"What is it to do with you?"

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When Han Jingli heard the speech, her pupils contracted sharply and her heart fluctuated violently. After a long time, he said: "how do you know it has nothing to do with me, Huo tingxiao? Don't forget that in the past 15 years, she has only me in her life, and the people she likes are just me from beginning to end!"

The last 15 years

Yes, in that long 15 years, there was only Han Jingli in her world, but so what?

All that has become the past, and people will not live in the past all their lives. She has come out of the haze. The person she wants to live with is Huo tingxiao.

"I am her future."

In a word, direct second kill.

Han Jingli's eyes became scarlet bit by bit, and his face became more and more crazy. He was on the verge of losing control. He forced down his jealousy and said in a cold voice, "impossible! I will prove to you that no matter her past or her future, her life is just me from beginning to end! "

"Are you making me laugh?"

Han Jingli choked, "Huo tingxiao, don't deceive people too much!"

"Sorry, you don't have that qualification yet."

Han Jingli was so angry that he vomited blood. He snorted coldly, "let's ride the donkey to read the libretto. We'll see!"

"Whatever you want."

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Huo tingxiao said, then directly hang up the phone, and then delete the call records, face pale black staring at the hand of the mobile phone.

Yunweiyang's previous mobile phone has been scrapped. After she replaced it with a new one, she didn't use it very much. In order to prevent her from messing around, he confiscated her mobile phone at night.

Unexpectedly, I got a call from my rival this evening.

However, we Huo Lianyi will never be soft hearted when it comes to our love enemies.

I'm tired of robbing people from him.

In other words, the wild peach blossom Not too much

The next day

Yunweiyang didn't wake up until nearly 10 o'clock. Huo tingxiao held several video conferences early in the morning, arranged his work, and was already dealing with urgent official documents.

The light came from the window lattice behind him. The man was sitting in a state of anxiety, with a cold look. All his actions were like a beautiful and ancient picture.

A stranger is like a jade.

"Awake?" Seeing that Yun Weiyang got up, Huo tingxiao put down his official documents.

Yun Weiyang leaned on the head of the bed, with a lazy look on his face, "well, Huo tingxiao, has anyone told you that you don't say anything, just sitting there is enough provocative."

This man is just a walking spring medicine, OK ~

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Huo tingxiao eyebrows slightly pick, "No."

They dare not.

Cloud Wei Yang smashed next mouth, "they are blind, this all can't see?"

Huo tingxiao: "well, are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to prepare some porridge

Yunweiyang smell speech, small face down, pitifully staring at Huo tingxiao, "eat porridge again? Can I have some meat instead Recently, the mouth is fading out I'll just eat a little. I'll have the strength to recover when I'm full. Is that the truth? "

She doesn't care. Anyway, she must persuade Huo tingxiao today. If she can't, she will use bitter meat!

Huo tingxiao pinched his eyebrows, "Lingtian said, you can't touch meat for the time being."

She knew it!

Lingtian that pit goods!

Yun Weiyang curled his mouth, Wei qubaba's mouth, "Xiao Lingzi's recent hormone imbalance, how can you believe what he said?"

Huo tingxiao

Is there any connection between the two??

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"Huo tingxiao, I'm so sick that you don't let me eat meat. Don't you love me? Do you have a dog outside..." If someone keeps up his efforts, he must do it well.

Huo tingxiao helpless, "good, however, can eat a little."

Yun Weiyang, with a successful little expression, nodded like garlic, "mm-hmm, I'm not greedy, I just want to taste the meat ~"

she hasn't eaten meat for a few days, and she feels that the whole person is not good. My old swan, Confucius didn't know the meat in March that year, how did she survive? A saint is worthy of being a saint. She is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Huo tingxiao asked people to bring porridge, and made a plate of light fish alone. Maybe she hasn't eaten meat for several days. Yun Weiyang thinks that it's the best fish she's ever eaten in her life.

After eating and drinking, she remembered a very important thing, "Oh, by the way, where's Xiaobao? Why didn't you see anyone else? "

Huo tingxiao: "go to school."

Yun Weiyang: "Oh, yes, ha, how can I forget this, but he didn't go all the time before?"

Huo tingxiao glanced at her faintly, the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, big connivance, small rely on big support, but he is in front of big, the bottom line of principle is nothing but floating clouds, husband Gang is not vibration, husband Gang is not vibration!"Before you were in poor health, now you have almost recovered. You don't have to be here any more." Huo tingxiao's serious way.

Yun Weiyang takes a slight puff from the corner of his mouth, even eating his own son's vinegar Do you want to be old?

Yunweiyang rubbed the temple, "by the way, when can I leave the hospital? I've almost recovered from my injury. I don't want to stay here any longer

Huo tingxiao knows that she doesn't want to stay in the hospital, but for the sake of insurance, he won't let her fool around.

Huo tingxiao: "stay for a few days, and then leave the hospital when you have no problem with your injuries."

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Yun Weiyang turned his lips and said, "I have to live for a few more days It's the same thing to take care of yourself at home ~ "

Huo tingxiao:" good boy. "

Well, for the sake of Huo tingxiao, she'll stay a few more days. If she were alone, she would have gone out for a long time.

"By the way, I have one more thing to tell you." Huo tingxiao suddenly said.

Yunweiyang some absent-minded mouth, "what's the matter?"

Huo tingxiao hesitated for a moment. "Last night, he received news that Yunshan was dead. At present, the official ruled out the suspicion of homicide. He drowned."

Yun Weiyang's face suddenly froze when he heard the speech. His fingers on his side were a little tight. After a long time, he gave a bitter smile. "He committed many evils and died like this. It's a good death. When will the funeral be held

Huo tingxiao nodded, "three days later."

Yun Weiyang pursed his lips, "well, I know."

Huo tingxiao saw that her reaction was so calm, and he knew that she still couldn't let go of it. No matter what, Yunshan was her father. Even if Yunshan didn't treat her well, she didn't get along with her day and night for so many years.

"If you want to go, I'll arrange it for you." Huo tingxiao said.

Yunweiyang slightly lowered his eyes, and there was no wave on his face. After a long time, he said, "no, those things have passed for me, so why bother myself again."

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