"You old, please." The old lady took a look at you Lao, with a slight tone.

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You old walk to a side chair to sit down, "the old lady is polite, little clan head is also I see grow up with my own eyes, you and I are old friends, don't be so polite."

The old man nodded a little and said nothing more.

Youlan raised her eyes and looked at Xiangyun Weiyang, "little girl, did you understand what the old lady said just now?"

Yun Weiyang immediately shook his head and made a joke. Even if she understood what the old lady said just now, she had to say that she didn't understand it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a fire?

Yun Weiyang hardened his head and said, "you old lady, what do you want to say?"

She has made it very clear that she already has someone she likes, and that person is Huo tingxiao. With the strength of the old lady, she must have known this for a long time, but why does the old lady want to make a fuss?

What's the balance that the old lady just said?

Youlao stroked his beard and said with a dignified face, "just now, the old lady has said that you are the balance point of the young patriarch's world. It sounds strange, but it's also very simple. The young patriarch's extremely weak body, coupled with his long-term mental tension, leads to his long-term insomnia, and then forms a very violent character. I have tried a variety of methods, all of which are cure The only hope now is you. "

Yun Weiyang asked: "only me?"

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You Lao nodded, "yes, only you. Lan'er once told me that when you were with the little clan leader, the little clan leader's insomnia seldom broke out, and his physical condition improved obviously. Even his spleen gradually returned to normal. Didn't you find that when you were there, the little clan leader didn't have insomnia?"

Yun Weiyang didn't feel much, especially after she left the organization, and later met Mu Shen, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

This is the so-called balance point?

Yun Weiyang's face was slightly solidified, and he thought about his words before he said, "so, you Lao means that I can influence the seventh master's Emotions? Or do I have the function of helping seventh master fall asleep? "

That's a little ridiculous!

How come she never realized that she had this function before?

Moreover, when she was with mushen, mushen's temper was very fierce and ferocious. She had even witnessed mushen fight a white wolf with her bare hands!

So, she never thought that she was different from Mu Shen.

Balance point or something, is it exaggerating?

Youlao looks at Xiang yunweiyang and shakes his head. "No, I don't mean influence, but control. You can control the rest time of the young clan leader. His body has been worn out too much. If he didn't support it, he would have fallen down. So, what he needs most now is recuperation, and you, the balance point, can let him put down all his precautions and relax completely, A point to balance him with the outside world. "

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Yun Weiyang looks confused. When did she become so important?

What's more, is this balance really reliable?

There must be no problem with you Lao's medical skills. Yun Weiyang never questioned you Lao's medical skills. However, this view is too evil. Moreover, is that why the old lady wants to match her with Mu Shen?

What logic is that!

Yun Weiyang calmed down for a moment, then he continued: "I know what you mean. The seventh master helped me a lot. As long as I can do what I can, I am willing to do for the seventh master, but if it involves other aspects, I can't help you."

If you can let Mu Shen live, even if it is a sea of fire, she will not refuse.

However, in order to save Mu Shen, she can't give up the person she likes. What's more, it may not be the only way to achieve this.

The old lady didn't seem to be surprised by Yun Weiyang's reply. She was silent for a while, and seemed determined. She said in a deep voice: "little girl, I know you like the boy of Huo family, but many things are not as simple as you can see on the surface. Do you really think that Huo family has no means and city to go to today?"

Yun Weiyang said with a serious face, "of course, I'm not so naive, but those things don't matter to me. I don't care what he does to people in the world, as long as he's good to me, that's enough."

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She is not the virgin white lotus, Huo tingxiao can go to today, there must be his means, but those are not important to her, the only thing she cares about is Huo tingxiao's good to her.

The old lady stares at Yun Weiyang, "you girl, it's a bit beyond my expectation. No wonder ah Shen will treat you differently. However, if you know something, you can still stick to your point of view, I won't say more."

Yun Weiyang: "what's the matter?"

The old lady was about to open her mouth, but a lazy voice suddenly rang out not far away, "grandma, all the guests of the clan are here. It's time for you to go to the main hall."

As soon as you listen to the voice, you don't need to look at it. You know it's the guy Mu Shen.Yunweiyang followed the voice and saw that Mu Shen was dressed in a black suit with an open collar, revealing a row of beautiful and attractive clavicles. His head was full of arrogant silver white short hair, which looked even more soul catching.

When the goods don't speak, they can absolutely turn all living beings upside down. Unfortunately, they belong to the mouth destroying series

The old lady's eyes were complex. She looked at Xiangmu deeply, and finally sighed a long time, "well, after all, it's hard to get rid of it. You are old. Let's go first."

You old should a, two people then left the yard first.

Yun Weiyang is still sitting on the chair, while lazily opening his mouth, "you are not in private, your old good, how come here?"

Mu Shen picked a blooming flower on the other side and pinched it at his fingertips. His long and narrow Phoenix eyes picked it slightly. His voice opened with a banter, "honey, are you jealous?"

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Yunweiyang almost spits out a mouthful of old blood. You are jealous. Your whole family is jealous!

Who in the end gives you the courage to make you feel that I am eating your vinegar?

Yun Weiyang looked at him speechless, "I eat your uncle! Can you talk to people? "

Mu deep lips a hook, fingertip that red flower was instantly crushed, and then was mercilessly discarded in the soil, "scold me?"

Ha ha Da, you actually have this self-knowledge, know I'm scolding you?

Yun Weiyang: "isn't that nonsense? By the way, isn't today the day to announce your succession to the patriarch? Why don't you go over? "

Mu Shen: "no interest."

Mu people want to get that position when they break their heads. It's a good thing. They're not interested in it directly. When other Mu people hear it, they have to be angry.

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