"Well That's not what I said. Miss Yue and I are absolutely playing fair. There's no malice. Xun ye and Mo Shao don't have to step in. " Cloud does not center light cough a, hard scalp way.

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An Xun's eyebrows slightly frowned, "even if we have to compete, this rule..."

"Since this rule is made by Xiaoweiyang himself, we certainly have to support it. Xiaogaogao, come here." Mo Lang looks at Gao Lin standing upright with a smile on his face.

When Gao Lin hears the words, his forehead suddenly falls in a cold sweat. Brother, why do you have to pull on Lao Tzu when you are doing something?!

Gao Lin's face was full of tears, and he cried, "what can I do for you?"

Mo Lang smashed his mouth, stretched out his long finger to hook Gao Lin's chin, and said: "I didn't bully you, why do you have such an expression? That's true

He doesn't want face?

Gao Lin said with a dry smile: "hahe, I misunderstood. I just It's just too stuffy here... "

Mo Lang loosened his finger and raised his eyebrow: "forget it, I won't play with you. Go and make a bet for me, eh It's 100 million. Let's have a good show. "

Gao Lin's mouth slightly smokes, big brother, you'll make a hundred million. Do you want to smash the scene, you say!

Gao Lin swallowed his saliva with great difficulty. "That's Mo Shao's intention to detain Miss Yue Or miss Yun? " Mo Lang glanced at Gao Lin slowly and shook his head immediately. "Xiao Gao Gao, you are losing your eyesight. It's rare for me to make such a serious bet, of course Xiaoweiyang, are you blind? Can't you see that Xiaoweiyang and I are on the same side? "

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The identities of Yun Weiyang and Huo tingxiao have not been made public. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, she is just an Ruoxi's friend. No matter her identity or status, she can't compare with Xiao Yue.

Don't give the backstage support to yanglang before he's in front of the crowd.

Those who can get along in the circle are all people with vision. Mo Lang has been domineering in the imperial capital for so many years, but it's the first time that he has stood up for a woman.

This woman What's the origin of this?? Gao Lin naturally understands what Mo Lang means. He looks at Yun Weiyang. To tell you the truth, up to now, he doesn't quite know what the identity of Yun Weiyang is. Not only miss Jiu is obedient to her, but also an Xun, who has never interfered in the shooting range, breaks her precepts again and again. Now there is another Mo Lang

Gao Lin soon put down his doubts, restrained his mind and said, "yes, I'll arrange it now."

Mo Lang just looked at Xiang Yun Weiyang with a smile, "Xiao Weiyang, don't be nervous. I'm here to make a scene for you."

"It's not true

Stab your sister!

Where do I look like I need you?

Even Xiao Yue is not sure. Isn't she a waste? However, Xiao Yue's face became more and more ugly. After all, in Xiao Yue and all the people present, Mo Lang and Xiao Yue are in the same circle. Besides, it has been widely spread that Xiao Yue is the future mother of the Huo family. At this moment, Mo Lang's series of actions, in short, demolish the stage! There are numerous dandies in the imperial capital, but they can really be regarded as Huo tingxiao's friends. In addition to the brothers in an's family, Mo Lang and song muyuan can be regarded as one of them. Now Mo Lang and an Xun are introduced by Yun Weiyang, which is just like beating Xiao Yue's face.

"Ha ha, thank you for your support Well, Mr. Gao, it's almost time. Is it time for a formal competition? " Yun Weiyang turns to look at Gao Lin.

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Gao Lin's forehead is green. Aunt, do you want to kill me?

My boss is here. Do you think he is a decoration?

Gao Lin's back was stiff, and he looked at an Xun with a dogleg on his face

An Xun was silent for two seconds, "according to miss Yun's idea."

Gao Lin, with a look of amnesty, was relieved, "yes, Mr. Xun."

In a few minutes.

Yun Weiyang and Xiao Yue each led their horses into the shooting range. According to the rules of the game, the winner is the one who plays the only target in the midfield first. Although it's the best of three game system, it's the first time to use this kind of rules of the game, and the identity of the contestants is unusual. Therefore, before the contest starts,

the atmosphere of the whole scene has been blown up.

"The trough! For Mao, I suddenly feel that cloud is so handsome! "

"So do I! I'm almost bent by Shuai, OK! "

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"I want to give her a monkey!"

"The momentum It's a textbook model of a bully president! I want to get married

"No SEI! I'll stand by her Gao Lin holds a black pistol in his hand. The muzzle of the pistol is aimed at the night sky. He pulls the trigger with his fingers. After a loud bang, Yun Weiyang and Xiao Yue quickly turn over and mount. Then, the two horses rush into the shooting range.

Mo Lang is sitting on the sofa, with long legs on the black tea table. An Xun is standing there with his back straight, like a sculpture."Little Mozi, how do you know my teacher Huhu?" An Ruoxi held on for a long time. After all, she couldn't help asking.

When did Yun Weiyang know Mo Lang? Why didn't she know?

Moreover, judging from the situation just now, Mo Lang is obviously helping Yun Weiyang

You know, looking at the whole imperial capital, there are only a few women worthy of Mo Lang's help. Even if she was wronged outside, Mo Lang would not care.

It's hard to say that her teacher, Huhu, is a wild man who refuses to show up all the time It's Mo Lang?!


Absolutely impossible!

If Mo Lang, she chooses to poke her dog in the eye!

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How could Mo Lang be her matchless beauty!

Mo Lang looked at an Ruoxi, his eyes narrowed slightly, "little ah Jiu, things between adults, children don't have many mouths."

An Ruoxi choked and twisted her whole face. "Mo Zha, who said I was small?"

Mo Lang picks eyebrow, the line of sight swept an Ruoxi's chest, "you are small not small, oneself in the heart have no point?"

An Ruoxi vomits blood in anger. She pinches her fingers and immediately turns to an Xun, "seven brothers, Mo Zha Zha bullies me, whimpering ~"

an Xun's face is full of helplessness, and immediately says: "don't bully little mo Zai, don't bully little Jiu."

Mo Lang curled his mouth. "Ah Xun, you are too protective. It's clear that this girl provoked me first. Can't you help me?"

An Xun picks an eyebrow, "do you have an opinion?"

Mo Lang has a "ha ha Da" look on his face. Of course, he has a lot of opinions. However, he has seen these crazy sisters of settling down for a long time. Besides, this is not the focus now. Mo Lang's eyes fell on the horse in the shooting range

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