Han Chen stares at the mobile phone screen, after a moment, directly pinches off the mobile phone, he can't go back, it seems that he has nothing to do with that woman. In my mind, a thin and lonely figure suddenly appeared. I don't know when he went back every day. The huge villa was no longer cold. She would wait for him with the light on, and she would stand at the door of the hall waiting for him,

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then she approached him carefully and asked him if he was hungry and whether he wanted to have a snack

He always coldly refused, ignoring the girl's lonely look, he is not blind, naturally can see her joy and restraint to him, she is so careful close, but afraid to annoy him, can only stand far away.

Han Chen suddenly climbs on his face with a touch of irritability. He pulls out a cigarette to light it, but suddenly remembers that the girl doesn't like the smell of smoke. Every time he hears the smell of smoke on his body, she frowns unconsciously.

Cold Chen fingers subconsciously put out the cigarette, wait for him to come back to God, the face once black down.

Damn it!

Hanchen simply starts the car and drives back to the villa.

Before the car arrived, he saw the light on in the villa. The girl's lonely figure suddenly appeared in his mind. He couldn't help looking a little irritable. He parked the car in front of the garage and sat in the car for a while before he went down.

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Open the door of the villa, you can see the figure standing at the entrance of the hall. The girl is dressed in a white skirt and her long black hair is scattered on her shoulder. When he comes back, she comes towards her nervously.

"Mr. Han, are you hungry? I made some biscuits in the evening. If you're hungry, would you like to try some... " The girl asked in a low voice.

Cold Chen light glanced at her one eye, "need not."

The girl had a look of loss on her face, and then she raised a smile, "well, you've been busy all day. Go and have a rest. I'll fold all the clothes for you, and then..."

Cold Chen Lengleng interrupts her voice, "I know." The girl doesn't dare to speak any more. She hangs down her head in dismay. Han Chen changes her slippers and goes straight over her body towards the stairs. When she passes by the middle of the hall, she glances at the laptop on the coffee table.

on the desktop of the computer, there is an unfinished picture, just from the figure outline of the picture, that person It seems to be similar to him

The girl's face was flustered. She immediately ran over and closed the computer. Her cheek turned red, "that I've just received a comic recently, and I'm setting up a life... "

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Cold Chen didn't speak, straight went upstairs, immediately closed the bedroom door, cut her off in the door.

The girl stands in the hall, her eyes fall on the door of Hanchen's bedroom. After a long time, she comes back to herself. Although Hanchen doesn't blame her, his completely indifferent and indifferent reaction still makes her feel a little painful.

The girl habitually sits down on the carpet and turns on the computer again. On the screen, the picture she just received is displayed again. The man who created the cartoon is based on Hanchen.

At this time, the chat software in the lower right corner of the computer suddenly flashed a few times. It was a message sent by the editor. She quickly opened it and saw a few typesetting on the screen.

Editorial department Yunqing: my God! Late evening, your first draft simply shattered my three views! My mother, the protagonist is too handsome! Our entire editorial department is crazy! One draft passed! The girl looks at the caution on the screen, and a smile appears on her slightly pale cheek. She wants to tell Hanchen the news for the first time, but she just slowly raises her head and looks at the door of Hanchen's bedroom, and her look is gradually dim.

The girl's fingers fell on the keyboard, tapping gently and typing in a reply.

Chen wanwan: Thank you, Yunqing, for your hard work. I'll finish it as soon as possible. Editor's office Yunqing: hehe, it's OK, but don't be too tired. You are not in good health. You had a car accident before. You didn't know it. You almost scared me to death! Evening baby, when the final draft is finished, my sister will take you out to surf!

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Chen wanwan: OK, don't be too tired. I'll go to bed first.

Editorial department Yunqing: Well, good night, momeda ~

Chen wanwan: good night. When she turned off the dialog box, she dropped her eyes and rubbed her left arm subconsciously with her long fingers. There was a scar that looked very ugly and ferocious, but for this scar, she might

won't be here at all. Her name is Chen wanwan. She is a comic writer, and she is also a little famous in the comic circle. Comic artists and Internet writers basically turn day and night upside down. Sometimes when inspiration comes, it's already late at night when they are busy. It's more common to forget to eat. That night, when she finished her painting, it was already late at night. From the morning, she had no food and no food in her family. There was a 24-hour convenience store nearby, so she simply cleaned up and went out to buy some food.

but unexpectedly, she met several gangsters in the roadway. These little gangsters seem to have just inhaled powder. They are very excited and stop her. She is so scared that she even forgot to call for help. As she is approaching the corner, the little gangsters are about to rush up. At this moment,A slender man came up against the light.

At that moment, she seemed to see her heroes, fighting for her.

She stood in the night, she was so timid, but at that moment, she was not afraid. She looked at her heroes, as if she had the whole world.

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However, one of the little gangsters did not know where to take out a knife and cut it at him with a ferocious face. At that moment, without thinking about it, she rushed up and blocked the knife for her. The sharp blade cut the skin and looked at her arm, and the red blood sprayed on her face. But at that moment, she was so happy that she was dizzy. She wanted to smile at the man, but before she had time, she fainted.

When she woke up again, she was at the man's home. The injury on her arm had been dealt with, but she still felt a deep pain.

The man's face was cold and sat on one side. Seeing her wake up, he snuffed out the cigarette end in his hand, "does it hurt?"

The girl instinctively nodded, and then shook her head, timid mouth: "no pain."

The man frowned. "I'll call the doctor."

The girl wants to refuse, but the man has already dialed a phone to go out, coldly explained a few words later, then directly hung up the phone. "The doctor will be here soon." Men's voice is still cold, without a trace of temperature.

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