As soon as she comes up, give her a card. Is mo Lang planning to support her

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However, she has the thickest and most golden thighs in the whole imperial capital. If she wants to be wrapped, she is also wrapped by Huo tingxiao!

Next to Huo tingxiao, his face turned black. He colluded with his wife in front of him. Don't you think he has lived too long?

"That Mr. Mo, you don't need a gift. Besides, your card is too expensive I'll take what you want. " Yunweiyang considered the wording and said.

Mo Lang was in a hurry and quickly put the card into Yun Weiyang's hand. "How can this work! You are my brother's woman, my molang's family You must take this. "

Cloud does not center the corner of the mouth a burst of twitch, still have this kind of operation?

Yun Weiyang turns to Huo tingxiao. Is your friend so bold and unconstrained?

Huo tingxiao eyebrows between a trace of helplessness, "take it, little Mozi usually not like this."

"It's not true

Er I really can't take that

What does he usually do?

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To tell you the truth, the name is worthy of the name. The goods are very expensive. Mo Lang seemed to realize that his reaction was a little too much, so he went back to the sofa and sat down. "Well, Ting Xiao is right. I don't usually like this. It's just a surprise that this ten thousand year old single dog has a girlfriend, so I'm a little out of shape at the moment. I'm sorry. "

Yunweiyang suddenly full of black line, Huo tingxiao in the end is how to pull hatred ah, make a girlfriend, even to frighten people into this? Yun Weiyang glances at the bank card in his hand and puts it into his pocket a little helplessly. Huo tingxiao says something. If she postpones it, it will be a bit hypocritical. Besides, for Mo Lang, the bank card may really be just a meeting gift


"Ha ha, since that's the case, I'm not respectful. As a friend of Mr. Mo, I won't admit it." Yun Weiyang said in an old-fashioned voice. Mo Lang's eyes brightened, but in order to avoid the suspicion of Yun Weiyang, he forced down his ecstasy and got up from the sofa, "ha ha, good I wish you liked it, Ting Xiao. I suddenly thought that

I had something urgent to deal with I'll go first

Huo tingxiao nodded slightly, "do you need me to arrange someone to deliver it?"

Mo Lang shook his head like a rattle. "No, I can do it myself."

Huo tingxiao no longer spoke, and Mo Lang left the hall in a hurry.

Yun Weiyang frowned slightly, then scratched his head, "that, Huo tingxiao, you friend Is there a hole in the brain? I always feel that he is strange... "

Huo tingxiao pinched his eyebrows. "He's just too tired recently, but he can be trusted. In the future, if you can't find me in an emergency, you can find him."

Xiao Lang Yang Xun had never thought that Huo ting'an would trust her.

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Yun Weiyang: "well, there should be no such chance. Even if you are not here, xiaoyeye and xiaoyaoyao are still there. How can we find an outsider?"

In an instant, someone who was shunmao's face obviously eased a bit, "HMM."

Cloud Wei Yang light cough, "that, can you ask small night night to help me check a person?"

Yun Weiyang seldom asks Huo tingxiao to help. Sometimes, Huo tingxiao wants to help, but he is also rejected by Yun Weiyang, which makes him very distressed.

His wife is too strong, and he is helpless.

Huo tingxiao nodded: "say." Yun Weiyang said, "our company has cooperated with cangchuan comics recently. I know a cartoonist. Meizhi feels very poor and is bullied by the scum man again. Let xiaoyeye help me find out who the scum man is.

I must chop him to death!"

Huo tingxiao: "that's it?"

Yun Weiyang looked dogleg, "mm-hmm! That's it. My private life is too simple. It's not easy for me to intervene directly. I'll figure out which scum it is first, and then I'll make a long-term plan. "

Huo tingxiao: "OK, I'll talk to Qin Ye later."

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Yun Weiyang was relieved and stretched, "I've been busy all day. I'm a little tired. I'll send Xiaobao to have a rest first."

Huo tingxiao: "well."

Yunweiyang takes Xiaobao away and goes to Xiaobao's villa.

Imperial capital, Longqianshan cemetery.

Surrounded by green mountains, the black cemetery is surrounded in the center.

The night fog shrouds, there is a howling cold wind blowing, the cold cemetery, it is particularly grim.

A black Bentley car, almost crazy into the cemetery parking lot, then stopped in the middle of the parking lot, a sharp brake, the black car motionless stopped.

Inside Bentley.

A man in a black suit was sitting in the driver's seat with a tight back. He grasped the steering wheel with both hands. Because of too much force, his white fingers showed distinct joints, as if he wanted to break at any time.The man's head was down and his heart was undulating violently. His short black hair covered half of his face. In this dark environment, he could not see his expression clearly.

After a long time, some water drops fell slowly and hit the steering wheel

His whole body was shaking gently, and his heart was as if he had been pulled hard, bleeding with pain.

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I don't know how long it took for him to slowly raise his cheek. His always careless cheek was full of pain and confusion. He stiff raised his hand, buried his cheek deeply in his palm, and then wiped his face.

A moment later, the man opened the door and walked step by step to the gate of the cemetery.

On this side of the cemetery, people are not allowed to go in and out at night. The man goes to the gate, directly kicks open the gate, and then goes in.

In the cemetery, there was only a faint light around, but the man walked towards a certain direction deep in the cemetery as if there were no obstacles.

Step by step, it's like stepping on his heart. With each step, his heart will fall from the height little by little

This place, he often comes.

He can't remember how many times he would drive all the way when he was drunk. Even if he could only look at the cold black tombstone, even if he knew that the man would never live again, he still couldn't control himself.

The man walked to a black tombstone, in front of which there were still flowers without withering, which was her favorite tulip in her lifetime. The red color was her passion and yearning for life.

"Ah Lang, when we get married, shall we plant tulips all over the yard? You'd better feed another dog. Well, you're not allowed to bully the dog... " "Ah Lang, I really want to grow up so that I can marry you earlier..."

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