There was a strange silence in the ward.

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Huo tingxiao stood in front of the bed, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. He was afraid that everything in front of him was just a dream. When the dream woke up, it would all come to nothing.

"Damn it! Brother Yun, you finally wake up. If you don't wake up, I will be killed by you, OK? " One side make complaints about Tucao.

Recently, she was either abused by her boss or by your man. What's more, ye Guinan always doubts whether she can climb the wall!

If Yun Weiyang doesn't wake up again, it's her who should hang up.

This is killing her!

"My God! My sister-in-law really wakes up. Am I wrong? Sister in law, you are awake at last Qin Ye is also full of excited incomparable mouth way.

Yunweiyang just woke up, but she didn't adapt to the situation. She just had a sleep. Why did they react so much to Mao?

"Huo..." She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but as soon as the voice came out, even she was startled.

Huo tingxiao's face suddenly changed, and he looked like a great enemy. "What's the matter? Is there something wrong? Lingtian

"Well, she just sleeps too long and doesn't recover for a while. Don't worry." You LAN says, but is to stretch out a hand to take up the wrist of cloud not center.

Everyone's eyes are on you LAN. After a moment, you LAN says, "she's out of danger now. She just needs to rest for a while, and there's no problem."

At that moment, Huo tingxiao felt that she came back to the world from hell. She really woke up, not a dream, not his illusion. She appeared in front of him so vividly.

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Breathing There's a heartbeat

She really woke up

The man's shoulder could not restrain the gentle shaking, who knows what he has experienced these two days!

"Well Don't do that I just had a little more sleep It's ok... " Yunweiyang's voice is hoarse.

Huo tingxiao a face nervous, "don't talk first, Qin ye, go to get some warm water to come over."

Qin Ye immediately ran to get warm water. After Huo tingxiao fed her some water, someone said, "well, I'm a little hungry Do you have anything to eat? "

Huo tingxiao: "Qin night, porridge."

Yunweiyang a pair of play to discuss the tone, "I want to eat meat, OK?"

Huo tingxiao: "you just wake up, wait for your body to recover before eating?"

"It's not true

Can I refuse?

It's enough for her not to eat meat even though she is so miserable.

However, the line of sight fell into the man's thin and haggard cheek, and his heart began to ache uncontrollably.

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How did Huo tingxiao survive when she was unconscious?

After a flurry, Ling Tian personally checks Yun Weiyang to make sure that she is out of danger. It doesn't matter. Huo tingxiao's heart is hanging, and finally returns to her body.

Everyone consciously stepped back and left time for the two of them. Originally, Xiaobao refused to go, but finally yunweiyang spoke. Xiaobao left reluctantly.

Yun Weiyang has been in a coma for such a long time. He just woke up, and his body was still a little stiff. He didn't look very well. His face was as pale as paper, and he lay quietly on the hospital bed.

Huo tingxiao sat motionless in front of the hospital bed and looked at Yun Weiyang for a moment. He was afraid that the person in front of him would disappear in the next second.

"Well Huo tingxiao, can you stop looking at me like this? " I'm so upset by you, OK!

Huo tingxiao: "I'm sorry."

Well, don't look at me like that. You'll apologize as soon as you turn around

Am I that terrible?

"No, that Don't you think I'm ok? So, don't be afraid, Huo tingxiao. I'm fine. " Yunweiyang soft voice appeases a way.

Huo tingxiao slowly raised his eyes, "Weiyang, I'm really scared. Thank you for waking up. Thank you for being alive."

Yun Weiyang's heart suddenly trembled, "it's OK, Huo tingxiao, everything is over."

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For Huo tingxiao, this matter will never pass.

Huo tingxiao looked at her, absolutely speechless, he could not say a word, he had never been so out of control, fortunately, she was still alive, she had woken up.

"Tingxiao, is my daughter-in-law really awake?"?! You can't lie to me He manyun rushed over in a hurry. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Yun Weiyang on the bed was really awake.

He manyun's eyes were red, and his tears fell down. "It's so good. Weiyang, you finally wake up. You don't even know. Tingxiao and Xiaobao have been watching you for the past two days as if they were stupid. They don't eat or drink It's good that you wake up. That's great! "

Yunweiyang smell speech, this just dissatisfied of swept Huo tingxiao one eye, you big don't eat don't drink even, Xiaobao is still so small, you in the end is not born!

Huo tingxiao has a headache and glances at he manyun. It's really his mother, which pot doesn't mention which pot.Yun Weiyang is also embarrassed, "ha ha, sorry, that Let aunt worry

He man cloud two eyes a stare, "still shout what aunt! Call mom! I said, tingxiao, you don't have snacks, and your daughter-in-law hasn't married back early. Are you going to wait for the Spring Festival

"It's not true

Huo tingxiao

To tell you the truth, I didn't know he manyun was such a pure and unadorned person before

"Well Is it too fast? " Yunweiyang is full of black lines. They have only been in public for a few days. That's ma. Isn't it too blind?

He manyun immediately shook his head, "still fast? The son and daughter-in-law of Lao Guan's family have children. How fast? Do you think so, daughter-in-law? "

Yun Weiyang is covered with goose bumps. Is your daughter-in-law barking a little too smoothly?

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Besides, she really has no plan to get married now

What's her answer?

Online and so on, very urgent!

Huo tingxiao pinched the eyebrow, "Mom, Weiyang just woke up, need to rest."

He manyun glared at Huo tingxiao discontentedly, and his face was full of sorrow, "if you want to be more competitive, how can I break your heart for you? Do you still dislike me? If you have the ability to marry your daughter-in-law back, you'd better do it first.

yunweiyang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard that. What else is this kind of operation?

This wave God assists me to be convinced

There is a kind of marriage that makes your mother think it's time for you to get married

He manyun is not easy to persuade to go, cloud Weiyang accompany Huo tingxiao said a few words, then fell asleep in the past, after confirming that cloud Weiyang's body is no problem, Huo tingxiao left the ward.

Outside the gate, Qin Ye's whole body is stuck on the gate like an octopus. The sound insulation effect of the gate is so good. Hey, he's lying here, but he doesn't hear anything.

As the gate opened, Qin Ye rolled down. He finally held on and said, "ha ha, boss, what a coincidence"

with a dry smile on his face

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