"The trough! Xiaobao, call Qin Ye jumped up from the sofa and almost threw out his mobile phone.

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On one side, he Teng's forehead is blue and blue. Damn, when can I call you? Just at this time, can I do it?

Qin Ye quickly picked up the mobile phone and blurted out: "Xiao Bao, how are you and your sister-in-law? Did that pervert Mu Shen bully your mother and son? Did you call the boss? "

On the other end of the mobile phone, Xiaobao said, "OK, no, No

Qin night mouth slightly smoke, this is really the standard Huo's standard answer, say a word more will die or how?

Qin night also had no time to manage so much, and read a lot, Xiaobao suddenly said: "Baba is very sick?"

The word "no" had reached his lips, and Qin Ye swallowed it back abruptly. He sighed: "don't worry about this, just take good care of you and your sister-in-law, others Boss will handle it. "

Qin Ye knows Xiaobao. The more he says that, the more Xiaobao will believe that Huo tingxiao is seriously ill. Although he thinks it's not good to cheat children, now he has to gamble for the last time. Yunweiyang still has an old love for Huo tingxiao. Yunweiyang doesn't really have a heart of stone.

But after all, it's a hard wound between them. Now the scar has been exposed with blood, and there is no room to turn around. If it's not a matter of life and death, will Yun Weiyang turn back?

Xiao Bao was silent for a moment. "Xiao Bao knows."

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Qin Ye scratched his head and his eyes turned red. "Ah, Xiaobao, you have not been away from the boss for so long Besides, my grandparents miss you very much. If it's convenient, can you call them as well? "

Xiaobao: "well."

Qin ye also prepared to say a few words, Xiaobao has hung up the phone.

Qin Ye was sitting on the sofa with her mobile phone in her hand. Suddenly, she was a little distracted. She murmured in a low voice: "Xiaobao was brought up by the boss since childhood. I haven't been away from the boss for so long. I'm not used to it. I think the boss is even more..."

Qin ye said this, suddenly stopped, and then youyou sighed, "I'll go upstairs to see the boss, and report it by the way."

He Teng

Why does he have the illusion that he is a junior?

However, without waiting for him to speak, Qin ye had already got up and left the room. He Teng, who had been completely abandoned, could only roar, and then ran to take a bath.


Apart from the light on the electronic display screen, there is little light in the whole room.

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Huo tingxiao leaned on the sofa, with his forehead slightly supported on the back of one hand, and 80000 skillfully curled up to take a nap.

Qin Ye walks by lightly. 80000 suddenly raises his head alertly. After taking a look at Qin ye, he continues to close his eyes and doze off.

From the Huo family, Huo tingxiao didn't bring anything but 80000. Qin Ye didn't know what he meant. Except 80000, it seemed that nothing could make Huo tingxiao feel that yunweiyang and Xiaobao were still around him.

Huo tingxiao hates hairy things, but now, except for 80000, he feels he has nothing.

“BOSS……” Qin Ye goes to the sofa and whispers.

On the sofa, Huo tingxiao didn't move. He didn't even lift his eyelids, "he said."

Qin ye: "just now Xiao Bao called. It seems that he heard that you were ill and called to ask about the situation..."

Huo tingxiao: "well."

Qin Ye swallowed his saliva, "that Xiao Bao is alone outside, so he should not receive any useful information. His sister-in-law should have told him this. Maybe Sister in law, she I'm still worried about you... "

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Huo tingxiao is still motionless, after a while, just dumb voice mouth: "she won't."

Qin ye: "why not? If it wasn't for his sister-in-law's nodding and Xiao Bao's protecting her, it's impossible to call me in private. It must be because his sister-in-law let go that Xiao Bao would have called. "

Huo tingxiao slowly opened his eyes, such as dark eyes, looked at Qin ye, "do you think, if she is really worried about me, she will stay there? No one can stop what she wants to do. "

Qin Ye's lips moved a few times, but he didn't say a word. Huo tingxiao was right. If it was someone else, his guess was still possible, but that person's cloud was not clear.

No one can stop what Yun Weiyang wants to do, and no one can force what she doesn't want to do.

"In the past, I tried my best to protect everything, but now it's not worth a cent. But now I can't protect the people I want to protect Ah... " In the dark, there was a voice with some sarcasm.

Qin night smell speech, pupil slightly a shrink, voice can't restrain sad, "boss, you don't like this..."

Huo tingxiao didn't speak, as if he just opened his eyes and didn't have a trace of temperature. After a long time, he sighed very lightly, "I don't know how many people's lives have been destroyed or how much blood has been stained with my hands. People like me will go to hell after death. I'll do everything to get her, but in the end, I pushed her to others myself …… Qin ye, what else can I do? "Qin Yeli was standing in the same place, and his heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife. He had seen Huo tingxiao's countless faces, but he had never seen such a side. The sound just made people feel desolate.

I don't know how Huo tingxiao survived these days

Qin Ye didn't know what to say or how to answer him. He just stood there quietly and accompanied him.

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Old houses in the suburbs.

In the yard.

Yunweiyang sits under the tree, seems to be in a daze. Xiaobao doesn't know whether she has finished her call. She doesn't want to take care of it or ask. Even if the person is dying, it has nothing to do with her.

"Ah, Brother Yun, what good things have I brought you?" You LAN hand carrying a jar of wine, cheap Xi Xi Xi came in.

To tell you the truth, if her boss didn't force her to come, she would be too lazy to come. Moreover, she doesn't understand his brain circuit very well. Temo yunweiyang is now suffering from emotional injury. His boss shouldn't send them to line up to comfort others when they are empty?

As far as his eldest brother's EQ is concerned He deserves to be single!

Cloud did not center to glance at her one eye, "seven ye let you come?"

You LAN mouth slightly smoke, see through don't say through don't understand? Does she want face?

Youlan smiles and sits down beside yunweiyang. "Look what you say. Although the boss cares about you most, we also care about you, don't we?"

Yun Weiyang: "well, can you bring another kind of wine?"

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