After determining the target, Yun Weiyang takes aim at the opportunity and directly attacks the man in black.

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The man in black didn't notice the abnormality. He was still fighting with Hanchen. Bullets flew by. In a hail of bullets, Yun Weiyang bypassed the black car and broke the man in black's neck like a ghost out of thin air.

The man in Black opened his eyes and swallowed his last breath in disbelief.

Yun Weiyang immediately takes the gun from him and clears away all the ammunition on him. Although it's not much, with her shooting technique, these bullets are enough.

After taking the gun from the man in black, Yun Weiyang immediately turns back and gets into the black Bentley car. Then she starts the car. She holds the steering wheel with both hands and breathes very quickly.

A few seconds later, she stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly drove out like an arrow from the string, smashed the car stopped in front of her and rushed out quickly.

She this action comes too suddenly, cold Chen and the other side's person horse are all one Leng, then both sides almost gave up fighting at the same time, immediately chased up.

Inside Bentley.

Although the sound insulation effect of the car is excellent, Xiao Bao is still awakened. He gets up from the back seat and stares at Yun Weiyang with a worried face.

Yun Weiyang drives the car with one hand and rubs his head. "Xiao Bao, you'll be fine. Ma Ma will protect you. Don't be afraid, OK?"

Xiao Bao's face was full of fear. Under the comfort of Yun Weiyang, he was miraculously calm.

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"Xiaobao is not afraid of Xiaobao is not afraid of... " Xiaobao said firmly.

Yunweiyang's face showed a happy smile, but as soon as the smile rose, he suddenly broke into more than a dozen black cars. The smile on yunweiyang's face instantly faded, and replaced by a chilling murderous atmosphere.

"There's an abandoned building in front of you. Ma Ma will block the entrance and exit. Xiao Bao, you can go out the back door as far as you can How are you Yun Weiyang's forehead was cold and sweaty, because it was caught in blood, so her cheek was dirty at the moment.

Xiaobao seems to understand something. His head shakes like a rattle, and his voice is crying, "no, Xiaobao won't go, Xiaobao won't go Xiao Bao wants to protect Ma Ma... "

Yun Weiyang's heart suddenly trembled. He immediately took a few deep breaths and said in a soft voice, "Xiao Bao, you're good. Ma Ma will be fine. Be obedient. Don't look back after you go out."

Xiaobao shook his head crazily, "no, Ma Ma, don't abandon Xiaobao Xiaobao doesn't go... "

Yunweiyang clenches his fist. The car behind him is getting closer and closer. Yunweiyang clenches his teeth and blows the accelerator at his feet. The car instantly breaks through the iron gate in front of him. The whole front bumper of Bentley has been knocked to pieces and the headlights have fallen out.

The next second, Yun Weiyang suddenly hit the steering wheel, the car was elegant, and then perfectly crossed the gate.

Yun Weiyang stretched out his hand and held Xiaobao's neck with his bloody fingers. "Xiaobao is obedient. Ma Ma will be fine. Wait for Ma Ma to come back, OK?"

Xiao Bao's face is full of tears and shakes her head crazily. Yun Weiyang's heart seems to be pulled by others, but she has no time now

Yun Weiyang droops his head and kisses Xiaobao on his forehead. "Xiaobao is good Don't look back. Will you call for help for mama? "

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No matter how smart and witty Xiaobao is, he is still a child. At the moment, he can't hear Yun Weiyang's words. Yun Weiyang grits his teeth and pushes him out of the car window.

"Xiaobao Ma Ma loves you... "

On yunweiyang's face, there was a gentle smile. If she was doomed to die tonight, at least she saved Xiaobao. Even if she died, it was worth it.

In a piece of waste soil, Xiaobao got up from the ground crying. His small palm was skinned and bleeding, but he didn't care. In his sight, there was only yunweiyang's thin back.


He's going to call for help for mama

Yes, he wants to save Ma Ma He is Ma Ma's little Baolong He has to save Ma Ma

"Bang!" There was a loud noise on the ground -

with a gunshot, the thick wall fell apart, and the bricks and stones rolled down. All the black cars were wrapped up. The only entrance was completely blocked by these bricks and stones.

Yun Weiyang stood alone outside the brick wall, holding the black pistol in his hand. His face was expressionless. Like a weathered sculpture, he had a powerful aura of dominating the world.

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She alone, isolated from life and death, even if she can't go out tonight, she has no regret.

More than a dozen black cars approached, but her face did not change at all. On the contrary, she had a kind of calm and uninhibited spirit of fearing death.

The next second, she took out her mobile phone. The signal in this place was extremely poor, but she still opened wechat, turned out Huo tingxiao's wechat, pressed a bloody finger on the central bar, and then said in a dumb voice: "Huo tingxiao, I love you I'm just sorry, I'm afraid it's too late to marry you Don't be sad, and don't get upset with yourself But don't forget me, I'm very mean You are not allowed to carry me behind my back and like others... "She has never been magnanimous, therefore, identified Huo tingxiao, is a lifetime.

But life is so long

She's afraid she won't have time

Release the finger, she laughed, the mobile phone natural and unrestrained throw back, fingertips pull the trigger, the body quickly moving, in the night, the thin figure, appears particularly bleak and lonely.

At the same time, more than a dozen black armored vehicles, crazy speed on the road.

In the car.

Huo tingxiao's face is very gloomy. Qin Ye constantly urges the driver to speed up. In such a large space, it's like a layer of ice, which is suffocating.

"Boss, don't worry, sister-in-law and Xiaobao will be ok..." Qin night full of cold sweat, comfort way.

When he received the news, he was completely crazy. He didn't expect that the Xiao family should be so bold as to send someone to rob and kill his sister-in-law and Xiaobao!

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Damn it!

Huo tingxiao was cold and murderous, his dark eyes were dark, and his body was full of cold.

It's all his fault!

If it wasn't for his carelessness, how could yunweiyang and Xiaobao be forced to that point!

If he had not disclosed his relationship with yunweiyang, yunweiyang would have been fine.

All this is his fault!

If yunweiyang and Xiaobao have a mistake, he really doesn't know what kind of reaction he will make. Even Xiao family and Xiao Shan, he will never be soft hearted.

No matter what happens tonight, he will bury the whole Xiao family with him!

Huo tingxiao's face was frosty. He was like a bloodthirsty Shura, and his voice was freezing. "Inform Guan Ling, cut off all the capital chains of the Xiao family, before dawn I want Xiao family Remove from the imperial capital

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