"Well, I don't come here today to ask for a crime. It's just that although you can give him another chance, I'm not so good at this level." Yun Weiyang's tone was quiet, and the cold light at the bottom of his eyes flashed away.

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Shen Yanxi also likes song muyuan and can give him another chance. She will not object to Shen Yanxi's generosity, but she will not let go if she wants to be with Shen Yanxi again.

Shen Yan was surprised, "Weiyang, this is..."

Yun Weiyang raised his eyebrows slightly: "I've never forgotten that he hurt you so much. When I finish the design draft of M group, I'll settle the account with him. You can tell him that in four days, let him come to the seventh master range alone to meet the challenge. If he doesn't come The consequences are at your own risk. "

Shen Yan Xi pursed her lips, "Weiyang, is it too much?"

Although Shen Yanqi doesn't know what Yun Weiyang is going to do, it must not be an easy thing.

Yun Weiyang chuckled, "why, you're distressed before it starts?"

Shen Yanxi's face was slightly red, and he said in a hurry: "of course not. It's just that muyuan is always very busy I'm afraid there won't be time... "

Yun Weiyang sneered coldly, and his voice was slightly cold. "He really dares to answer like this. I'll beat him all over the floor with my own hands. At the beginning, he treated you like that. I didn't go down as easily as you."

She has the means to deal with the scum man, but since Shen Yanxi is willing to give song muyuan another chance, she doesn't want to play too much, but it doesn't mean that the matter is over.

Shen Yanxi: "good."

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Yun Weiyang sighed, "don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

Shen Yanqi's heart suddenly warms. Since she met Yun Weiyang, her life seems to be completely different from before. In the past, song muyuan was her world. Now, even if she still loves song muyuan, she can still live well without song muyuan.

Shen Yanxi: "Weiyang, thank you."

Yun Weiyang laughed, "silly girl, today, the person you should thank most is yourself, do you know?"

Shen Yan's eyes were red. "Well, I know."

Yun Weiyang reached out and rubbed Shen Yanqi's head gently, comforted him and said, "well, it's not too early. I'll go back first. If you bring it for me, I'll wait for him in the shooting range four days later."

Shen Yanxi: "good."

Yun Weiyang didn't say anything more. After a few words of comfort, he left Shen Yanqi's home.

From Shen Yanqi's home, as soon as yunweiyang gets on the bus, he takes out his mobile phone and dials anruoxi's mobile phone.

"Shihuhu, what's the matter? Are you missing me again after a short separation?" An Ruoxi's shameless mouth.

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Yun Weiyang: "do you think too much?"

Anruoxi curled her lips. "Why do you think I am?"

Yun Weiyang: "tell the seventh master that in four days, I will borrow his range and ask him to clear it."

An Ruoxi's eyes lit up and said immediately, "clear the range? Shi Huhu, what are you doing? Is there a group fight? "

Yun Weiyang is full of black lines. What kind of strange brain circuit is this product? What kind of person is she?

Yun Weiyang: "no However, if you want to fight, I can give you this opportunity. That day you and the seventh master can come to the shooting range to watch the ceremony. "

An Ruoxi sprang up from the sofa with eyes as big as a brass bell. "How about the ceremony? Shi Huhu, what are you doing? You can't be I'm going to marry my beautiful lady! "

Ah, ah, ah! Her teacher Huhu is finally going to marry the beautiful lady!

She's been waiting for a long time, until today!

Yun Weiyang has a headache and pinches his eyebrows. "I don't need a certificate to maintain the relationship between you and me, sister. Do you understand?"

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An Ruoxi's face was muddled. She didn't know every word, but she couldn't understand a word.

An Ruoxi scratched her head. "What do you mean by that?"

Yunweiyang helpless help amount: "this you don't care, for me with seven Ye borrow to the site again."

An Ruoxi: "no, no, I have to figure out what you want to do first, so that I can borrow the venue from my seventh brother, don't you?"

Yunweiyang is speechless. She doesn't want to say it, but anruoxi's mouth is too big. It's estimated that she just said it. The next second, most of the people in the imperial capital will know about it.

Yun Weiyang took a few deep breaths, "forget it, I'll go and tell the seventh master myself."

An Ruoxi said in a hurry: "no, no, no! Shihuhu or I go, this glorious and great task, I think I can! Don't worry, shihuhu. I promise you the venue. Do you need me to run some more legs? "

The cloud does not center the corner of the mouth tiny draw, "need not, I will arrange by myself."

Anruoxi wants to say something more. Yunweiyang hangs up the phone directly. If she goes on like this, she doesn't know when the goods will be noisy. She has to go back to accompany her wife.Yunweiyang is about to put down her mobile phone and start the car to go back. Suddenly, her mobile phone rings. She thought it was anruoxi, but the caller ID on the screen is a strange number.

Yun Weiyang pursed her lips and made sure she hadn't seen the number. After thinking about it, she picked up the phone and said, "hello."

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At the other end of the mobile phone, a slightly low and hoarse voice suddenly rang out, "Hello, Miss Yun. I'm Han Heng, shareholder of Hans group. I don't know if Miss Yun is free. I want to meet Miss Yun alone and have a chat."

Han Heng?

Han Jingli's elder brother, the second largest shareholder of Han's group, became a taboo of the Han family because of a fire and a scandal. No one mentioned it again.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Han Heng can get up again, and quietly become the second largest shareholder of Han group, with enough strength to compete with Han Jingli.

Yun Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly. "Sorry, I'm not interested in the Han family."

Han Heng doesn't seem to be surprised by Yun Weiyang's reply. He says with a smile, "is that right? If it's my dear second brother's life experience, is Miss Yun interested? "

Yun Weiyang: "No."

Han Heng frowns. Yun Weiyang likes Han Jingli for so many years. Of course, he knows this. Even if Yun Weiyang doesn't like Han Jingli now, Han Jingli is unforgettable for her. Now the struggle between him and Han Jingli has reached the peak, and the winner is still unknown. If Yun Weiyang can be pulled to his side, his chances of winning will be a little more.

But he did not expect that Yun Weiyang was so ungrateful.

If he didn't know that Huo tingxiao was behind Yun Weiyang, how could he be so careful to test Yun Weiyang's reaction

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