"When things go to extremes, they will turn against each other. Besides, only in this way can Jingran not have time to notice Weiyang. In addition, before returning home, I will see mushen again." Huo tingxiao's voice was low.

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Qin night smell speech, suddenly a face suddenly realized the expression, "I understand, but, scene home there in the end is a hidden danger."

Jingran is not stupid either. However, jingling is dead now. It's not clear who else in Jingran's family knew about that. On Mu's side, Mu Tian has also been killed. If you want to go further, I'm afraid it's not so simple.

Huo tingxiao slightly lowered his eyes, and his face was dead and silent. "I want to see cloud dust."

Qin night mouth slightly smoke, "boss, you have injury in the body now, or you'd better rest first, wait for your body better, see him again?"

Originally, Yunchen had been secretly sent back to China, but because of this sudden incident, he also temporarily delayed his return to China and still lived in a dark room.

Huo tingxiao glanced at him coldly. Qin Ye's back was cold, and his whole body stood upside down. He said in a hurry: "yes, boss, I'll arrange it now!"

His boss should not be too cruel!

House Huo, darkroom.

Yunchen sits with his back against the wall, holding a wrinkled picture in his left hand. In the picture, the man is wearing a black casual suit, with a pair of gold glasses on the bridge of his nose, standing upright under a big tree, while the night sky behind the man is full of fireworks.

After he betrayed the organization, he was chased and killed by the people of the organization, and nothing was taken away. Only this photo was taken away. All the previous bank cards were stopped, and even if they were not stopped, he could not use them.

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This picture is his only thought of that person.

"Ta Ta... "

In the dark, a small sound of footsteps suddenly sounded. Yunchen quickly put the picture in a black wallet and looked at the entrance of the darkroom.

Huo tingxiao walked very slowly. He went to one side of the chair and sat down. He couldn't see anything unusual except that he looked a little pale.

Yunchen stood up from the ground, walked slowly to Huo tingxiao and sat down. His eyes fell on Huo tingxiao. "Mr. Huo came to see me today. He wanted to know who else in the Mu family was involved in that event, right?"

Huo tingxiao slightly raised his eyes, "EH."

Cloud dust smile, "you are not surprised, how can I guess this?"

Huo tingxiao: "if you can't even guess this, what do I want you to do?"

Cloud dust mouth corner tiny smoke, he habitually takes out a cigarette, is about to ignite, but suddenly catch a glimpse of Huo tingxiao pale face, simply clip the cigarette between the fingers, quiet mouth, "if I still refuse to say? Huo always should know that if I don't have some cards in my hand, you will destroy me every minute. "

Huo tingxiao: "I just want to protect Weiyang."

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Cloud dust eyebrow micro Cu Cu Cu, this time if not Huo tingxiao for cloud Weiyang block that bullet, cloud Weiyang afraid has no way out.

After a long time, Yunchen looked at Huo tingxiao, "at the beginning, they chased me, not only because I betrayed the organization, but also because I stole one of their things."

Huo tingxiao didn't seem to be surprised to hear the answer and said, "I just want to know who else was involved in that event in Mu's family."

Yunchen felt that his IQ was completely crushed by one side, and he was silent for two seconds. Then he looked at Huo tingxiao with a faint tone: "Mr. Huo, don't you wonder how I stole that thing and where I hid it? Haven't they found it all the time?"

Can you respect other people's intelligence?

Huo tingxiao: "I just want the result."

Cloud dust almost a mouthful of old blood gush out, this is what boring man, their little girl in the end is to see him where, unexpectedly to him so determined.

Yunchen pinched his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "your guess is correct. No one in the Mu family has that ability except that person, and the old lady won't do it to him. After all, in those years, he did support the old lady to sit in the position of patriarch."

Is it really Muli?

Huo tingxiao didn't say a word, just calmly stood up from the chair, opened his long thigh, and left.

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The cloud dust swished to get up from the chair, "you really don't want to see for yourself what I stole?"

Huo tingxiao turned his back to Yunchen, "no need."

Yunchen stands there, speechless and choking. It's no wonder that mushen is not his opponent. If he doesn't have a sweetheart, he will be interested in this man, OK!

Huo tingxiao see cloud dust no longer speak, again step up, behind suddenly came cloud dust low voice, "this matter, or want to thank you, thank you for saving Weiyang."

Huo tingxiao didn't look back. "She's my man."

The implication is that Yun Weiyang is his man and he should have saved her.


That's a good load! Give me tea!

Huo tingxiao came out of the dark room, and Qin Ye rushed up with an arrow, nervous, "boss, are you ok? Is there anything uncomfortable? Would you like to see Tianling for you? "Huo tingxiao: "not so weak."

Ha ha Da, are you so weak now that you don't count in your heart?

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Qin night dark rubbed carefully looked at Huo tingxiao, although Huo tingxiao's face is a little white, but it looks really good, he just a little relieved, "how do you say that cloud dust?"

Huo tingxiao smell speech, Mou bottom cold light suddenly appear, "Mu Li."

Qin night was startled, and then he Tucao: "it's really him, but I really didn't see that the old fox was so deep. But before the ceremony, he was in charge of the execution hall, and the force was strong in the clan. Besides him, I'm afraid few people could make complaints about the existence of Mu Tian quietly.

Although he has retired, most of the people in the twelve palaces are trained by him. In addition, he has trained a group of dead men independently. It's not so easy to get rid of him.

In the whole Mu clan, except for the old lady and Mu Shen, there are only a few people who can do it. Before Mu Shen abolished the Presbyterian Church, most people were affected, but mu Li retreated. It can be seen that this man's government and means, and he was on the side of the old man, so mu Shen didn't move him.

Huo tingxiao: "send more people to report to me every move of Muli."

Recently, the Mu family has changed so much, and the Jing family has suddenly had such a big event. Maybe Muli will have contact with someone in private.

However, those who can use such great power in the Jing family and cooperate with Muli must have great power.

The man who has been hiding behind the scenes Who would it be?

"Well Boss, I suddenly thought of a possibility... " Qin Ye suddenly said.

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