Huo HaoChen thought that he had heard wrong. From small to large, Huo tingxiao was an example for him to learn, because this man is a god like existence. He had fantasized countless times and wanted to surpass this man.

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However, after all, it is out of reach.

Every time he reached a height, Huo tingxiao had already thrown him farther and farther away and climbed to another peak.

Such a man, will not say sorry.

However, he did not expect to hear these three words from Huo tingxiao in such a way.

Huo HaoChen completely rigid in place, air stagnation, the whole space is full of a suffocating oppression.

After a long time, Huo HaoChen just step by step to the bed, almost squeeze out a sentence from the teeth: "you call me, what do you want me to do?"

Huo tingxiao face a dead silence, "arrange the company's affairs, other things, I will deal with."

Huo HaoChen a Leng, immediately understand Huo tingxiao's meaning, cloud Weiyang is n · s person, even if she is in a coma now, but this matter can't open, otherwise, all her previous efforts are in vain.

However, paper can't hold fire in the end.

He can't keep it from her

Huo HaoChen's face is pale, "the company has a project at present. We need to send someone to go abroad for half a year. I can cover it up for her for half a year..."

But half a year later?

If Yun Weiyang can't wake up any more

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Huo tingxiao: "good."

Huo HaoChen lips Xi moved a few times, finally a word didn't say, just rigid stand there, fixed looking at the bed coma person.

Night, coming soon.

Imperial capital, an old house in the suburb.

In the dim hall, Mu Shen lies on a dark sofa with his black shirt collar open, revealing a beautiful row of clavicles.

Under such a dim light, the reflection reflects the man's white skin with clear meridians. Like white paper, you can clearly see the blood red tubular lines under the skin.

On the ground, there are a lot of wine bottles and cigarette butts. The whole hall is filled with a strong pungent smell of tobacco and alcohol.

At this time, a man with gold glasses came in. This man is song Shian.

"Boss, it has been found out that the people who cut off the goods this time are from the Jing family and the three elders of the Jing family, Jing Liang." When song Shian opened his mouth, his murderous spirit flashed away under the white lens.

On the sofa, the man slowly opened his empty eyes, and his lips outlined a bloody smile, "kill."

Song Shi'an: "Miss Jingran's side..."

The man coldly glanced at him, "it's none of my business."

Song Shian nodded, as if thinking of something, said, "You Lan just called, her situation is still no change, do you want to go over?"

The man's face suddenly cooled down, and his dark eyes were dark. He said that if she dared to die, he would let the Huo family bury her.

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The man slightly hangs down the eye son, "roll."

Song Shian did not dare to say more and left the hall wisely.

A moment later, the man on the sofa raised his hand and inserted his slender fingers into his hair. However, the bottom of his eyes crossed an unprecedented panic.

How dare she die without his permission?

"Ding -"

in the empty hall, a mobile phone suddenly rings. The man coldly glances at the black mobile phone on the desk, and then reaches for it a moment later.

"That Boss, I have something to report to you... " You LAN shrinks on the sofa with a guilty expression.

"He said

You Lan light cough a, "is like this, I this also have a method, but a little adventure, but the thing arrived at this point, I think still can try..."

Dead horse is a living horse doctor. Anyway, it's like this. It can't be worse.

Of course, she didn't dare to say these words to Mu Shen, otherwise, she would die without a place to be buried.

Her boss is so fierce that he is afraid of ghosts.

Mu deep brow slightly Cu a few minutes, face if frost, voice cold ice, "continue."

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You LAN swallowed saliva, "that, if this time or not Can I apply to bury Ye Guinan under my coffin? If I attack like this, I'll kill him all my life. "

Mu Shen: "you talk nonsense a word, I castrate him first."

You Lan said immediately: "ah, don't, boss, I'm not kidding you. Ha ha, I'm going to cast a spell for Brother Yun Ah, Pooh! The needle! This is the secret of our family. I'll smash the big stone on my chest and promise you that Brother Yun will be ok Damn it! Hang up on me again! That's true

You LAN words haven't finished, Mu Shen has directly hung up her phone.

To tell you the truth, she would not have thought of using this method, but now 48 hours is almost gone, and the situation of yunweiyang is still not the slightest improvement.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid she won't wake up even after 48 hours.

You LAN took a deep breath, and then she got up and went to the ward. To tell the truth, after dealing with his boss, she had to discuss with another devil.

What's the matter!

It's really impossible to do this job, and the baby is suffering ~

outside the ward.

You LAN just walked outside, met a white coat, face haggard Ling Tian.

Ling Tian hasn't closed his eyes these two days. He has been busy all the time, and the whole person has been tossed. He just came out from inside and met Youlan.

Although Ling Tian has been worried about what happened before, the most important thing at the moment is the matter of Yun Weiyang. Therefore, he can tell the difference clearly. Seeing you LAN coming, he can't see any abnormality.

"Well, is your boss in it?" You LAN opens a mouth to ask a way.

Ling Tian glanced at her, "well."

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Youlan nodded, "I have something to do with him. What, are you free later?"

Ling Tian's back was stiff, and he immediately said, "no time."

You LAN mouth corner tiny smoke, this special several meanings, she all took the initiative to ask him, he unexpectedly said no time?

You're not single. You're blind!

You LAN white he one eye, "have no time to calculate, I went first."

Ling Tian

Can't you hold on a little longer?

Until you LAN went in, Ling Tian didn't come back, after a while, he just reflected, why did he just pretend to force?

Sure enough, if you force, you will be struck by thunder.

Ling Tian stood outside for a while, and then left depressed. To tell you the truth, Youlan asked him out of her mind just now. What do you want to say to him

In the meantime, in the ward.

After explaining the general situation to Huo tingxiao, Youlan went on to say Mr. Huo, this is the only way at present. Although I'm not sure, the situation will not be worse than now... "

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