"You're the only son I have. It's natural for me to inherit my father's career. Over the years, I've indulged you too much, which has led to such a mess. Now it's time to put an end to all this. Do you understand what I mean?" Lu Zhenlin spoke.

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He has only one son, Lu Xingshen. Sooner or later, Lu's group will give it to Lu Xingshen. Besides, many things are not right and wrong. The world is too complicated, and Lu Xingshen has been protected too well. He doesn't want his son to end up as a worthless embroidered pillow.

He doesn't want to waste any more time while he still has energy and everything is in time.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is the condition proposed by Huo tingxiao. Although he does not know why Huo tingxiao proposed this condition, as long as he can save the Lu Group, it is not a problem.

What's more, he had this idea for a long time. After all, he is no longer young. It is also his heart knot over the years to train Lu Xing to take over his class and pave the way for his future.

Anyway, Lu Xingshen is his son and the future successor of Lu's group. It is not necessarily a bad thing for him to leave the entertainment industry at this time.

Lu Xing's fists were tightly clenched, and his scarlet eyes were fixed on Lu Zhenlin. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "it's Huo tingxiao, right?"

Lu Zhenlin: "Xingshen, why are you still so stubborn? You are my son of Lu Zhenlin. Sooner or later, you will inherit the Lu family's property. Besides, if you want to become stronger and get what you want, what can you get out of here alone?"

Lu Xingshen's pupil suddenly shrinks, and the cold light suddenly appears at the bottom of his eyes. Lu Zhenlin's words are like a sharp blade in his heart. Lu Zhenlin is right. He wants to become stronger and get what he wants. In popular entertainment, he really can't.

Huo tingxiao has been in the top position, and if he wants to catch up with Huo tingxiao, he will have to pay more sacrifice and price.

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For him, as long as he can get to that position, no matter what the cost, he will be happy, otherwise, he will regret it all his life.

Lu Xingshen released his finger and stared at Lu Zhenlin with deep eyes. "Well, I promise you that I will go back to Lu's group, and I will further expand Lu's group. In the future, my Lu family will no longer need any support."

Lu Zhenlin felt a touch of relief when he heard the speech. Over the years, he has been indulgent in Lu Xing's life. But in his heart, he still cares about his son. After all, this is his only son and the future successor of the Lu family.

Lu Zhenlin nodded, "OK, good son, dad will wait for that day, when you really take over the Lu group from dad."

Lu Xing deep squinted eyes, across a cold awn, "good."

There will be such a day, he wants to go to the peak position, from Huo tingxiao's hands, grab back what originally belonged to him!

Imperial hospital.


Just after the routine examination, he was filled with a large bowl of medicine. Yun Weiyang lay on the bed with a look of lovelessness, feeling that he was a complete waste now.

Lying on the bed for a while, someone angrily sent several messages to Huo tingxiao, then picked up the tablet and watched the popular entertainment news conference live.

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Popular entertainment is involved this time. Now the government has announced a press conference, and hundreds of media we media have all rushed to it. All major platforms have also carried out full live broadcast. The number of online people on several major platforms has directly exploded, and the barrage has gone crazy. The live broadcast has been blocked directly, which once paralyzed the live broadcast on the platform.

With the passage of time and the progress of the press conference, in the face of the evidence and the truth, the original one-sided public opinion gradually reversed. Until all the evidence was listed, there was suddenly no one on the whole live platform.

But soon, the curtain of apologies and support went crazy again.

"Sorry, we owe brother Shen an apology!"

"I knew that brother Shen was not that kind of person. He was crazy about calling for brother Shen!"

"My God! This kind of broker is heartless. It's terrible

"I didn't expect to do this kind of thing for money. Ha ha, this kind of rubbish, get out of the entertainment circle!"

"Brother Shen, brother Shen, I love you for ten thousand years!"

"Tears of joy! It's wonderful to love beans. At this time, they don't fall into the trap. Their character is bursting out! "

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The number of online users on all major platforms has reached an unprecedented height. Lu Xingshen's popularity is also a direct bodyguard. The number of microblog fans has increased dramatically. In just half an hour, there are hundreds of thousands more fans, directly breaking the record of fan growth.

When Yun Weiyang looks at the flat panel, she is also relieved. After all, this is a successful solution. She is about to turn off the live broadcast. On the screen, Lu Xingshen suddenly stands up from his chair. The whole live broadcast scene is suddenly dead, and countless cameras are aimed at Lu Xingshen.

Under the camera, Lu Xingshen, dressed in black, stands there with a calm face. He bows deeply to the camera first. Everyone is guessing what he wants to say next.Lu Xingshen: "first of all, thank you for your love and care for me. This time, I didn't handle it well, which caused great trouble to the company and everyone. I'm here to publicly apologize to the company and your fans."

Voice dropped, the scene directly exploded, countless reporters and fans have yelled.

"Brother Shen is right! Brother Shen is right! Sorry, brother Shen

"Honey, we love you!"

"I'm sorry, my husband!"

"We are blind, husband, it's not your fault!"

"Yes, it's us to apologize, honey, we're wrong!"

Yun Weiyang is also speechless when he looks at the barrage full of screens. Ah, in this age of evil looking at faces, you look good and everything you say is reasonable.

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On the stage, Lu Xingshen continued: "secondly, I'm here to announce one thing. Because of my personal reasons, I will quit the entertainment industry forever from now on. Thank you again for your care, thank you all."

As soon as Lu Xing's deep words were finished, the whole scene fell into a strange silence.

Everyone's face is unbelievable, staring at Lu Xingshen, how possible!

How can Lu hang Shen quit the entertainment industry!

Is it because of this framing incident that he was frustrated with the entertainment industry, so he chose to quit!

"Why! Why does my husband want to withdraw from the circle? "

"Husband, we are wrong. We will always support you. Don't back out of the circle!"

"Did I have an auditory hallucination?"

"My husband will not retreat, we will follow him to the death!"

"My mother, I cry at once. Why should I withdraw from the circle?"

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