President White Moonlight [Quick Transmigration] 18

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Ren Xuesheng’s character can be seen from the fact that she was a spare tire in her previous life, made a resentment and finally put hatred on Lu Yiyuan and Su Luó , she is an absolute egoist, and now she looks at Chang Tianyun.

So she started her spare tire road again.

Pitifully leaning behind the man, as long as the other person showed a little rejection, she would press her lips, as if she had been wronged by heaven. It made Chang Tianyun miserable. Recently, even the crew’s eyes were not right when they looked at them, and they were discussing in private whether he had played with Ren Xuesheng’s feelings.

Chang·Back Pot Man·Tian Yun: “…”

Wrong ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

The director Chen Yousheng is very willful. It is manifested in that he didn’t even have a launch ceremony, and he didn’t send a notice saying that he was going to make a new movie, so he rolled up his sleeves and started filming.

Fortunately, people in the circle knew a little bit about his quirks, and everyone was very calm.

Don’t look at him with a soft face, melancholy in his eyebrows, and as handsome as a prince in a fairy tale. When the filming started, the whole person suddenly became a Tyrannosaurus rex. Even in the face of a big movie emperor like Chang Tianyun, he still roared well. Sprayed the other side’s dog bloody head, doubting life.

Chang Tianyun, who was scolded, was very calm, and could calmly drink a cup of green tea to quench his thirst after the play, but Ren Xuesheng was very unhappy while complaining for him constantly. She felt that Chen Yousheng was too harsh and must be deliberate.

It can be said that he is unconditionally standing on the man’s side.

Chang Tianyun looked at the sky in silence, wanting to kill himself who had been so vivid to Ren Xue before.

Thank her for not marrying.

In the entire crew, Chang Tianyun has a good relationship with Chen Yousheng and is a friend, but he has a good relationship with Su Luó, ahem! After all, this already has a loyal and rich second-generation boyfriend, he has a compelling number to himself, and the other party definitely looks down on him.


Every time after he went to find Su Luó, Ren Xuesheng came with him, and she would get angry and away within a few minutes.

There are no natural protective barriers! ! !

Chang Tianyun cried with joy, and liked to run to Su Luó even more. In addition, the two men and women are the main actors. They usually have nothing to do with each other. The fluency of filming has increased, and the NG situation has been reduced, which has greatly reduced. filming time.

The opposite is Ren Xuesheng.

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Her acting skills are actually quite good. When shooting rival scenes with other people, she can’t be said to be particularly good, but she can pass the test anyway. Anyway, this second female scene is not heavy, and the character set is very thin. It can only be counted as a prop to promote the plot.

In this regard, Chen Yousheng’s standard naturally dropped by a few points.

But even so, every time Ren Xuesheng and Su Luó were shooting rivals, she would involuntarily stiffen her body, her eyes were a bit disgusting and fearful, and her expression was very unnatural. Let alone put these shots in large-screen movies, even TV shows are not qualified.

“Ren Xuesheng, how is your smile? Laugh!” Chen Yousheng called NG for the eighth time, feeling tired, “I promised you to come in to see your acting skills during the audition. What are you doing now? Just don’t want to act. Fuck off!!”

Standing in place, Ren Xuesheng brushed a touch of humiliation in her eyes, and swallowed, “I’m sorry director.”

“I don’t need your excuse me, you do a good job of filming for me, this is my biggest request of you.” Chen Yousheng waved his hand, a little depressed: “Okay, let’s shoot the next scene first, let Ren Xuesheng’s work Move to the back.”

“Okay, director.”

The male lead and the male second came on stage. Su Luó took the mineral water from the assistant and walked to Ren Xuesheng. Looking condescendingly at the woman who was trembling with anger, she suddenly laughed, and her specially lowered voice looked a little weird: ” Don’t worry about acting! I won’t be anxious for a while.”

After the conversation, she stepped on high heels and Shi Shiran walked over.

Ren Xuesheng was stunned, feeling that this was a bit familiar. After thinking for a while, she remembered that she had said this to Su Luó once.

She did it on purpose.


Women clenched fists with both hands, jealousy and hatred, like fire in the autumn, swept the whole world in an instant.

Su Luó sat in the chair, chatting with Lu Yiyuan about meaningless nonsense, thinking about what to do next. She left a heavy psychological shadow on Ren Xuesheng in the previous crew. Now that she saw her, the other party couldn’t act at all.

If this continues, with Chen Yousheng’s energy, Ren Xuesheng will definitely be kicked out.

This is a big scandal for the actor, and both outsiders and insiders have to laugh at her. However, Ren Xuesheng’s psychological endurance is very poor, and it is estimated that she will not be able to stand the psychological gap and start to die.

And Su Luó needs her to do it now.

When the filming of “Undercover” reached one third, the news that Director Chen Da was about to release a new drama was finally known by the majority of netizens. Chen Yousheng is a director who is both handsome and talented, and has quite a lot of fans on Weibo.

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They are all comparable to first-line stars.

He casually posted a Weibo, and Aite contacted the actors in the crew, saying that the filming has started. Now that everyone knows, I will fix the makeup and take pictures tomorrow.

Netizens: “…”

The city will play! You are relying on your own abilities and you are not afraid of the movie hitting the street, so you dare not even take photos of the start-up ceremony and make-up photos! Willful, can’t afford to provoke.

The producer’s side followed closely and established the “Undercover” official support club, added a cute little yellow V, and announced the introduction of the work by the way.

Under normal circumstances, the top two actors and actresses are definitely the heroes and actresses when Acting, but in the face of director Chen Da, this law is not very reliable. When they saw Su Luó ’s name in front and Ren Xuesheng’s name followed closely, netizens laughed loudly, indicating that you made a mistake in the order.

Everyone was just joking, and didn’t try to get a reply from Chen Yousheng.


Looking at the Weibo with Xiaohuang V and Chen Yousheng’s name hanging below, he said seriously that he had made no mistake. When Su Luó was the heroine, everyone’s first reaction was that they had made a mistake. .

Forehead! That’s right.

{That…Is it because I remembered wrongly the persona of the heroine and the second woman in the profile? The heroine is pure white lotus, and the second woman is a bar girl?? }

{Don’t struggle upstairs, I went to see it, the heroine is indeed enchanting and beautiful…Uh……Miss girl. }

{I have always known that Director Chen is very headstrong, but I didn’t expect you to break through my cognition! ! Do you know what you are doing? Let Su Luó act as the heroine, her acting skills in TV dramas are not good, but she also plays the heroine of the movie, very good! Go to the street to book. }

{To say it weakly, Su Luó ‘s acting skills are actually okay, at least the more I watch the TV series, the more I feel distressed for the second female. }

Just as the noise below got worse and worse, Chen Yousheng posted a new Weibo.

Chen Yousheng V: {Su Luó is a very good actor, Xia Xin in my heart, only she can act. @苏渃.  (@Su Luó )}

Everyone: {……}

Director, wake up, what kind of ecstasy did Su Luó give you? Let me go!

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With the broadcast of the TV series, Su Luó ’s acting skills are indeed getting better and better without knowing it. People who originally thought that the second female white lotus and the green tea bitch are now more and more distressed about her. In contrast, the original set is very popular. The heroine, instead of being scolded by everyone, she has no brains. She knows the troubles all day long, and the hero has to clean up.

Netizens have asked for the second female position to be with the male lead.

Of course, the TV series have already been filmed, and these demands will certainly not be met. In the later stage, when the second female dies to save the heroine, Su Luó can also suck a handful of fans fiercely.

But even so, no one believes that Su Luó can make a good movie, including her own diehard fan.

The entire Weibo was noisy due to this incident.


Chen Yousheng was worried that Su Luó would be distorted by online comments, and she was depressed. He took time out to comfort her, but when he entered the lounge and looked at the woman holding a mobile phone playing casual games, he felt that he was really…too Naive.

The opponent has a diamond-like heart, where is he needed to play!

“Director Chen, are you okay?” Su Luó put down the phone when she saw the person who came in, with a right smile on her face.

Chen Yousheng: “…It’s nothing, just to remind you not to forget to take a makeup photo tomorrow.”

“Okay, director can rest assured.”

Chen Yousheng still wanted to say something, but looking at the woman’s alienated expression, he suffocated again, feeling that he was looking for himself and was boring, rubbed his nose and left the lounge.

After watching the whole process, the system suddenly popped up, wondering: “…Does he like you?”

Su Luó ‘s hand holding something suddenly stopped: “It should be…no.”

Didn’t the plot say that Chen Yousheng loves the enchanting royal sister beauty? can’t get along with her at all! Suno has always been sensible, has no narcissistic tendency, and never thinks of the weirdness of others over there.

Even with Lu Yiyuan, he has a playful mentality that is optional.

It’s similar to the real world anyway. She has to leave after doing the task. In this world, it doesn’t matter even if she finds a boyfriend to get married. Who will remember who in the next world? It can be said to be very scumbag.

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Of course, she must have a good impression of Lu Yiyuan.

However, if this good feeling is in the real world, Su Luó’s attitude towards him is a little softer; but in this mission world~ Anyway, there is a lot of time, let’s make it together!

Understand the whole process of the system: “…”

With a plop, the boss knelt down.

The three-year-old Lu, who didn’t know Su Luó’s thoughts at all, was pitifully asking for comfort at this moment: “Lu Lu, I miss you so much, may I come to see you tomorrow?”

“Closed filming by the crew.”

“It’s okay! I have money!”

Lu Yiyuan said righteously, and directly amused Su Luó. She nodded and said, “It happens that the crew is going to take a makeup photo tomorrow, and the time is very loose. I can also accompany you.”

“it is good.”

After finishing the call, Lu Yiyuan hurriedly called the mother for help and asked what kind of gift to give to the girl he liked.

“Rose, bag, shoe, jewel, diamond, jade.”

Lu Yiyuan hesitated: “So which one is better?”

The mother Lu on the opposite side smiled: “Of course it’s all given away.”

When Lu Yiyuan heard this, he was full of enthusiasm: “I understand.”

At this time, it showed that Lu Yiyuan’s wealth was strong. Taking advantage of the early days, he drove straight to the luxury store and started a frantic raid. As long as he felt good-looking, he would take away everything. As for aesthetics…

Refer to the non-mainstream image of a certain person.

Isn’t the jewel diamond the bigger the better? As for the styles, these are almost the same in Lu Sansui’s eyes! Mother Lu, who thought she pointed to a clear road was actually a dead end, went home and saw a place full of ‘nouveau riche’ jewellery, and she couldn’t wait to use gold bricks to make this stupid son of hers.

To give these things, why don’t you give away a box of gold bars at home, so you can keep the value in exchange for money?

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