A moment later, Yun Weiyang and Huo Qiyun came out of the vegetable garden.

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Qin Ye's eyes are almost stuck on the vegetable basket in Yun Weiyang's hand, my dear ones Don't worry, I will help you.

"Thank you for the ingredients, Mr. Qin." Yun Weiyang is carrying a vegetable basket and says with a smile.

To tell you the truth, she hasn't been picking food by herself for a long time. There was no place for her to grow vegetables in the rented house before. Besides making some scallion and garlic sprouts on the balcony, she could occasionally get a bowl of noodles.

In fact, it's not bad to leave behind those who are no longer important.

Qin yegan laughs: "ha ha, Miss Yun is too polite. The boss turned over a piece of land in the backyard for you. You can tell me what seeds you need. I'll prepare them for you."

Huo tingxiao turned over a piece of land in the backyard and came out?

If she remembers correctly, the backyard of the main villa seems to be a flower bed, right? Turn it out and grow her vegetables? Isn't that outrageous?

Yun Weiyang had a puzzled expression on his face. "You have so many ingredients on your side. Don't be so troublesome. Moreover, if you plant seeds, it will take at least one or two months for the vegetables to mature."

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Qin Ye's forehead was green. NIMA, this woman really missed his family's treasure!

Fortunately, Huo tingxiao dug out the space to grow vegetables, otherwise he would not be able to keep the garden.

Qin night swallowed saliva, "this is the meaning of boss, I am not too clear."

Yunweiyang didn't continue to ask, so he took Huo Qiyun and went back, one big and one small with vegetable baskets. After arriving at the villa, yunweiyang went to see the vegetable fields in the backyard first.

To tell you the truth, the people of the Huo family are very quick in doing things. It's only a long time before the vegetable fields are turned out.

For a moment, Qin Yunyang made a list of suitable soil for daylily, and then she bought some suitable soil for daylily.

Qin Ye glanced at the list and found that the vegetables listed above all seemed to be what Huo tingxiao liked. Is this a coincidence or another wave of dog food?

"Miss Yun likes cabbage?" Qin ye asked suddenly.

Just now, when Yun Weiyang was in his vegetable garden, he was staring at the cabbage in a daze. On this list, cabbage is also the first. It seems that Yun Weiyang prefers this kind of vegetable.

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Yun Weiyang said with a smile, "well, radish and cabbage have their own love."

Qin ye said casually, "then why don't you like radish? What a lovely radish. "

Since she was a child, she hated eating radish and didn't like making this dish very much. It happened that Han Jingli liked eating cabbage at that time, so she loved everything and liked cabbage.

It's that simple. It doesn't even need any reason.

Yun Weiyang: "I don't eat radish since I was a child."

"Well, well, I'll send you these seeds later. I happen to have some extra seeds on my side." Qin Yedao.

Yun Weiyang thanks and leads Huo Qiyun to the kitchen. It's late. She can't let Huo tingxiao wait too long, otherwise she may be cut to death. After staying at the Huo family for a few days, Yun Weiyang gradually understood the tastes of Huo tingxiao and Huo Qiyun. The father and son were just as picky about their food. In addition, Huo Qiyun was not in good health, so the main ingredients of the Huo family were light. The main course tonight was lighter than


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Yun Weiyang is busy in the kitchen. Huo Qiyun wears an apron in the shape of a deer and helps out in the kitchen.


Huo tingxiao sits in front of his desk, staring at the computer screen in front of him. On the screen is the surveillance video in the main villa. At the moment, it's just the part of the kitchen. Looking at the big one and the small one busy in the kitchen, Huo tingxiao's face can't help softening a bit.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a sudden knock outside the door, which made Huo tingxiao frown slightly.

Huo tingxiao switched off the video on the desktop, and his voice was slightly cold: "come in."

Qin Ye pushed open the door of his study and walked in. He looked a little serious and said, "boss, just received the news, Xiao Yue will return home next month."

Xiao Yue, the only daughter of Xiao Shan, the CEO of Xiao's international, and the successor of Xiao's international in the future, has a higher status than Xiao Qinglan.

Huo tingxiao squinted at him, "so?"

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"In recent years, Xiao Yue has been managing Xiao's international business abroad. As you know, the old man and his wife always like Xiao Yue very much. I'm afraid Xiao Yue won't go out again when he comes back." Qin Yedao.

Huo tingxiao has always been single. The two elders of the Huo family are always worried about him. Huo Qiyun is in poor health, so they always want to find a suitable woman to take care of their father and son. Xiao Yue is their favorite choice.

Xiao Yue is the best of all the famous families in the imperial capital, no matter from his family background or personal ability. In addition, the Huo family and Xiao family are close friends, so the two elders always hope to make up this marriage.Huo tingxiao face suddenly a cold, "I will deal with." "Boss, I think they are serious this time. In order to find a wife for you, I think they have also made a lot of efforts. This time, the old lady has specially made a hundred gorgeous pictures. Well, I think it's time to send them to you later. You'd better think about how to deal with this. Don't let Miss Yun find out at that time." Qin night reminds a way.

Huo tingxiao raises Mou, "have nothing to do with her."

Qin ye said with a dry smile: "yes, it has nothing to do with Miss Yun. Then I don't have to worry about it. However, Miss Yun is really nice to the young master Hehe, I'm wrong. I shouldn't mention this. I'll go away! "

His boss is really a seafloor needle. Judging from the recent situation, his boss obviously has different feelings for Yun Weiyang. It's not that he thinks too much. After all, no one in the world knows Huo tingxiao better than him. Huo tingxiao is eccentric, bloodthirsty and cruel. He thought he would bring yunweiyang back. Even if Huo tingxiao could not move her, he would never give her a good face. He could even understand her cruel behavior. However, Huo tingxiao not only did nothing, but also brought people to the master's villa, which is a little strange.

It's like he's waiting to see Huo tingxiao enlarge his moves. As a result, other people's direct skills have cooled down. However, if Yun Weiyang can change Huo tingxiao and make him become a normal person, it would be a good thing.

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