"Really? That's really good. Tingxiao, your daughter-in-law is here. I promise to take good care of her and Xiaobao! " The haze on he man's face was swept away, and he took Yun Weiyang's hand excitedly.

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To tell you the truth, she really likes her daughter-in-law very much. Her face is dark and her eyes look at Yun Weiyang, which means that it's up to her to decide. She has a strong sense of protecting her wife

Yun Weiyang coughed softly, "Xiao Bao and I are here with my aunt, Huo tingxiao. Go to work."

Huo tingxiao nodded, "well, call me if you have something."

He manyun glared at him unhappily, "what's your attitude? Can I abuse your daughter-in-law or what? You go, I'm tired of looking at you. "

Huo tingxiao

Is this biological or not?

Rounding is equal to charging the phone fee.

Huo tingxiao explained a few words, then took Qin ye to leave the hospital.

He manyun stares at Yun Weiyang with a smile, "ha ha, Weiyang, come on, mom tells you, our family Xiao is actually..."


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Are you serious?

I just had an open relationship with Huo tingxiao. Did you delay the progress bar a little too fast?

I don't know how long later, a man in a black suit came in. Yunweiyang knew that this man was Huo Jiye's personal guard, Lin Wei.

"Madam, Mr. Xiao is here. He said he would like to see you alone." Lin Wei said without expression.

He man cloud head also didn't lift, "my daughter-in-law is not an outsider, have what good avoid of, let him come in."

Lin Wei didn't ask much. He went out and invited Xiaoshan in.

Yunweiyang didn't expect that he manyun didn't avoid her at all. He treated her as his daughter-in-law.

At this time, a man in black dress came in. This man is Xiao Shan, the leader of Xiao's international.

It's the first time that Yun Weiyang meets Xiao Shan himself. A man's face is dignified, and his whole body exudes a kind of aura that strangers are not allowed to enter. At first glance, it's the inner aura formed by long-term high position, which is not what ordinary people can learn.

As soon as Xiao Shan comes in, he glances at Yun Weiyang, who is sitting beside he manyun. At the bottom of his eyes, there is a look of evil. If this woman didn't appear, how could Xiao Yue become like this? Now he is not only seriously injured, but also married to Xiao's family

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Blame this damned bitch!

The cold light at the bottom of Xiao Shan's eyes flashed away. He immediately sat down on the sofa and said, "I heard that Lao Huo is not well. I came here to have a look. Is Lao Huo OK?"

He manyun glanced at Xiaoshan and said, "it's nothing serious. It's really hard for you. I've come here specially."

Xiaoshan chuckled, "I have been making friends with Lao Huo for so many years. The Huo family and Xiao family are old friends. This is a small matter. It's just that yue'er is hurt and inconvenient to come. I'll give her my regards. She is also very concerned about Lao Huo's health."

Xiao Shan's words are clearly for Yun Weiyang.

Yun Weiyang sits on one side, but his face doesn't change at all. For her, she doesn't care whether it's the Huo family or the Xiao family. The only person she cares about is Huo tingxiao.

She said that she didn't like the world, she only liked Huo tingxiao.

"Ha ha, Lao Xiao really has a heart. When our old man wakes up, I will certainly convey the words of you and Yue girl." He manyun said with a smile.

Xiao Shan nodded, "I came here this time. I wanted to discuss with you and Lao Huo about yue'er and tingxiao, but it's inconvenient for me to speak when someone else is present. When Lao Huo wakes up, I'll come back to talk with yue'er, you see..."

He manyun smell speech, take a leisurely look at Xiaoshan, mouth, "old Xiao ah, I and old Huo actually quite like girl Yue, I have always regarded girl Yue as my own daughter, now tingxiao also has a girlfriend, if you and girl Yue don't mind, we will recognize her as a dry daughter, what do you think?"

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Xiao Shan's face suddenly became cold. He tried his best to let Xiao Yue marry into the Huo family. Now, he only got this result?

Xiaoshan is also a man who has seen big waves and strong winds. He soon regained his composure. He said with a smile, "ha ha, I'm here today just to see Lao Huo. It's not too late for me to talk about other things when Lao Huo wakes up. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

He manyun's expression of regret, "so soon? Why don't you stay for a potluck? "

Xiaoshan politely said a few words and left with a gloomy face.

"Weiyang, see? Tingxiao is still very popular. You have to keep it under control. Don't be abducted by those wild flowers one day!" He manyun said solemnly.

"It's not true

Also It's beyond my imagination.

Yun Weiyang touched his forehead awkwardly, "ha ha, auntie, tingxiao, he's not that kind of person..."

He manyun said immediately, "hum! Men don't have a good thing. You have to be careful. I'll tell Qin Ye later that I've removed all the female subordinates around him! "Yun Weiyang's forehead was blue and blue, and he suddenly had a wry smile. He said that between them, they should be more careful not to climb the wall. It seems that it's her. Hello.

Well, just be happy ~

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Yun Weiyang has been staying in the hospital with he manyun. Anruoxi's phone calls come in all the time, and she didn't want to answer them. After all, anruoxi's phone calls are not good at this time, but she is really harassed by the phone, so she has to answer them outside.

As soon as the phone was connected, an Ruoxi's angry voice came from the other end of the mobile phone, "shihuhu, you spicy chicken! I've made hundreds of phone calls. You're only answering now! Was it excessive last night, you said

I love your sister!

What kind of person am I!

Yun Weiyang speechless pinched the eyebrow, "what dregs are in your mind? Huo tingxiao's father had a heart attack last night. I'm here with him... "

Before she finished her words, anruoxi glared into the dog's eyes on the other end of her mobile phone! Shihuhu, you're too fast, right? You just open your relationship and see your parents? Is it time to talk about marriage next? "

Yunweiyang suddenly full of black line, this goods really grasp the point, she just wanted to express is not Huo Jiye seriously ill what?!

The brain circuit of this product is quite strange.

Yunweiyang a face speechless, "you think much, OK, I'm still busy, first don't tell you."

In addition, she was really afraid that she could not control her own power and cut this wonderful flower to death.

Anruoxi immediately said, "yes, you should do well now. Hehe, would you like to come to my fourth brother's party that night? I'll wait for you

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