, and when will they take up their posts again! "

The shopping guide almost fainted after hearing that, and was expelled by President Qin and never hired. That is to say, she completely cut off her life in the imperial capital

How could this be

Who the hell did she mess with today?

Why does Qin always get angry "Young master, look Are you satisfied with this? " After dealing with the shopping guide, Mr. Qin made the rules and carefully approached Xiaobao and asked.

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