Yun Weiyang suddenly stood on tiptoe, cold lips, pasted thin lip.

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Huo tingxiao's back is stiff and his eyes are slightly stunned. In his dark eyes, the girl's face is reflected. At that moment, his empty chest seems to be filled with something.

"Huo tingxiao..."

Huo tingxiao: "eh?"

Yun Weiyang said in a quiet voice: "what should I do? I find that I want to like you more and more. " In her life, she has met many people, but there has never been a man like him to her. In fact, what a woman wants is very simple. Originally, she thought that she would not be moved by anyone in the floating life, but this man, little by little, came into her life.

She can't retreat, she can't escape!

"In the floating world, there are three kinds of my love: the sun and the moon and Qing. The sun is the dynasty, the moon is the evening, and Qing is Day and night. "

Ding! Your partner's love talk skills are online ~

Yun Weiyang raises his eyes. In an instant, something in his body breaks through the ground and blooms.

"Huo tingxiao, are you saying that too much?! Just say you like me. " Someone make complaints about it.

Why didn't you die ~

Huo tingxiao shook his head slowly, "the word like is too shallow."

"It's not true

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I can't take that. Give me tea!

Yunweiyang immediately said: "well, well, don't say this, it's late, I'm a little sleepy, let's go home first, OK?"

Huo tingxiao: "good."

Yunweiyang silently relieved, fortunately Huo tingxiao's mood to calm down, otherwise, she may not see the sun tomorrow morning.

On the way back, Yun Weiyang leaned on his chair and brushed his microblog. Microblog hot search, suddenly a content about Mo group appeared. Yunweiyang points in conveniently. The content is that Morse group has been found to be suspected of malicious manipulation of stocks and huge bribery cases. At present, the main person in charge of Morse group has been arrested, and many partners have immediately terminated their cooperation with Morse group, and even banks have stopped lending to Morse group.

Overnight, the famous imperial capital of the Mo group, it seems to have come to the end of the collapse.

"Ah, sweetheart, is the affair of Mo family a little too coincidental?" Yun Weiyang scratched his head and looked at Huo tingxiao.

The scale of Mo's group is not small. When it comes to this position, it's not a matter of time to shake it up. Besides, it's a coincidence that these news burst out simultaneously.

"What's the problem?" Huo tingxiao spoke lightly.

Yun Weiyang said with a dry smile, "Oh, no, sweetheart, your skill is too bad. I love you, memeda ~"

jealousy has changed my face

Someone who was obviously shunmao, looked a little slow, immediately said: "today, my grandfather called me."

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Yunweiyang suddenly a Leng, reaction for a few seconds, this reaction, Huo tingxiao mouth grandfather, refers to the cloud Chongshan.

Yun Weiyang's forehead is covered with black lines, "Grandpa, call you? Shouldn't he call me if he has something to do? "

Huo tingxiao: "invite Xiaobao and I to have dinner at the weekend." Yun Weiyang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood and said in a hurry: "grandfather probably misunderstood. He was seriously ill before, so I asked you to act Now that he has recovered a little, it's hard for me to expose Well, I'd better confess to

grandfather. "

Huo tingxiao's tone is quiet: "no need."

"Ah?" Obviously, Yun Weiyang didn't know what he meant.

Huo tingxiao: "we will get married sooner or later."

"It's not true

Where in the world do you come from!

Yun Weiyang coughed softly, "it's not necessarily. What if I'm empathetic and don't fall in love with others Well, don't look at me like that. I'll just think Can't you think about it? "

Huo tingxiao tone firm: "no way."

Yunweiyang was abused a face, sweat dead, who said Huo tingxiao can't say love words?!

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It's better to kill her with love words every minute!

Ah, the haze suddenly appears in the young life

"Would you like to go that weekend?" Yun Weiyang shrugged his head and opened his mouth with a tone that his body was hollowed out.

To tell you the truth, she suddenly sympathizes with Qin Ye. She is so abused every day that she really wants to survive

Huo tingxiao: "go."

Yunweiyang scratched his head, "OK, do you want to take Xiaobao? Grandfather seems to like Xiaobao. "

Huo tingxiao's eyes turned slightly, "EH."

Yun Weiyang sighs. She knew it would be so troublesome. At the beginning, she shouldn't let Huo tingxiao cooperate with her in acting.

AI, my heart is very tired, and my baby is suffering ~

at the same time, Shen Yanqi's community.

Downstairs, in front of a rather old grocery store, a slender man stood quietly at the door. The man's face was almost morbid pale, and his eyes were blue. He looked haggard."Boss, do you have any cigarettes?" The man asked in a dumb voice.

The boss was an old man about 60 years old. He nodded, "yes, but I don't have any good cigarettes for you in a small place like me. On the shelf over there, you can take what you want."

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The man raised his eyes, cold eyes swept the shelf, slender fingers with two packs of cigarettes, and then said: "how much?"

The boss took a look at his cigarette and said with a smile: "a total of 80 yuan, young man, I think you have been staying here recently, and you don't go in. Are you waiting for someone here?"

The man smell speech, back slightly a stiff, he lonely droop eyes, take out a pile of money from the wallet, put on the counter, "no, just passing by."

The boss saw him take so much money, immediately shook his head, "this cigarette is not so much money, you give too much."

The man was silent for a few seconds, "take it as if it's pressing on you. Do you have sugar? It's sweet. "

His heart is bitter

Maybe it's not so bitter to eat something sweet.

Boss a Leng, say immediately: "have, I take for you, assure sweet."

The boss immediately took a box of sugar from the shelf and handed it to the man. The man picked up the box of sugar, said thanks and left the grocery store. The boss took a look at the money on the counter and the man's back. He shook his head and muttered in a low voice: "this young man, I'm afraid something big happened. Otherwise, how could it be like this? I come here every day to find

people, but I don't go in Old, really do not understand the world of young people, ha ha. "

The man went back to the car with cigarettes and sugar. Recently, he didn't know what was wrong. He was crazy. He didn't go anywhere after business every day. It seemed that only in this way could he feel at ease. Even though he saw her only a few times, he couldn't control himself

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