Han Jingli's body was suddenly shaken, and then he bit his teeth. A touch of panic appeared at the bottom of his eyes and said, "Weiyang, how did you become like this now?"

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Why is she doing this now?

Yun Weiyang's eyes gradually narrowed into a straight line, and the corners of his lips outlined a touch of coldness. He opened his mouth word by word: "Guan, you, fart, matter!"

Yun Weiyang finished and hung up the phone directly.

She doesn't care about Han Jingli now. If she doesn't solve the problem of discount, she will have endless troubles. Although she has a lot of confusion now, no matter who wants to move her, she has to be prepared to pay the price!

DIDU, the headquarters building of Hodgson group.

President's office.

Huo tingxiao is dealing with official documents. Qin Ye comes in with a flat plate and a flash of lightning.

"Boss is not good, something's wrong!" Qin night put the tablet in front of Huo tingxiao, with a look of facing the enemy.

Your sister!

How can a good person come up with such a moth?!

He really has the urge to think of shit now!

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Huo tingxiao smell speech, the head also didn't lift, "say."

Qin Ye wiped a cold sweat and said with trembling: "that, the news just burst out on the Internet It's my sister-in-law Well, it's said that my sister-in-law has an affair with the company of Castle Peak Group Also, there are pictures... "

Huo tingxiao held the finger of the black pen and immediately raised his eyes to look at Qin Ye.

Qin night forehead Qingjin a jump, boss you don't look at me so ah, I have a little square heart!

Huo tingxiao: "continue."

Qin Ye swallowed his saliva, his forehead fell in a cold sweat, and his tone was extremely difficult. He continued: "I've identified the photos, and they are all true. However, I've arranged for someone to check them, and I'll return my sister-in-law's innocence as soon as possible!"

Huo tingxiao's dim eyes are on Qin Ye. Qin Ye is so upset by him. What does his boss mean by staring at him like this? Hey, what did he do wrong!

After a while, Huo tingxiao said: "I want all the information of Qingshan group."

Qin yeyi Leng, "ah? Qingshan group? "

Is his boss stimulated to be a fool? At this time, what information do you want from Qingshan group? Shouldn't we find out how the photos came out as soon as possible!

I don't know why, but now he looks at his boss's head, as if it's a little green

A few seconds later, Qin Ye suddenly reflected the meaning of his boss.

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Qin ye: "boss means that you want to deal with Qingshan group?"

Huo tingxiao's eyes narrowed, and the bottom of his eyes crossed a cold light. Even the people he protected dare to move. What's the meaning of the existence of Qingshan group?

Qin Ye feels that he has been crammed with an enhanced version of dog food. He says that his sister-in-law is determined to climb the wall, but his master doesn't care. The first time he wants to vent his anger on his sister-in-law

I'll eat this dog food!

A few minutes later, Qin ye took all the information of Qingshan group. Before yunweiyang cooperated with Qingshan group, Qin ye went to check the information of Qingshan group and the company. Now it's just useful.

Huo tingxiao looked through the materials of Qingshan group. Qin ye also received the news from his subordinates. He was so confused that there were so many twists and turns in it?

Qin Ye immediately said, "boss, just now I received the news that the people in the photos are not my sister-in-law Boss, you are so smart. At a glance, you can see the problem with those photos. That woman is actually a woman raised by Sze secretly. It's plastic surgery. There's also a big problem with Sze's identity... "

Huo tingxiao put down the information in hand, "said."

Qin ye: "this si Zhe is actually the mysterious man who came out of the Jinding prize. His real name is cangxuan, and he is zongshao's younger martial brother. He was expelled from the school because of his improper mind. Later, he couldn't get along with zongshao. Last time he won the Jinding prize, he seemed to recognize that his sister-in-law had some kind of connection with the cloud family, so he wanted her to be his brother-in-law He used it, so he secretly planned out such a plan, in order to make his sister-in-law submit and use it for him. "

Si Zhe, or rather Cang Xuan, made such a big move, no doubt he wanted to pull Yun Weiyang down from the altar and make her the target of public criticism. At that time, he jumped out again and gave Yun Weiyang a straw to save his life, so that Yun Weiyang would never give up on him and use it for her.

It's a pity that his wishful thinking has overlooked that Huo tingxiao is behind Yun Weiyang. What's more, he is wrong. Yun Weiyang is not the kind of person to be manipulated.

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Huo tingxiao was silent for a moment, then he said: "inform Guan Ling, within 24 hours I want Qingshan group to go bankrupt. "

The corner of Qin Ye's mouth suddenly draws, NIMA, his boss is simply too terrible, special a hand to directly play people to death, OK!

Qin Ye wiped a cold sweat, "that My sister-in-law is here... "

Huo tingxiao thin lips taut into a straight line, after a long time, just youyou mouth, "let he Ming come to see me."Qin night a Leng, "he Ming?"

His boss now asks he ming to meet him What do you mean??

Huo tingxiao nodded: "well."

Qin Ye couldn't figure out what his boss meant for a while. He just did what his boss meant. After all, life matters ~

after Qin Ye left, Huo tingxiao glanced at the information on the table. After a while, he picked up a black mobile phone on the table and dialed out.

A few seconds later, Yun Weiyang's panting voice sounded on the other end of the mobile phone, "Huo tingxiao, I'm busy now. I'll call you later, darling, MEDA ~"

Huo tingxiao: "well, will you come back for dinner in the evening? Xiao Bao said, "I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time."

A treasure: I don't carry this pot!

Yun Weiyang scratched his head, "I'll try my best to come back."

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Huo tingxiao: "well, Xiaobao and I are waiting for you."

When yunweiyang hears the speech, he suddenly has a thought in his mind. Huo tingxiao can't be unaware that the news about her and Si Zhe is so big

Cloud Wei Yang light cough, "that, you have nothing else to ask me?"

Huo tingxiao: "No."

Yun Weiyang's face is full of loss, so you really don't worry about your girl ticket climbing the wall and wearing a green hat for you?! Where on earth does this product come from!

Yun Weiyang: "you should have known about Qingshan group and Sze Cheng. You are not afraid of me. Really What do you have to do with that guy? "

Help me up, and I can blot myself black again!

I feel like I lost the dignity of the old driver.

Huo tingxiao: "I believe your vision."

Yun Weiyang is stunned, and immediately understands what Huo tingxiao means. He means that Yun Weiyang's vision will not be so bad, and he will take a fancy to a man like Si zhe

Do you have to work so hard to say a love story!

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