Outside the yard.

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Both sides have been fighting, and Yun Hetian's men are not vegetarian, but they can't compare with Xiaowei camp and mushen's men.

Yun Weiyang looks at the courtyard and frowns more and more tightly. Somehow, she always has an ominous premonition in her heart.

At this time, Yunlan came out from the yard with Gu Yue who had passed out completely. His face was pale. As soon as he stepped out, he yelled at the crowd: "go! Here And explosives! Yunhetian has run away! "

His voice is very loud, very penetrating across the layers of wind and snow, fell in their ears.

Yun Weiyang's face suddenly sank. He walked towards Yun LAN and asked: "the explosives have not been removed. How can they still exist? Does Yun Hetian still have a back hand? "

Cloud LAN a face dignified, "yes, all these are just his cover up, he now I'm afraid I've left here. Shen Yue is injured. Where's the doctor you brought? Where is he? Come on Help him

Yunlan said at last, the voice has been cold sink down, between the eyebrows seems to be dyed with a layer of can't hide the palpitation, for fear of the person in the arms so let go.

Yun Weiyang's heart slowly sinks down. Although they save Gu Yue, they still let Yun Hetian run away, and now they are still in danger.

As soon as yunweiyang gritted his teeth, he immediately turned to his back and yelled, "Lingtian, don't you come here to save people!"

Ling Tian was fighting with others. Hearing this, he turned his head and said angrily: "I'm going to be chopped to death. You You It's better to kill this bitch first

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Yun Hetian's men are extremely fierce in fighting. They are all dead hearted. They are even reluctant to change their targets.

It's worthy of being trained by bitches. Damn, it's so cheap.

Yun Weiyang is speechless. Although Lingtian's force value is really good, she seems to be a little weak on this occasion. She pinches her eyebrows and says, "ah, who One of you, free your hand and block it for him. "

All of you: --

Elder brother, we're here to fight, not to have a friendly meeting. If we don't pay attention, we'll lose our arms and legs. If we lose our lives, who can do it?

No way, can only cloud Weiyang personally on.

Ling Tian's face was horrified, and he almost broke his courage. If his sister-in-law had worn a little skin or lost a hair, he might not see the sun tomorrow morning.

Why must he be so abused!

He's a kid. Hey!

Ling Tian had no choice but to use the power of flood and famine to solve the problem. He rushed to Gu Yue to have a look.

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Yunlan's heart almost reached his throat. All the noise around him miraculously disappeared, leaving only his crazy beating heart and his hoarse and broken voice, "how is he?"

Ling Tian: "it's no big deal, but..."

Cloud LAN one Zheng, "but what?"

Ling Tian pursed his lips. "I'm afraid he can't keep his little finger. He lost blood for a long time and died in a large area. It's lucky that he didn't waste his whole hand."

Yunlan smell speech, but is a big tone of relief, holding Gu Yue's arm can't help but tight, "as long as he's alive."

Ling Tian glances at him. Does the cloud family all have the gene of infatuation? It seems that everyone is deeply in love. For the sake of love, they can not even have the kind of life.

For a moment, Ling Tian, a single dog, felt hurt by tons of dog food

"What are you doing here? Let's go Yun Weiyang is speechless. Is this product stupid?

Ling Tian recovered and walked towards the exit of the villa. But a few minutes later, when the troops evacuated to the gate, he found that there was a heavy iron gate at the gate.

The iron gate is sealed from the outside, and they can't get out at all. Moreover, there is a lot of explosives buried around the iron gate. If there is a slight change, the explosives will go off accidentally. They can't survive such a large-scale explosion.

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Yunhetian is a cunning old man!

Yunweiyang looked at Xiangmu deeply and said, "seventh master, what should we do now?"

Mu Shen shrugged a little, "what else can we do with so many explosives there I don't know

"It's not true

When is it? Can't the goods be a little formal?

At this time, song Shi'an came over with a slightly heavy face, "Yun Hetian is really cunning. There are power grids and explosives installed on the walls. If you are not careful, you will encounter power grids or explosives. No matter which one is, there is a great risk."

Mu Shen heard the speech and looked around. "I don't believe it. An old man can stop me Night owl. "

While trying to shrink in the crowd and reduce their sense of existence, the owl was named by admiration, instinctively shrunk his neck, and then came out from the end of the team with a look of lovelessness.The owl laughed a few times, "ha ha, boss, do you have any instructions?"

Mu Shen squinted at him, "what do you say?"

The smile on the owl's face was more ugly than crying, "I I see. Can't I go? "

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With that, the owl walked towards one side of the wall in a strange posture, and then looked up at the power grid and explosives on the wall.

Everyone held their breath, and their eyes were almost glued to him. You know, they now entrust all their lives to the owl. If he makes a mistake, they all have to go to see the Lord of hell.

"Ding -"

just as the atmosphere was tense and soul stirring, a sudden ring of mobile phone rang.

"Damn it! Which son of a bitch... "

Cloud dust low curse a, his voice is not big, but in this piece of dead and silent air, appear particularly harsh, but he said only half, see cloud Weiyang black face took out a black mobile phone.

A few seconds later, the whole person of Yun Weiyang is like a weathered sculpture, frozen in the same place. His eyes fall on the mobile phone screen in front of him. On the screen, the caller ID is Huo tingxiao.

She thought she was wrong, so she couldn't help raising her hand to rub her eyes. Then she shook her hand so much that she poked the answer button for a long time. She slid the screen and stuck her mobile phone to her ear. Her hoarse voice broke the silence of the snowy night: "hello..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Yun Weiyang closed her eyes. Just when she thought that everything was just an illusion, there was a deep and hoarse voice on the other end of the phone, "Weiyang It's me... "

The voice seems to be through reincarnation of life and death, like a thunder, hard hit in the heart of yunweiyang.

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