However, after a long time, people in the organization found that when yunweiyang was around, mushen's insomnia miraculously recovered. Not to mention, his temper improved a lot. Although he was still cold, his mental state became completely different.

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Otherwise, with Yun Weiyang's skill alone, people in the organization will never let her stay in the organization.

"And then?" The cloud doesn't center Mou light tiny flash, open mouth asks a way.

Song Shian was silent for a few seconds. "After you left the organization, the boss's condition deteriorated completely, and even he couldn't sleep for several days. The whole person became extremely cruel and cold, and even hypnosis lost its effect. How can it last for a long time? In fact, this time back to the abandoned city, is also the meaning of the old lady. Now the owner of your family is in the abandoned city, the old lady thought Ask him to treat the eldest

Yun Weiyang's back is very straight, and her face is full of disbelief. But she thinks about it carefully, and it seems that it's true. Mu Shen's body has lost a lot of weight, and her whole state seems to be a bit wrong. But she didn't think much because she was too scared before.

Yun Weiyang took a look at Song Shi'an, "with the old man of you family, his illness should improve."

Song Shi'an's face slightly coagulated and shook his head. "It's hard to say. I'm afraid no one can save the eldest brother's body if he continues to endure like this."

Yun Weiyang fingers a little tight, "is there no other way?"

Song Shian lowered his eyebrows and eyes. After a long time, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the cloud. "There is a way, but..."

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Yun Weiyang: "if you have a way, you can say it. No matter how hard it is, we have to try it!"

Song Shian looked dim and said, "don't you always realize that you are special to the boss?"

What does song Shi'an mean?

For Mao, she felt that the goods had dug a huge pit for her??

Yun Weiyang touched his chin, "second brother, what do you want to say?"

Song Shian pursed his lips. "When you were brought back by the boss, in fact, people didn't think much of you. They thought you couldn't stay in the organization for three days. Do you remember the day you came, someone broke into the organization's base to assassinate the boss. After you were caught, the boss just abandoned his hand."

When yunweiyang heard the speech, a bloody scene suddenly appeared in her mind, which she will never forget.

More than a dozen special mercenaries were captured alive. At that time, Mu Shen personally ordered that their right hands be disabled. For a person, the right hand is the second life. Especially for these mercenaries, who would ask them to be disabled without their right hands.

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That night, Yun Weiyang was standing beside Mu Shen. The man was a bloodthirsty Shura who could not hide his killing breath. His eyes were scarlet, just like the bloody Shura who came back from hell, without any human feelings.

Warm blood splashed on her face, like a flame, to burn her to ashes.

She wanted to escape, but her feet were as if she had a root. Her body stood in the same place rigidly. Until that moment, she realized that what Mu Shen had said was not empty.

That man is like a machine without emotion. Only killing and blood can make her feel alive.

"So?" Yun Weiyang withdrew his thoughts and asked.

Song Shian: "do you know that people in our whole organization were shocked at that time?"

Yun Weiyang is a Leng again, "what?"

How did she suddenly find that song Shian's words were becoming more and more incomprehensible to her

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Song Shian: "the eldest brother has survived a bloody battle since he was a child. For him, anything that threatens him will be removed. Therefore, before that, all those who break into the base will never survive."

Although song Shi'an's words are light and graceful, but in front of Yun Weiyang's eyes, it is a blade of light and blood.

Yun Weiyang swallowed his saliva, "you mean..."

Song Shian: "at that time, the boss took care of you, so he didn't kill them. He just gave up one of their hands. From then on, everyone realized that you were different in the eyes of the boss. Everything later also confirmed this. Maybe in your eyes, the boss was cruel, but he never hurt you. If you are wronged outside, he will do it for you Even if you do something wrong, he will stand behind you and protect you from the storm. He cares more about you than you think. Do you understand? "

Song Shian is the closest person to Mu Shen and the only one who dares to touch his scales. He knows how his boss likes Yun Weiyang, but this man always pushes her away again and again in the most extreme way.

Yun Weiyang looks stunned and looks at Song Shian. To tell the truth, she didn't know that mushen was so kind to her before. After all, at that time, she just thought mushen was too cruel. When she went out to carry out the task, even if someone said a few more words to her, mushen would be black faced.

She remembers that once, she and mushen went to a small island to perform a mission, but they were harassed by local hooligans. At that time, she just taught the two hooligans a lesson, which was a minor punishment. As a result, the next day, she heard that the two hooligans were thrown into the sea, and no one saw them come back.Yun Weiyang pinched his eyebrows, "this I really don't know... "

Song Shian's eyes fell on Yun Weiyang and said, "if the boss didn't use that way, would you like him?"

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Yun Weiyang's forehead is full of tendons. What's the problem?

It's just a gift, OK!

Yun Weiyang stroked his forehead speechless and said with a dry smile, "second brother, you should know that there is no such thing in the world. The person I like is Huo tingxiao So, there is no such possibility. "

By implication, she won't like Mu Shen.

Some people are too similar, but will not like, because to see each other, it is like to see their own shadow, to tell the truth, although she is afraid of deep admiration, but also envy him, in this world, there are always people who live the life they want, do not have to care about other people's eyes, casual magnanimous.

Song Shi'an looks at Yun Weiyang, and his eyes darken quickly. He pushes his glasses with a tired face. Under the white lens, there seems to be an endless abyss hidden in the bottomless eyes.

Song Shian slightly lowered his eyes, "I know."

Yun Weiyang scratched his head and said, "well, second brother, you don't care about the matter between me and seventh brother. I will deal with it by myself, but it's the matter between you and twelfth brother. I always want to ask you, I haven't seen him in this period of time. Where has he gone?"

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