"Sir, you hurt me You let me go... " The girl's face was full of panic, struggling to get her wrist back.

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The man stares at the girl in front of him, but he doesn't mean to let go of the big palm. The bottom of his eyes is burning.

For a long time, he threw away the girl's wrist, and his voice was extremely hoarse and roared out, "go away!"

Damn it!

His body, it seems, is getting out of control.

If the girl doesn't go

The girl seemed to be frightened by his sudden anger, and she stood still. The man frowned. His dark eyes swept her, and her eyes were cold. She really wanted to die.

The next second, the man, like a wild animal out of control, pours the girl on the ground. In the air, there is a sound of wine bottle rolling and the heavy gasping of the man.

The man's hand groped on the girl's body rudely. When his finger touched the girl's body, the girl's body suddenly trembled, and then the sensitive crazy trembled.

"You What are you doing? You let me go Let go of me The girl's face turned pale, like a little white flower that was crushed in the wind and rain. She almost tried her best to roar.

It's noisy

It's really noisy


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He had given her a chance just now. What's the matter now?

Get her

This is the only command left in the man's mind. The next second, his thin lips are directly attached to it. At the moment when the lips touch, he feels a soft and waxy fragrance

In my mind, a shadow suddenly passed by

Damn it!

What the hell is he doing?

The man's back suddenly froze, and his body seemed to be trapped in the acupoints. The lust that had just risen suddenly disappeared.

Before he could make any response, a sharp pain came from the tip of his tongue, and his mouth was filled with a smell of blood. When he recovered, he found that the girl under him was staring at him in fear.

The man's eyes narrowed and his consciousness was clear. He turned over and leaned back against the sofa. He immediately reached out and pinched his eyebrows. He said in a hoarse voice: "who asked you to come?"

The girl's clothes have been torn to pieces. She protects her body with her hands and stares at the man warily. She can't offend the guests. She finds the job with difficulty. Her brother's illness still needs expensive medical expenses

She is just like a mole ant in the world of mortals. She doesn't even have the qualification and right to resist.

She just wanted to cure her brother and live with him.

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The girl pursed her lips and said, "Zhao Brother Zhao asked me to Here you are Deliver wine... "

Wine delivery?

The man glanced at the wine on the table. He misunderstood it. He thought it was from someone under his hand. Just now, taking advantage of the strength of the wine, he almost made a big mistake.

The man put out his hand impatiently, picked up the cigarette on the table, lit one, took a few big puffs, and then looked at the girl, "don't you go yet?"

The girl stood up from the ground in a panic. Her clothes were torn. If she went out like this, she would be misunderstood. But now there is only this man in the box

"First, sir..." The girl tried to open her mouth.

The man snuffed out the cigarette end in his hand and glanced at her impatiently. He didn't do anything to her. Didn't she want to deceive him?

"Can you May I borrow your coat I I'll wash it and return it to you.... "

The man then noticed that her clothes were broken. Even if nothing happened just now, I'm afraid it's not clear.

The man got up from the ground and walked over shaking. He picked up the suit coat on the sofa and threw it to the girl.

The girl clung to the suit jacket with a grateful look on her face, "thank you, sir, I My name is Qin Ge. I'm a temporary waiter in this bar. I won't take away your clothes. I'll give them back to you later Thank you... "

With that, the girl wrapped up her suit and ran out in a panic.

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It's clear that he caused all this, but she always thanks him. How afraid is she of him?

If what happened just now happened to that girl, he would not die now

But in this world, there will never be a second cloud.

What on earth is he thinking?

Did he refuse to give up after all?

The man leans on the sofa. Since he knows that Yun Weiyang is in a coma, he can't control his emotions, but what else can he do besides getting drunk here

He doesn't even have the qualification to be around her. Huo tingxiao's existence is enough to cover all his light.

As long as she's alive He then Let go

The man raised his hand, slender fingers deep into the hair, that pair of always arrogant eyes, was full of panic.Weiyang I want you to live well


Administrative office.

Brother Zhao is sitting on the sofa with a glass of sober red wine in his hand.

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"Dong Dong -"

there was a knock outside the gate. Brother Zhao didn't even lift his head, "come in."

Voice down, the door was opened from the outside, just called to deliver the wine of the girl carefully came in.

"Xiao Qin, have you sent in the wine?" Brother Zhao smiles at the girl and asks.

Qin song smell speech, ear root son inexplicably burn red, "well, sent in, Zhao elder brother."

Not only did the wine go in, but there was nothing abnormal there. When Qin Ge came out, he was still wearing his boss's suit

Brother Zhao nodded, put down the red wine in his hand, picked up a thick envelope and handed it to Qin Ge, "this is the salary paid to you in advance. We are all employees of the bar. As the saying goes, no one has any difficulty. If you need anything in the future, just come to me. If you have any difficulty, I will help you solve it."

Qinge smell speech, the tip of the nose suddenly a sour, just ten minutes, she seems to have experienced a life and death.

Just now, she thought that her life was completely over, but she didn't expect that she would die so soon.

She really needs money. Her brother's illness can't be delayed any longer, but the medical expenses are a huge sum of money for her. No matter what, she wants to make enough money to have a low operation as soon as possible.

In this world, her brother is the only one left. She must save him, no matter how much it costs.

Qin Ge took the heavy envelope and choked, "thank you, brother Zhao."

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