Qin Yangyun's eyes are enhanced by the incomparable complexity of Gouliang.

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What, sister-in-law, how many waves you have now, how deep the wound will be later

Take it easy

It's so special that we don't rely on oars. It's all up to his sister-in-law.

"By the way, Huo tingxiao, where are you taking me at night?" Yun Weiyang raises his head and stares at Huo tingxiao with bright eyes. He asks with a smile.

Huo tingxiao a little afraid to look her in the eyes, "to know, Qin night, drive."

Qin ye in the front row swallowed his saliva, "Oh, OK."

When the car starts, Yun Weiyang holds Huo tingxiao's hand and talks about today's company gossip. Huo tingxiao has been listening in silence. On the way, Yun Weiyang has received Xiaobao's video.

In the video, Xiaobao skillfully reports what happened at school today, and then asks Huo Jiye and he manyun to talk to yunweiyang in the video.

Cut off the video, Yun Weiyang looks at Huo tingxiao: "is it my illusion? I always feel that your father is not in the right state. "

Huo tingxiao fingers slightly tight, "nothing."

Yun Weiyang scratched his head. "Well, I must think too much. We've been walking for nearly half an hour. Is this the way to the suburbs? How long will it take? "

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Huo tingxiao looked at her impatient face, raised his hand and gently rubbed her head, "soon arrived."

Yun Weiyang also did not continue to ask, diverged from the topic.

About a quarter of an hour later, the car stopped outside an old manor. The manor was hidden in a mountain forest. It seemed that it had been for some years, and there was a cold and terrible feeling everywhere.

Yun Weiyang's heart suddenly jumped and his body instinctively shrank back, "this Where is this? "

Why, she has a kind of Familiar feeling?

And that familiar feeling, as if from the bone out of fear

Damn it!

She hasn't felt like this for a long time. What is this place? Why did Huo tingxiao bring her to such a place?

Huo tingxiao held her hand and said in a low voice: "don't be afraid. We're here. Let's get off, OK?"

Yun Weiyang shakes his head crazily, "I don't want to get off, Huo tingxiao Let's go back, here I... "

She could not tell what she felt, but the fear from the bottom of her heart gradually spread to every inch of her blood, as if to devour her, and those dark emotions that she had been forced to suppress, like animals about to break through the cage, would make her out of control at any time.

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How could this be

Since leaving the organization, she has rarely had such a mood

But now, just seeing a manor, how could she have such a big reaction?

It seems that something suddenly broke out of her body

The bottom of Huo tingxiao's eyes passed by a touch of heartache, but the matter had come to this point, and he could not help retreating. At this time, the heavy iron door of the manor was slowly opened.

With a heavy "creak" sound, a man in a white coat came out step by step from the night.


After seeing the white coat clearly, Yun Weiyang's pupils contracted suddenly, and her hair exploded. After the scream, her body shot towards the white coat almost without warning.

It seems that the white coat didn't expect that Yun Weiyang would have such a big reaction, until his body was knocked down on the ground by Yun Weiyang, and the girl's face was reflected in his pupils. He just reacted. Instinctively, he wanted to push Yun Weiyang away, but he found that he couldn't shake it.

"You killed my child I want you to pay for your life I want you to pay for your life Yun Weiyang's eyes were scarlet, and his body was suddenly covered with cold and murderous air.


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The blood all over the sky seemed to cover her eyes. She watched with her own eyes that little life passed away, but she could do nothing

Even her own children can't be saved. She doesn't deserve to be a mother, or even a human being

At that time, she thought that she had put it down, that she could live like a normal person, that she was no longer afraid of contacting with children, and that she would even think how good Xiaobao was born to her

"Weiyang..." Suddenly there was a deep, hoarse voice overhead.

Yun Weiyang suddenly froze, as if he had been turned off a switch of his body. In his dark eyes, he gradually floated a confused struggle.

Taking advantage of this gap, the white coat instinctively pushes Yun Weiyang away, stands up from the ground, gasps heavily, and stares at Yun Weiyang with fear.

Yun Weiyang stood up from the ground, and his cold eyes were like the blade of a knife. The white coat's forehead fell in cold sweat. He swallowed his saliva and turned to look at Huo tingxiao: "boss, I..."


Before he said anything, he was stopped by Huo tingxiao's cold eyes. His legs and stomach trembled, and he stood still and didn't dare to speak.Yun Weiyang can't help pinching her fingers on her side. Her eyes seem to be cracked with ice. She stares at Huo tingxiao for a moment, her voice is frozen with cold:

after that incident, she has been looking for the white coat called king, but she still has nothing in the past few years. Even if she used the power of Mu Shen, she can't trace anything.

A living person, as if he had never existed before, disappeared in silence.

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She should have expected that the world could be so clean that a person would disappear In addition to the man in front of me Who else?

In the mind flashed scenes of the past, yunweiyang foot like a root, the body stiff standing in the same place, eyes a pitch black, cold on the body more and more shocking, as if she was just a bloodthirsty God without any feelings.

Huo tingxiao's eyes narrowed and his face was dead, but he said slowly: "you didn't hear me wrong, he It's my man, the one who pushed you to hell and nearly ruined your life It's me... "

The man who pushed you to hell and nearly ruined your life It's me

Yun Weiyang's face was cold, and his expression was confined to his face. The color of his eyes turned into gloomy despair. His dark eyes were full of cold and angry at the moment, and he fixed his eyes on Huo tingxiao.

She once said that he was her only light

She once said that she didn't like the world, she only liked him

She once said that before she met him, there was only darkness in her world


In an instant, all the emotions on Yun Weiyang's face faded completely, his eyes were gloomy, and he stared at Huo tingxiao without any human feelings: "you Good... "

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