Anruoxi's pupils contracted sharply, her fingers holding her mobile phone were stiff, and her eyes were desolate. She raised her hand and buried her cheek deeply in her palm. Her face was dead.

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After a long time, she drooped her fingers, and her voice was hoarse: "I don't know, I don't know what kind of decision I would have made at the beginning. That person is my dream from childhood to adulthood and an example I always want to work hard for. For me, I want to be an excellent person like her

However, this life should be impossible, in fact, I do not exclude her, seriously, if there is no Lin qianchu, I really do not know what kind of decision will be made, but now it is so far, do you think we can go back to the past? "

I can't go back for a long time.

Some things, once step out that step, will never come back.

In the past three years, she has not asked herself this question. What would have happened to her and Wei Lan without Lin qianchu.

She is an Ruoxi and never afraid of others. Even if she wants to oppose settling down, she will never step back.

But what if those sharp arrows came from that man? How can she stop it?

Wei Lan


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An Ruoxi's lips drew a light radian. She shook her head to get rid of that woman completely. She thought she had forgotten that woman for a long time. However, after three years, she just saw her again, so she couldn't calm down.

"Xiaojiu, don't you think you are in a slightly abnormal state? Even if you had Ouyang Qing at the beginning, you have never been like this. You won't really bend, will you Yun Weiyang opens his mouth.

To tell the truth, she never knew that anruoxi would like Ouyang Qing. Anruoxi grew up surrounded by beauties and had seen countless beauties. But she only fell in love with Ouyang Qing at first sight. She used to think that it was just unexplained fate. After all, love is not something that can be explained by reason.

However, since she met Wei Lan, she understood the reason. Ouyang Qing's eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Wei Lan's. although one is feminine and the other is masculine, she can't deny that an Ruoxi found Wei Lan's shadow in Ouyang Qing.

Maybe anruoxi didn't notice at the beginning, but this subconscious choice is the most real choice.

On the other end of the mobile phone, an Ruoxi suddenly blew up, "I didn't! Shihuhu, if you talk nonsense again, I'll pull you black! "

Cloud Wei Yang mouth slightly smoke, "good good good, you as I didn't say, I don't want to say, but I want to remind you, who, Miss Wei seems to be getting married, you make it?"

A bang is like a thunder on the ground.

Anruoxi's pupils contracted sharply, and she looked like she was struck by thunder. She stayed for several seconds, and then she came back to herself. She suddenly gave a low smile. Her smile spread from her eyes. She was clearly laughing, but she heard a burst of desolation in her heart.

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She raised her hand, put her long fingers in the hair, and said calmly, "good. Congratulations."

Yunweiyang smacks his lips. I'll see you play. Well, hold on, you can win!

Yun Weiyang: "Xiaojiu, are you sure you want to congratulate her? You know, once she's married, she's really someone else's dog. You Are you willing? "

An Ruoxi's face suddenly froze and her heart sank to the bottom. She held her cell phone tightly and said in a dumb voice, "how can I not give up? I have nothing to do with her. What can I give up? OK, I'm going to the company. Hang up first. "

After hanging up the phone, anruoxi sat in bed for a long time, her eyes were deserted and empty, without a trace of expression. After a long time, she picked up her mobile phone again, opened the browser, entered Wei Lan's name, and her fingertips fell on the screen, but she never pressed the search key.

A moment later, anruoxi threw her cell phone aside and got up from the bed to wash.

Imperial capital, headquarters building of Hans group.

President's office.

There was a confrontation between the two.

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Han Jingli glanced at Han Heng and said with a cold smile, "big brother, re elect the CEO. What do you mean?"

Han Heng held his cane in both hands. His face was calm and his voice was gentle. "According to the rules of the company, I also act according to the articles of association. The election of the new CEO is also for the future development of the company. Does the second younger brother think that there is something wrong with it?"

Han Jingli's eyes narrowed dangerously, and the cold light suddenly appeared at the bottom of his eyes. When Han Heng moved back to his old house, he thought it was wrong. He always sent people to pay attention to Han Heng's trend secretly. He thought that Han Heng would never turn over again, but unexpectedly, he got 34% of the shares of the company unconsciously, and some shareholders of the company also expressed their support for him, so that he had today's CEO .

Obviously, Han Heng wants to compete with him for the Han group.

Seven years ago, he tried his best to block the way of Prince Han Heng. Seven years later, Han's group was in his hands. Why did Han Heng fight with him?

Han Jingli stares at Han Heng with burning eyes, and his face is extremely gloomy. "Dad is not in good health, and the current situation is not clear. What will the outside world think about electing the CEO at this time? The company's share price has shown signs of fluctuation. Don't you know what the consequences will be if the company's top management is in turmoil at this time? "Han Heng raised his eyes and chuckled, "so, is the second younger brother threatening me with the company?"

Han Jingli's eyes were slightly deep, and the waves at the bottom of his eyes were surging. He said, "I'm not threatening you with the company, I'm telling you the truth."

Han Heng's face suddenly sank down, his eyes were covered with haze, and his voice was cold: "the truth? Do you dare to tell the truth seven years ago? How does the president of Hans group destroy his elder brother step by step with despicable means? Do you dare to tell these facts? "

Han Jingli smell speech, the face of the color of evil imprisoned in the face, eyes firmly locked in Han Heng, heart seems to have experienced a tsunami.

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How can it be!

How can Han Heng know what he looked like seven years ago!

At that time, he confirmed that there was no flaw left. Han Heng has been honest for so many years. How can he find out the truth? Or, over the years, Han Heng has been just playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger to lower his vigilance?

Han Jingli stares at Han Heng for a moment and says coldly, "I don't know what you're talking about. What happened seven years ago has nothing to do with me."


Nothing to do with it?

What a person that has nothing to do with him!

Han Heng sneered, "seven years ago, if you hadn't seduced her, if you hadn't sent someone to set the fire, I wouldn't have been reduced to that level. My good second brother, what you got by all means, do you think that no one will ever know?"

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