Time seems to be infinitely extended, but Yunchen's hand is stiff in the air, and does not continue to go down.

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Song Shian's heart seemed to fall from a height. After a long time, he pulled back his hand bit by bit. His hoarse voice broke the silence, "I know..."

Yunchen's heart jerked out and immediately grabbed his palm. His voice was a little flustered. "You know what a fart! I just Just want to use what posture to propose with you better! You are Why is it so fast every time! "

Song Shian's pupils shrank slightly, and there seemed to be a little less obvious consternation in his eyes. The coffin seemed to be pestling there, thinking that the sentence just now was his hallucination.

But the temperature between the palms is real.

At this time, Yunchen broke off his palm, took out the simple but unique ring, fell to the ground on one knee and knelt on the ice and snow with one leg.

Song Shian wants to reach out and pull him, but Yunchen holds his hand and puts the ring into his left ring finger. It was a very common action. Maybe it was because of the atmosphere, so it was full of ritual.

"Remember From now on, you are my person, life and death, life and death, you can't for others, even if you die, you can only be buried beside me, my name is engraved on the tombstone, you Would you like to? " Yunchen slightly tilts his head, and in the silhouette against the light, he can see some dense moisture in his bloodshot eyes.

Song Shian: "I do."

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Yunchen's body trembled suddenly, and he almost fell in the snow. He couldn't open his mouth. Suddenly, an awkward voice rang out behind him: "what I don't want to disturb you, but Now that human life is at stake, can you stop falling in love and proposing? "

Why does he feel abused all the time?

Can you give a single dog a way to live!

Oh no, he's not a single dog now

Yunchen doesn't have to turn around to know that Qin Ye is the only one who is so cheap, bad and good!

The two of us are not so different! I can't go into the bridal chamber first! "

Qin Ye's eyes are jumping wildly. He feels that he is on the verge of death. After all, he can't stand these two things.

Qin Ye Ok Let's go... "

Cloud dust gas to spit blood, but on one side, song Shian quickly switched to the original state, "sorry."

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Qin Ye

If it wasn't for his image, he really wanted to hold himself together: I didn't, I was wronged

Villa, spacious backyard.

Even though the lights here are as bright as day, there is still a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere in the backyard, which makes people stand on their heads.

Yunlan rushed to the backyard and saw Gu Yue hanging under the towering tree.

Gu Yue's body was covered with snowflakes. If it wasn't for his face that was so cold and blue that there was almost no fresh breath, it would make him feel very pleasant.

At that moment, he suddenly had an impulse to destroy the sky and the earth.

Yun LAN clenched his fingers, and a layer of cold sweat oozed from his forehead. He walked toward Gu Yue regardless of everything, but after two steps, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the air: "there are explosives buried in the yard. If you take the wrong step, you will die A LAN, for a man who betrays you and only has hatred in his eyes, is it worth it? "

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The sound was like a sharp blade coming from all directions. It cut at the deepest part of Yunlan's heart, making him feel that every step was so difficult.

However, at this critical moment, he suddenly found a very sad thing.

Even if Gu Yue cheated him from the beginning to the end, even if he knew that all this was just Yun Hetian's conspiracy, so what?

He gave the man such a heart, but he didn't intend to take it back. Even if he was cheap, he just wanted to live well and live in this world. Even if he could only watch it from afar, he felt satisfied.

Under the big tree, Gu Yue, whose fingers are hanging, has fallen into a serious coma, suddenly wakes up. He tries his best to open his heavy eyelids. It seems that there is only one incomplete line left in the world, and the other end of the line is holding a person who worries him.

Cloud LAN stepping on the snow, no matter whether the ground is really selling explosives, so without hesitation toward him.

Gu Yue suddenly opened his eyes. His action was too big. He shook off the snowflakes on his eyelids. Because of this action, his body moved uncontrollably under the tree for several times. The tongue of fire burning under his feet burned one of his feet, but he was numb with pain, and even the pain disappeared.

"Don't Don't come here... " Gu Yue opened his mouth. His voice seemed to come from the bottom of his heart. He didn't tear his heart, because he had no strength.

Yunlan seems to be unheard of, and his steps seem to speed up. The cold wind is whistling in his ear. It blows over his slightly thin face and hurts.Gu Yue saw that he didn't stop. There was a huge pain on his face. He wanted to say something and stop him, but he found that he was in such an embarrassing situation that he couldn't do anything. There was a faint whimper in his throat.

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Yunlan's speed is very fast. However, just when he is less than two or three steps away from Gu Yue, a black figure suddenly appears, like a cold wall, isolating the distance between the two people.

Then yunhetian came out of the darkness.

This is a good play directed by him, but he didn't expect that it would end like this!

His only son is so indecisive, so easily controlled by a man, and his eldest husband is so kind, how can he achieve great things?

Yunlan slightly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on yunhetian. Those dusty memories suddenly returned to his mind at the moment. In his memory, the gentle and elegant middle-aged man had put away all his disguises and was full of sinister and ferocious color. If they were not the same, he really thought they were two completely different people.

Cloud river day swept cloud LAN same, skin smile meat don't smile, "long time no see, my dear son, how, still like father send you this gift?"

Yun Lan's fingers clung to his side, and his voice was freezing: "my parents died when I was a child. I don't have a father, Mr. Wei No, maybe I should call you Mr. Yun. You have the wrong person

Cloud river day sneer, "you don't recognize me, it doesn't matter, but you can wipe your body with my blood?"

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