Imperial capital, a villa area.

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A black Mercedes Benz S-class car slowly drove into a villa and stopped in front of the villa hall. After the car stopped, the driver got off and opened the rear door.

Inside the car, a girl in a wrinkled casual dress got off with a paper bag in her hand.

"Miss Qin, Mr. Huo has been waiting inside. Please come in."

Qin Ge thanks a little nervously, and the driver drives away soon. Qin Ge takes a few deep breaths. Then, holding the paper bag, she timidly walks towards the hall.

As soon as Qin Ge came to the gate, she smelled a strong smell of wine. Her brow slightly frowned. In her sight, she broke into a familiar figure.

Huo HaoChen full of wine, slender body fell on the sofa, an arm on the stall, fingers still holding a can of beer.

On the ground, cigarette butts and a considerable number of empty wine bottles were scattered everywhere. During this period, he came here like this, almost having a hangover all night.

How could he survive a long cold night without alcohol?

Qin GE's pupils shrink slightly, and then she goes to the sofa with the paper bag in her arms. She carefully puts the paper bag in her hand on the tea table, and then frees her hand to clean up the wine bottles and cigarette butts on the floor.

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On the sofa, Huo HaoChen doesn't have any reaction, until Qin Ge wants to transfer the tavern in his hand, Huo HaoChen suddenly opens his eyes, and his dark eyes are quietly watching Qin Ge.

Qin Ge suddenly explained with a guilty face, "Mr. Huo, I I just want to... "

Not as good as her speech, Huo HaoChen stretched out his hand and fished out her whole body on the sofa, then pressed it down.

Qin GE's face suddenly turned red. She stared at Huo HaoChen in horror. She reached out to push Huo HaoChen away. "Mr. Huo, you've drunk too much Mr. Huo, let me go... "

Huo HaoChen's face was covered with a cold smile. He immediately stretched out his hand without pity and tore her clothes.

"Hua La --" with the sound of cloth tearing, Qin GE's body was exposed to the air. She was stunned and tried to cover her body by grabbing clothes with her hands.

"Oh..." Suddenly a sneer came from the man on his head, "isn't that what you want? I said, I'll help you. Which one do you want to play? Hard to get? "

"I'm not, I'm not I just

Huo HaoChen doesn't seem to want to listen to her nonsense any more. As soon as he lowers his head, he seals her lips.

For a moment, something seemed to disappear from her heart.

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The whole body's blood seems to coagulate down, and even the bones are painful

This torture did not know how long it lasted, Huo HaoChen just let her go, she carefully from the sofa down, the body is still left with the traces after being tossed.

Why is this

She just appreciated that he had helped her, and she did like him, but she never thought of anything else. She just wanted to see him more

How could that be?

Qin song's face is dead and still. In her dark eyes, it is empty and desolate, as if there is no vitality.

What should she do now?

Qin Ge is like an extremely ordinary one. She stood there for a long time, then slowly picked up the torn clothes. She sorted them out, and the clothes on the outside could barely be worn. As long as the action was not obvious, others could not see anything.

She slowly put on the clothes, foot is like pouring lead in general, forced to endure the discomfort of the body, step by step out.

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When he wakes up from a hangover, Huo HaoChen only feels that he has a splitting headache. In the air, there is a strange smell left. He sits up from the sofa, and then he realizes that there is no inch on his body.

In a flash, the memory of last night swept like a tsunami. His face became gloomy. His eyes swept through the hall, but he didn't find anything wrong. Finally, his eyes fell on the paper bag on the black tea table.

That bag, it seems that the woman brought it.

Huo HaoChen rubs his swollen temple and goes to the bathroom to take a bath. He comes out with a bath towel wrapped on his body. The mobile phone on the desk rings a few times. It's a call from the company. He gives a brief explanation and then hangs up.

After changing his clothes, he glanced at the paper bag on the table and carried it over. He opened it and put a metal insulation bucket in it, which contained half a bucket of chicken soup.

Chicken soup has been completely cold, he looked at the half bucket of chicken soup, frozen in place.

That woman calls him every day just to Give him chicken soup?

Huo HaoChen brow tight Cu, after a long time, he seems to just return to God, hesitated a few seconds, he carried the paper bag to walk out.

When he came out of the villa, he wanted to go directly to N.S., but somehow he changed his way to the bar.

The bar is closed during the day. When he got to the door of the bar, he felt that his behavior was too ridiculous. However, as he was about to leave, he saw a familiar figure at the door of the bar, who was struggling to carry a carton full of goods. The carton was so big that it seemed to crush her at any time.Aren't these heavy jobs and bars all done by people?

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Huo HaoChen brow tight Cu, the next second, then stretched out his hand to open the door, carrying the paper bag on the copilot, got off the car.

"Huo Mr. Huo, why are you here? " A frightening voice suddenly rang out.

Not far away, Qin Ge looks at the source of the sound almost reflexively. Her face turns white and her forehead falls down in a cold sweat. She instinctively wants to escape, but her feet are like roots, and she can only stand there rigidly.

Huo HaoChen carries the paper bag and walks to Qin Ge step by step. Qin Ge feels that every pore of her body expands, and the blood on her face fades away instantly.

Huo HaoChen not pleased of pursed lips, she so don't want to see him?

"You come in with me." Huo HaoChen opens his mouth, his voice is slightly cold.

Qin GE's back was stiff, and instinctively blurted out, "I won't go!"

Huo HaoChen's face brush of a cold come down, the vision is like poisonous snake general winding but up, sneer: "this is an order, don't come in to roll!"

Qin GE's eyes are wide open. It's hard for her to get the job. Her younger brother still needs help money

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