"Weiyang, if I ask you to forgive me at this time, am I too selfish?" Huo tingxiao lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and his voice was still gentle.

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But this gentle voice seems to be full of unbearable pain.

Even if he can accept her hatred, even this life can compensate him, but he is still a common man in the end, there will be a little extravagance in his heart.

Some wounds have already turned into pus when they can't be seen. If you want to heal, you can only pick up the wound filled with pus and blood to have the possibility of healing.

Yun Weiyang raised his eyes, "no, Huo tingxiao, no one is perfect. If I had been you, I might have made that choice, not to mention What's more, your sincerity to me is not fake for such a long time. I'm not so unreasonable. I'm immersed in the scars of the past and refuse to come out. In fact, I've never complained about you. I just feel that you shouldn't keep it from me for such a long time. "

In fact, she is also very protective. She always protects the people behind her, no matter whether they are right or wrong.

Huo tingxiao was silent for a long time. Then he said in a hoarse voice: "Weiyang, give me another chance. I'm willing to use the rest of my life to make up for the original debt. I I really like you. Unless I die, I won't let go. "

Yun Weiyang sighed, "Huo tingxiao, this is a foul."

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Huo tingxiao: "what?"

Yun Weiyang smiles and rubs his head against the man's heart. Listening to the faint beating sound of his heart, her floating heart finally returns to her body.

Yun Weiyang's voice was a little nasal, like he couldn't help crying. His voice was extremely hoarse: "I can't bear you to die. I couldn't bear to die in the past, and I can't bear to die now I don't want anything but your little sincerity. I've got it now. For me, I don't care about anything else. "

Huo tingxiao whole body is stiff, several seconds just reaction come over, raised a hand to rub to rub her head gently, "good."

"Huo tingxiao, you are all my people in this life. I won't let go of you Don't leave me, if there is no you in the world, what's the meaning of my life? Do you know what I was thinking when that ejection passed? " Yun Weiyang said in a hoarse voice.

Huo tingxiao's eye pupil slightly shrinks and his throat moves gently. "What do you think?"

Yun Weiyang was silent for a few seconds and closed his eyes gently. "I was thinking, if I hadn't been angry with you at the beginning, would you not have gone that far I regret it, Huo tingxiao. At that time, I regret it. Even if you almost ruined my life, I hope you live well. Even if we can only live in hatred forever, I want you to live. "

Only when we are alive can we have endless hope.

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Life and death, clutch, has its specific meaning, but this thing has never been touched, only care about people, will see another person's life and death, care about the clutch between them.

Huo tingxiao throat vaguely rolled out a silent sigh, "I promise you, this life belongs to you, you live, I accompany you live, if you die, I will accompany you, on the way to the yellow spring, you will not be lonely."

Yunweiyang wants to refuse, but she still has a little selfish, this person, life and death is her.

Yun Weiyang opens his eyes slightly. When I wake up, I can see the person I like around me. Only when I open my eyes can I feel stable.

Yun Weiyang: "well, you remember to promise me, don't go back."

Huo tingxiao chuckled, pale cheeks full of doting: "well."

Yun Weiyang was silent again for a while, then he changed the topic, "how did you stop him in the cloud river? How did you catch that old fox, who was so cunning that he tried to deceive us? "

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Huo tingxiao: "in this world, the only thing I can't figure out is you. Others, no matter how cunning he is, have traces to follow. No matter how cunning Yun Hetian is, he can't escape from me. As for the details, don't ask."

Whether it's the shopping mall or the Huo family, if they want to be invincible, they have to be far sighted. Otherwise, they won't come to today. Who else is Huo tingxiao's opponent in this world?

For a moment, Yun Weiyang's heart trembled slightly. He was such a person who could calculate the whole world, but he could not calculate her mind.

In fact, he was wrong. He had already expressed her sincerity, but he didn't want to use it. If he really wanted to keep it from her, how could he tell her the truth.

In the final analysis, he is still sincere to her, unwilling to use that set of calculations. After all, if this sincerity is lost, Yun Weiyang will never look back.

Yun Weiyang glanced at him and said, "it's OK, but the injustice has its head and the debt has its owner. At the beginning, he destroyed the whole Yun family, and today he nearly killed me and them. I won't save his life, but what about the fourth brother? In any case, his body is also flowing with the blood of Yun Hetian.... "

In this world, the only thing that can't be changed is the blood connection between parents and children. This fate can never be abandoned. We can't all learn Nezha, cut bones to return father and cut meat to return mother. After all, this is the reality of nakedness, not TV.Huo tingxiao: "it's up to him to make his own choice. No matter what the result is, it's up to them to bear. However, when Yun Hetian is arrested, all his assets will be automatically transferred to your fourth brother. Maybe..."

Yun Weiyang was stunned, "maybe what?"

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Huo tingxiao: "maybe you can rebuild the cloud family. Anyway, the cloud family was one of the ancient families. Now that you have caught the culprit who killed the cloud family, you should consider some things."

Yun Weiyang put out his tongue and licked his lips slightly. He stared at Huo tingxiao with a smile. "It's not urgent. There are four elder brothers to make a fuss, but now I have a very important thing to consider."

Huo tingxiao didn't know what she was thinking in her cerebellum and asked her, "what's the matter?"

Yun Weiyang laughs so treacherously that he immediately reaches out his hand and raises Huo tingxiao's left hand. "You haven't seen one more thing on your hand. When you were in a coma, I had already given betrothal gifts to my parents, and I've got the certificate How about Xiao Ye, will you marry me? "

Although she was laughing, she was still a little nervous. Her palms were sweating, but she still looked like a wolf with a big tail on the surface.

That what, Huo tingxiao promise best, if don't promise, she again think of a way, after all, this certificate get, ring also wear, want to run is no way.

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