Ren Xuesheng and Chang Tianyun are conspicuous in appearance, plus they are the protagonists, they were quickly noticed by others when they went out.

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The main table is okay. Everyone is used to wearing masks and haha. They are all human beings. They tacitly eat dishes and chat with each other, but they don’t see it; the sub table below is not opened like that. Sighed that Emperor Chang is good at everything, except that his eyes are a bit blind.

Why did you fall in love with Ren Xuesheng, this scheming bitch, the bad-tempered Su Luó is better than her!

And many more! Su Luó now has Master Lu, so She definitely looks down on Chang Tianyun.


It’s so pitiful. Everyone has turned his brain into a tragic image that can’t be loved. Therefore, when Chang Tianyun came in, he inevitably received the pity of a group of people, and he got goose bumps all over.

Could it be… what happened when he left?

Not long after, Ren Xuesheng came back with her. Her eye sockets were a little red, and her lip makeup was refilled. She looked a lot more haggard than before. After sitting back, she kept drinking a drink silently and without raising her head. .

A joke, today’s home game is Su Luó, with Lu Yiyuan behind her back, who dares to make her unhappy? Don’t want to live anymore.

This emotion of jealousy is like burning weeds in the autumn. She want to put it out, but can’t do anything.

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As a second-rate artist, Su Luó is sitting in a better position than the starring role. The director verbally said that she is about to finish. Take care of it. In fact, you can basically see what it is.

As the investor, Lu Yiyuan should naturally take the lead.

As the woman pursued by the other party, Su Luó had even let her sit down and separate from Lu Yiyuan? Ah! The director said that he was a layman and still wanted to invest.

Eating the tender fat cow, Su Luó thoughtfully glanced at the completely separated hero and heroine below. In the previous life, the original owner did not return to the crew, everyone in the entertainment circle shouted, and she was even in a semi-retired state.

Ren Xuesheng completely suppressed her, feeling happy, and coupled with Lu Yiyuan’s “transferred love”, her charm has been fully affirmed.

Those jealousy and gloomy thoughts that are not for others are all gone with the wind. She came out to marry Chang Tianyun, who is kind-hearted and reliable, and swept the entertainment circle hand in hand. When looking back for many years, the original owner is just her life. An unremarkable one.

But now, Ren Xuesheng has never started with Chang Tianyun, and the plot behind it has naturally collapsed.

“What’s wrong? What do you think so fascinated?” Lu Yiyuan picked up a fat cow that had just been cooked with chopsticks and placed it in Su Luó’s bowl. Following Su Luó’s line of sight, he caught Chang Tianyun at the first glance, and he moved for a while. , The brows are light, and the face is tangled.

Su Luó retracted her gaze: “It’s nothing.”

“That… I want to ask you something?”

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“Huh?” Su Luó turned her head, her brows were stained with puzzlement, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Yiyuan took a deep breath, lowered his voice, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: “You don’t really like the Chang Tianyun one, do you?”

Su Luó blinked, almost as if she opened his head to see what’s inside.

“Could it be that you are not confident in your own charm?” Under the dazzling crystal lamp, the woman’s always calm and calm face smiled in vain, like a budding flower, blooming toward the sun, pure face, Lu Yiyuan was stunned for a while, reflecting the enchantment of Ruoyuowu in his eyebrows.

Like the tears of a brave man, the kindness of the devil, and the aid of a beggar.

The rarer it is, the more shocking and thrilling it is.

Lu Yiyuan was overjoyed. After this time of getting along, he already understood Su Luó’s character very well. If she hadn’t become tempted by himself, she would definitely not be able to say such ambiguous and provocative words.

“Facing you, I will never not be confident.” The man tilted his head and his eyes were full of her, “Who made me love you so much.”

“Earth-flavored love is good.”

“Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard.”

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Su Luó : “Are you busy lately? Come to the crew every day to brush up on your presence.”

“When a man faces someone he wants to see, he will have time no matter how busy he is.” He smiled, and after seeing that Su Luó seemed to be about to interrupt the topic, he added gently, “Don’t rush away, tomorrow I have a gift for you.”

“What gift?”

Lu Yiyuan placed his index finger between his lips, and said shallowly, “Speaking in advance, there will be no sense of surprise.”

“Oh! Really?” Su Luó took a sip of the juice, smiling at the corners of her eyebrows, “Then I’ll wait and see.”

“Baby! I promise you will be satisfied.” The man’s voice lowered and lowered, “Your enemy is my enemy.” So… let me get rid of her with you.

Having a person who dislikes is in common, in the process of resisting, will make the feelings have unexpected gains-from Lu Yiyuan’s search for love secrets on the Internet.

Lu Yiyuan glanced casually in Ren Xuesheng’s direction, and quickly took it back.

Su Luó saw everything in her eyes, and thought thoughtfully: “I probably know what your gift is.”

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“But don’t worry, I will treat it as if I don’t know.” Su Lu smiled very kindly, and by the way, it was even better than an OK gesture.

Lu Yiyuan: “…”

Huh! QAQ

The dialogue between the two of them was all carried out in the dark. Others in the crew could only see the two talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious. No one was surprised by this. After all, like Lu Yiyuan’s appearance and family background , EQ is a top man, they are afraid that no woman can refuse him.

In the eyes of outsiders, in terms of status and family, Su Luó climbed him high.

Before Lu Yiyuan really liked a person, he was calm every day; even if the pretended love resembled it, it was still fake. Now he really have someone he like, and instantly IQ becomes negative, becoming a love brain.

He want to be together with Su Luó every day. Someone scolds his wife on the Internet, so he turns on his trumpet and goes back, hacking his computer and cell phone, and seeing if you are still bullshit.

Seeing that my wife comes with a wall-like beauty, body shaping, dermabrasion and other filters, there is no one in the world who can be better or more beautiful than his family. Oh! Regardless of men and women, young and old, it is estimated that this filter will not be taken down in this life.


Someone even took the lead in hacking his wife before on the Internet and posted a video, huh! Such a person, kill them.

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