The next morning.

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When Yun Weiyang wakes up, he feels a splitting headache. She only remembers that she drank some wine in shenyanxi last night. Originally, there were only two bottles of red wine brought by Wei Zian. Later, anruoxi felt unhappy and asked someone to send her some wine. Maybe she drank a little too much, which made her feel that her whole life was going to waste.

Yun Weiyang rubs his temple and looks around the bedroom quickly. Fortunately, Huo tingxiao is not there. Otherwise, she will have to train again.

To be honest, many times she thinks Huo tingxiao is more like her Well, Dad

She is thinking, the mobile phone suddenly rings, the caller ID is anruoxi, yunweiyang picked up the mobile phone, this morning, anruoxi what demon?!

Yun Weiyang rubbed his temple with one hand and picked up the phone with the other, "hello..."

"Shihuhu, where are you! There's something wrong with the company. I'm in a hurry now. Come here right away! " On the other side of the mobile phone, an Ruoxi said in an urgent voice.

Yun Weiyang's forehead was blue. "What's the matter?"

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"You don't know? I don't know which fool disclosed this morning that there is something wrong with our company's clothing materials, and it is suspected of using black heart fabrics. I don't have time to tell you in detail. I'll talk about it later when I get to the company! " As soon as Yun Weiyang's face sank, the company has been running smoothly since its establishment. Previously, because of Huo tingxiao's support, the company's flagship store was successfully moved into Chang'an square. He thought everything would continue on the right track, but he did not expect that this kind of news burst out at this juncture.

Who's behind the scenes?! Yun Weiyang didn't have time to think about it, and he didn't care about his headache. He immediately got up and washed quickly, and then ran downstairs. Huo tingxiao was waiting for her downstairs. When he saw her in a hurry, he only filled her with a large bowl of wake-up soup and a glass of milk, and personally sent her to the company.

On the way to the company, yunweiyang brushed the relevant news. Microblogs, major websites and even some financial newspapers have updated this news. The microblogs of yunweiyang and anruoxi have long been occupied by netizens. After all, they are suspected of using black heart fabrics, which is the easiest thing to touch the bottom line of netizens. Shen Yanqi contacted them and the manufacturers. They promised that they had never used black heart fabrics. Their production definitely stood the test. Anruoxi and Xiao Qinglan also used a lot of power to temporarily suppress the major websites


If there is something wrong with the fabric they use, once the news is confirmed, it will only aggravate the anger of netizens.

The car soon arrived at the downstairs of the company. Yunweiyang got out of the car and ran straight to the office building.

In the car.

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Huo tingxiao takes back his sight, "go to check."

Qin Ye's mouth slightly puffed, and he knew that his boss, who was a crazy devil to protect his wife, could not let it go. Besides, this incident came so suddenly that there was no news in advance. It was not like an accident.

"I've sent someone to check it. In addition, I told Wu Jingxing that the shopping mall can't move. There should be no big problem." Qin Yedao.

Yunweiyang's company has just settled in Chang'an square. Once the flagship store is checked or sealed, it will inevitably cause an uproar. I'm afraid that at that time, even if their fabric is found to be OK, no one will pay attention to this brand.

No matter what line it is, it's too hard to build a brand, but it's too easy to destroy a brand.

Huo tingxiao: "well."

Qin Ye coughed softly, "that Do you want to go to the company first? "

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Huo tingxiao: "well."

Brocade clothing, office. The atmosphere in the office is dignified. Shen Yanxi's phone is ringing all the time. She is responsible for most of the company's external affairs. Therefore, many people call to question and even abuse when they speak. Shen Yanxi has a good temper and doesn't get angry.

The more this time, the more they can't mess up.

When Shen Yanxi finished answering the phone, Yun Weiyang waved his hand, "Yanxi, don't answer any phone call for the time being, and immediately issue a statement through the official blog. No matter who broke the news, we should thoroughly investigate it."

The company is just on the right track. If it can't get through, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable. Shen Yanxi nodded, "I have issued a statement in person, I have contacted all aspects, and the manufacturer has also guaranteed that there is no quality problem. However, I still sent some samples for inspection to determine the quality problem of clothing. In addition, from

this news was exploded, we received a large number of refunds..." It's not surprising that the company was exposed to using black heart fabric. After all, at the beginning of the establishment of Jinxiu, the company did not have a solid foundation. What it ordered at the beginning was just following the trend of others. Now, it's not surprising to receive a refund.

Yun Weiyang: "all refund will be received, as soon as possible to arrange processing, received the deposit price, also all returned, a cent can not be less."

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The more this time, the more test of the company's integrity, although at the beginning of their order requirements, all the deposit is not returned, but now is an extraordinary period, it is more important to keep the company's reputation.Shen Yanxi: "OK, I'll arrange it right away."

Yun Weiyang looks at Xiao Qinglan and an Ruoxi, "Xiao Jiu, Qinglan, how many familiar media do you have?"

An Ruoxi: "it's not difficult for the media, big or small, in the imperial capital, whether they are familiar or not, to invite them over."

Xiao Qinglan nodded, "well, it's not difficult, but is it too risky to hold a press conference now? The report of sampling and inspection has not come out yet, in case... "

Although they believe in garment manufacturers, this is not something they personally handle. If there is really something wrong with the sampled garments, they will hold a press conference to clarify it, which is tantamount to slapping their faces. Yun Weiyang's face was cold and heavy. "At first, our clothing itself took the route of light luxury. Moreover, every order had detailed customer identity information. When I came here, I read the news. The informant concealed his identity, didn't give any detailed explanation, and even deliberately avoided some details. However, we can't be careless, we assume that the other party's hand There's really any evidence in the news. Now the news has exploded. I'm afraid that by now, he can't sit still

Xiao Qinglan frowned tightly, "do you mean that the other side is deliberately throwing out this news first, and then waiting for us to take the bait?" Yun Weiyang nodded and said, "if not, what's the significance of his doing this? He wants to lead the snake out of the cave, so we follow his wish. I'd like to see who is making trouble behind his back! "

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