In a few minutes.

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Ling Tian wears a white coat and comes out of the gate in a hurry.

Huo HaoChen leans against the car door, holding a half burnt cigarette between his fingers. He sees Ling Tian come out, snuffs out the cigarette in his hand, and looks at Ling Tian: "Xiaoge has some discomfort. You can prescribe some tocolysis for me. If my baby makes any mistake, I will blow you up."

Lingtian touched his forehead without saying, "are you sick? I'm so busy. Who cares about your daughter-in-law and baby? No, it's an abortion medicine. I'll find a doctor in the hospital to prescribe it for you. "

Huo Hao Chen brow tight Cu, "three uncles, he is really very sick?"

Lingtian smell speech, immediately a face vigilant stare at Huo HaoChen, "I depend on! I knew it. You're asking for information under the guise of tocolysis, aren't you? Fool

Huo HaoChen immediately full of black thread, gnashing his teeth, "inquire about a ghost, if he really died, I still lack a rival, how can I worry about him."

Ling Tian's face "ha ha Da" expression, "you come less! What do you think I don't know? I'll ask someone to send you dozens of Jin. From now on, there's nothing particularly urgent. I'm not allowed to come here. I'll go first. "

Huo Hao Chen sees him this appearance, the facial expression can't help but sink down.

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Although Ling Tian is seemingly unreliable, he has the bottom line principle. If Huo tingxiao wasn't seriously ill, I'm afraid Ling Tian wouldn't be like this either.

Is Is Huo tingxiao really critically ill?

Huo HaoChen eyebrows deep, stood outside the gate for a moment.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat came over with an electric car. On the electric car, there was a tightly wrapped bag.

"Huo Shao, this is what Dean Ling ordered to prepare for you Antai pill, can I help you put it in the car? " White coat a face flattery smile, smile of opening a way.

Huo Hao Chen corner of the mouth a draw, Yin measured of sweep that a big bag of anti tocolysis medicine, almost is from a word that squeeze out in the teeth, "roll!"

Dr. white coat

I will, where I am, why my eyes are full of flowers

Imperial capital, Luo family.

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Luo Cheng has just received the video. On the screen, Huo HaoChen is stopped by Ling Tian outside the gate of Datie. It seems that Huo tingxiao is really very ill.

"At present, a large number of shares of Hodgson's group have been sold off in the stock market, and, encouraged by us, several shareholders of Hodgson's group have also sold off their shares Tomorrow night, it will be the time for the end of the Huoshi group. " Luo Cheng's eyes are glumly staring at the overturned data on the big screen, and his voice is extremely cold.

In the dim light, Jing ran stood beside Luo Cheng and said with a cold smile, "Huo tingxiao destroyed our Jing family. I want him to pay for this blood feud with his blood!"

Luo Cheng looked at Jing ran, "this time, you and I, and a seventh master assist, I don't believe he Huo tingxiao can make any waves!"

Jingran's eyes narrowed dangerously, and the cold light at the bottom of her eyes flashed away. "Yes, this time, I must ask him Huo tingxiao and his whole Huo family There is no end to it

Luo Cheng said, "if we can't solve the Huo family this time, won't we fail to let Miss Jing go all the way to do it in person?"

Jing ran coldly glanced at Luo Cheng, "Huo tingxiao is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He must not take it lightly until the last moment."

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Luo Cheng seemed to hear some big joke. He held his fingers tightly and sneered a few times. "The strength of our Luo family is not here to let people see. What's more, this time Huo tingxiao's life and death are unpredictable. What can Huo Jiye do? I must let that old man kneel down in front of my mother's grave and admit his mistake to my mother

Jing ran looks at Luo Cheng, "then I'll first wish Luo zongqi a victory here and come back triumphantly tomorrow."

Luo Cheng sneered, "hum! The Huo family I will catch them all sooner or later! But then again, what are you going to do with the seventh master? Don't forget, even without Huo tingxiao, the seventh master doesn't belong to you. "

Jing ran smell speech, the facial expression brush of a cold come down, "what do you want to say after all?"

Luo Cheng's eyebrows were slightly raised and his dark eyes were watching Jingran. After a long time, he said: "it's better for us to cooperate. As long as the seventh master is no longer so strong, then everything is not up to you?"

Jing Ran is not stupid either. He immediately understands Luo Cheng's meaning. He glances at the bottom of his eyes with an imperceptible cold light. His face is a bit cynical. "Do you think ah Shen is someone like you who can move? Even if I can't get him all my life, I won't attack him. Sooner or later, he will see my heart. Sooner or later It will be mine. "

When Luo Cheng heard the speech, he raised his hand and clapped his hands. "I hope Miss Jing can achieve her wish."

Jingran glanced at him, "president Luo just wants to get yunweiyang. As long as Huo tingxiao is dead, yunweiyang is a waste without owner. At that time, president Luo has a word. Can't she throw herself into her arms? Or does Luo always feel that he can't compare with Huo tingxiao and can't replace him? "For a moment, the bottom of Luo Cheng's eyes seemed to be cracked. He stared at Jing ran coldly, "my business, you don't have to take care of it."

"Do you think I want to take care of it? If she hadn't been pestering ah Shen, how could ah Shen have changed his mind? "

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If it wasn't for that slut, how could Mu Shen repent his marriage and hurt the whole Jing family!

Damn it!

Luo Cheng sneered: "I can't manage my men well, but I blame other women. This style is not high."

Jingran's dark eyes shot past like ice blades, but in a flash, Jingran forced all her emotions back, with an elegant smile on her face: "I don't want to worry about my business. Tomorrow night, I hope Luo won't let me down."

Luo Cheng said, "don't worry, Miss Jing. I've been working hard for so many years. That's why I won't miss this day."

Jingran: "that's good. If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first."

Luo Cheng doesn't want to stay either. He asks people to send Jing ran away. If he doesn't want to use Jing Ran's power to suppress Huo tingxiao's underground forces, how can he deal with such women.

However, he had overestimated Huo tingxiao's underground power before. According to the news from Jingran, Huo tingxiao's men seemed to have no other active power except a Xiaowei camp. Originally, he was worried about mushen's intervention, but mushen was obviously sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. No matter what the purpose of mushen was, as long as he didn't intervene, it was a challenge for him It's a good thing.

After all, the strength of Musen is here. Even if it is domestic, who dares to move?

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