"I think there is some truth in Lao San's words..."

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"In fact, I think so too. Don't all men do that? If you get it, you won't cherish it, or Let's find a way to tie up the dead girl? "

"Ha ha, don't you think you live too long? Boss how dote on that dead girl, you don't know, especially touch her hair, you dare to tie it? If you want to die, don't stab me with a knife! "

"What do you say? Can't you just sit back and ignore it all the time? "

All the people talked about it, but they couldn't find a reasonable way. At last, everyone looked at Song Shi'an.

Song Shi'an's slender body leans against the door frame, and under the white lens, his eyes are as cold as night, passing an unprecedented dignified.

After a while, song Shian raised his hand and gently pushed the gold glasses on the bridge of his nose. He said in a deep voice, "I think Lao BA's words are reasonable."

All of you: --

The Nightowl's mouth twitches and stares at Song Shi'an. All along, song Shi'an is the most reliable one among them. It's really terrible that such unreliable words should come out of song Shi'an's mouth.

The owl touched his chin. "Second brother, are you serious? You don't know the old man's temper. The dead girl is the old man's taboo. You see, for him today, the engagement between old Dalian and the Jing family should not be taken seriously Are you sure you want to do what Lao Ba says? "

Song Shian raised his eyes, "do you have a better way?"

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People all hang their heads. If they can find a better way, they won't think of this bad policy. To tell you the truth, they have done what they should do. If it wasn't for their boss's low EQ, what could Huo tingxiao do?

They can't help it. They are also desperate. Hello!

"Since I can't help it, I'll take the lead in binding people." Ye Guinan is black and cold.

The night owl took a look at Ye Guinan. Ha ha, the goods were green, and even his brain was flooded. How could he take the lead in binding people?

Old Bayi face dark rub rub expression, "five elder brother, go, I go with you!"

Several other people looked at each other, then gritted their teeth, and all cried to go together, but the night owl refused to let go.

Are you kidding? If these idiots want to give their heads away, he won't go. Isn't it good to live?

Ye Guinan and they went outside to discuss how to bind people. The night owl felt that being with these stupid people would lower his IQ and get away by himself.

Song Shian stood in front of the gate for a moment. Then he reached for the handle and opened the gate.

The room was dark. The moment the door opened, there was a strong smell of tobacco and wine in the room. The next second, there was a very gloomy voice in the dark: "roll!"

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Then, a wine bottle flew towards the door. Song Shian's body flashed slightly and easily avoided the wine bottle. With a click, the light in the room suddenly lit up.

Song Shi'an saw clearly that there were a large number of empty wine bottles on the ground, and Mu Shen leaned on the sofa with a cold look, with a sharp red blood on one hand.

Such a large space, as if instantly frozen into ice.

Mu Shen's cold eyes shot at Song Shi'an, and his eyes were full of haze, especially in the bloody night.

Song Shi'an went to get the medicine box, half knelt in front of the sofa, while cleaning the wound for mu Shen, he said in a low voice, "when ah Chen left the organization, I was in the same mood as you, but it didn't change anything. I still like him and would like to die with him, even if..."

Song Shian dropped his eyes slightly, and his face was dead. "Even if I can't find him now, for me, he will always be in my heart and never leave."

Mu Shen sneered, "I'm not interested in being someone else's spare tire."

Song Shian

Song Shi'an suddenly felt that he must have a brain hole, so he would come to talk to Mu Shen about the truth. If the eldest of his family could listen to people talk about the truth, he would not be today.

Song Shian carefully treated the wound for him, then smeared the ointment, wrapped the gauze, and said, "what if you have a chance to get her?"

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Mu Shen's eyes shot at Song Shian like an ice blade. "I said, don't move her."

Song Shian was silent for a few seconds. "It's said that a man can't forget a woman because he can't get her. If you get her, will you have obsession again?"

Mu Shen's face was full of evil color, and his voice was so cold that he said, "if you are not afraid of death, go."

Song Shian packed the medicine box, and his eyes fell on Song Shian. "If so, why don't you learn to let go?"

Mu Shen's eyes were dark, and he stared at Song Shian darkly, "who the hell are you talking for?"

Let go?

If he can let go, how can he force himself to the present situation?"I didn't speak for anyone. I just want you to let yourself go." Song Shian's face was calm.

Mu Shen's fingers tightened a little. After a moment, he suddenly gave a low smile, "second, if you can put down your man, you can tell me this again."

Song Shian raised his eyes slightly. The light of his eyes flickered for a moment, but he soon recovered to calm. "Sorry, I can't do it."

Mu deep pick eyebrow, "that not knot."

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Song Shian wanted to say something more, but he stopped talking and changed the topic. "Jingran's strength is badly hurt now. Jingran has been waiting outside. How do you plan to deal with it?"

Although Jing's family is seriously hurt this time, the foundation is there after all. Besides, Mu's family and Jing's family have an engagement for a long time. This time, Mu Shen turns a blind eye to Jing's family, but Jing ran still comes to the door to apologize in person. In love and reason, Mu Shen should see her.

Mu Shen Leng glanced at Song Shi'an. "I have already said that the Mu family and the Jing family have nothing to do with each other any more. The marriage contract of that year is invalid. If the Jing family dare to move her, they will be ready to pay the price."

Song Shian sighed softly, "I know how to deal with it."

Mu Shen nodded, "inform old four, cut off all business contacts with Jing family, you remember, it's all."

Song Shian: "yes, boss."

Mu Shen took up the wine cup on the table with one hand and put his slender legs on the tea table at will. He looked like he was hurt. He sat there alone and continued to drink.

Song Shian wants to persuade him. After all, Mu Shen's body can't bear to toss. However, without opening his mouth, song Shian leaves Mu Shen's room in silence.

"Wait..." Mu Shen suddenly opened his mouth.

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