Outside the study.

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The old Eagle stood in front of the gate, slightly hanging his head, "Miss Yun, the master is inside, please come in."

Yun Weiyang's face was expressionless: "you said it, let me in."

The eagle nodded, "yes, Miss Yun."

Yunweiyang light "Oh" a, and then suddenly raised his foot, and then, only to hear a "bang" sound, the door of the study was kicked open by her.

Old eagle is also a person who has seen a big scene, but at this moment, he is a little confused. However, he is still a man of deep morality, and he is still steady when he sees it. He doesn't say a word.

Next second, yunweiyang steps on the door which is kicked open, step by step towards the study.

In the study, a man in black formal dress sat quietly on the sofa. His face was calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

Yunweiyang went to the man, and then sat down in front of the man, "general manager, long time no see."

This man is the boss of Qingshan group - Shizhe!

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With a light smile, he immediately waved his hand to yinglao. Yinglao left immediately. In the big villa, yunweiyang and Sishui were the only two people left.

Si zhe twisted his neck and looked at Xiang yunweiyang with a smile. "Miss Yun's skill is really good. If it wasn't for yinglao just now, I'm afraid that even Tang Wuyong is not your opponent. I really underestimate you."

It's said that there are three caves of cunning rabbits. He almost lost his life before, so he knew this very well. Therefore, his residence has always been uncertain. Here, like an iron hoop, I dare not say it's solid, but it's absolutely unbreakable. No one except his people will know about it.

But yunweiyang is in without any mistakes, directly came over, this woman behind, must have rely on.

This time, it seems that he really lost sight.

However, since Yun Weiyang has come, don't leave. He has failed once, but he will never fail again!

Yun Weiyang quietly glanced at Si Zhe, and the cold light suddenly appeared at the bottom of her eyes. She gave a low smile, "I underestimate you, too. No, maybe I should call you Mr. Cang, right

Si Zhe's face suddenly cooled down, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face. His identity has been hidden very well. Besides, his appearance has changed a lot. Even Zong Shaoqing didn't recognize him

How can it be!

This woman It's too terrible to let her leave here alive!

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Such a large study, as if instantly frozen into ice, icy.

Si Zhe's gloomy eyes fell on Yun Weiyang. He was full of sinister color and said, "who are you?"

Yun Weiyang sneered, "this question, Mr. Cang has already asked? I'm just curious about where I've provoked Mr. Cang and how he can deal with me. "

He sneered, "everyone is innocent. You didn't offend me, and I didn't want to kill you. I just want you to be used by me. But now, it seems that it's unnecessary. If you know too much, you will lose the chance to speak. How can you make this mistake if you are so smart?"

Yun Weiyang eyebrows slightly pick, "wrong? Whether it is success or not, it is not your metaphysical has the final say, I dare to come today, I have prepared for the situation, otherwise, you really think I am a good provocate, you can move anything?

Now she's very upset and wants to fight. She just takes the knife.

Si Zhe's eyes were like ice blades, and his face was sinister and ferocious, staring at Yun Weiyang, "I don't want to disturb your interest in boasting, but since it's here, I'll stay here forever."

Yun Weiyang: "before starting, can I ask you a question?"

He sneered, "I won't tell you the answer to the question you want to ask. After you die, go underground and think about it by yourself! Tiangang, what are you waiting for? Kill this woman for me

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This woman knows so much that he doesn't dare to say a word to her. Now he just wants Yun Weiyang to die. No matter what influence or who is behind her, he must die today.

Otherwise, his secret would not be hidden.

After walking through the gate of hell, he was already a dead man. When he came back from hell, he had no sense of benevolence and weakness in his heart. All the people who hindered his plan had to die!

As the voice fell, a pretty figure suddenly came out from behind the black bookshelf. This man had long black hair, which covered most of his face. He could only vaguely see half of his pale face without any blood color. He walked quietly, like a ghost, like a flash of lightning, and quickly appeared in front of yunweiyang.

"Tiangang..." Yun Weiyang stared at the ghostly figure for a moment and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to escape from the south. However, there's a way to heaven, you don't go, and there's no way to hell. Today Take it as if I return a favor to the seventh master and eradicate you traitor for himOn Tiangang's pale and bloodless face, a look of horror suddenly appeared. His pupils suddenly shrank, like a cat stepped on its tail, staring at Yun Weiyang darkly, "seventh master Are you from the seventh master? impossible! There is only one woman beside the seventh master You are not Youlan

Of course, she is not Youlan, but he is wrong. There is more than one woman around him.

Yun Weiyang smiles coldly and looks numb. His glazed eyes seem to contain infinite murders. But his tone is gentle: "who told you that there is only one woman around him?"

Tian Gang was stunned. His eyes were fixed on Yun Weiyang, as if he suddenly remembered something. His eyes suddenly widened, and his face looked like a ghost. "Are you Moyun! How is that possible? How can Muyun be a woman! No way


The only member of the seventh master who joined later was awarded by the seventh master. He shared the same surname with the seventh master, ate and lived with him. At that time, many people in the organization speculated that the seventh master was a good man, and he was a crook

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Unexpectedly, Muyun is a woman!

How could that be!

Not only Tiangang's face changed greatly, but also his face changed. If someone else didn't know or was not afraid, after all, he had already died once.

But seventh master

The uncrowned king of the underground world, even if the hell Luocha saw, also want to fear a bit!

No wonder Yun Weiyang knows his identity. No wonder Yun Weiyang has excellent skills. Even Tang Wuyong is not her rival

Damn it!

Why didn't he find out the identity of Yun Weiyang as soon as possible!

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