The leading actors who can be selected by Chen Yousheng and enter the crew are all people who have been in the circle for some years. The shooting of the stills is very easy for them. The cooperation is very enjoyable. It was done after two o’clock in the afternoon.

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They don’t know if Su Luó was very impressed with Chen Yousheng during the interview. The clothing team gave her a little black dress with a bare waist that day. When she was lying on the sofa of the bar, her eyes blurred, her red lips slightly opened, and she looked at the camera from bottom to top, many people in the crew took a breath.

Oh Madam!

Where is the fairy came from, the boss will come soon and take people away.

Lu Yiyuan was sitting aside and watching, his pale face was stained with a light flush, his eyes were dark, his body was hot, and his mouth was dry.


Especially when he thinks that such a scene is not only seen by himself, he feels jealous.

When the stills were taken, the two of them found a hidden cafe. Lu Yiyuan’s face was still not very good. Looking at the woman who was looking through the menu on the opposite side, she still had makeup on her face and her eyelashes were curled and thick, and blinking. It seems to be able to suck all his soul in.

A crazy idea suddenly appeared in the man’s mind.

He tentatively said, “Jianyang, do you like filming?”

“It’s okay.” As she said, Su Luó asked the waiter for a cup of cappuccino and the Black Forest. After that, she looked up again and wondered: “What are you suddenly asking for?”

Lu Yiyuan pondered for a moment, and found a good reason for his jealousy: “The comments on the Internet are terrible. I see them scolding you, and I feel uncomfortable.” Seeing the woman’s face did not change, he continued: ” Have you ever thought about making movies yourself and being an investor.”

This can be compared to being an actor, and earning more money.

At this moment, the waiter has gone down. Su Luó took off her hat and mask and shook her head decisively: “No.”

Lu Yiyuan: “…why?”

“I love acting.” A ghost! No way, the heroine is in the show business, she must be in the show business. And if she were to be an investor, she wouldn’t have the connections and money at all, so she would not have to rely on Lu Yiyuan in the end.

Su Luó has habitually relied on herself since she was a child. Lu Yiyuan was just a romantic love game for her. How could she entrust the future to him?

One’s own strength is truly powerful.

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Lu Yiyuan is not stupid. On the contrary, he has been a typical other’s child since he was a child, with excellent grades, cleverness, and high emotional intelligence. Lu’s father and Lu’s mother are also very satisfied with him, and have been waiting for him to hand over Lu to him after graduating from university.

It’s a pity that the day did not fulfill the wishes. After entering the university and getting to know the original owner, Lu Yiyuan’s late second phase suddenly broke out.

Perfectly degenerate into a boy.

Of course, this does not mean that his IQ has decreased. He has been immersed in the passionate love period before and has not found Su Luó ‘s abnormality. At this moment, Lu Yiyuan was vaguely, as if he had touched a certain edge. He hesitated for a while before he was certain: “What do you think of me…”?

Lu Yiyuan swallowed the last half sentence without asking.

He was afraid, and the answer he finally got was completely opposite to what he had imagined.

Su Luó may be aware of his emotions, maybe not. Her attitude has not changed much from usual. In this love game, whoever loves deeper is the loser.


The stills of “Undercover” were released on the official Weibo at eight o’clock that evening. The nine pictures just made up a nine-square grid. Chang Tianyun and others are all old dramas. Everyone is not surprised what they act like.

However, the stills of Su Lu and Ren Xuesheng have received a great deal of discussion.

Before, a large group of people clamored that Chen Yousheng was blind and that the selected role was too unreliable. The movie would definitely rush, but now watching the woman on the screen with exquisite features, enchanting eyes, mysterious and dark temperament, they can’t say anything. Can’t come out.

A line of poem suddenly appeared in the minds of most people-‘The Six Palaces of Pink and Daisy have no color, look back and smile.’

Netizens have known that Su Luó is good-looking before, but in the inherent thoughts, this woman should be pure and clean, making people think of a beautiful first love at a glance, instead of being as charming as she is now, with some If there is a sense of distance.

When she smiles at you, her eyes are cold.

{Damn it! This is Su Luó, it must be the way I opened it. }

{I’m licking and licking the beauty of beauty. }

{With a thump, I knelt down to Director Chen Da. You are always the ultimate BOSS, and you find that Mei’s eyes are really different from those of mortals like Er. }

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Relying on these stills, Su Luó gained a big wave of Yan Fan. As for Ren Xuesheng, she was also very unlucky. Su Luó was a pure school girl before, and even the most demanding black powder can’t say that she is not beautiful.

The second female character collided with Su Luó ‘s previous external image.

At this moment, it was unavoidable that everyone took it out and made a comparison. In the end, not to mention the miserable defeat, but was also fiercely mocked by black fans. Some fans even thought of it and said that Su Luó would play two roles alone. Both the hostess and the second woman.

Ren Xuesheng: “…”

Ah! With such a big appetite, can you eat it?


After the stills were shot, the film had to continue shooting. Due to SuLuó’s deliberate suppression, Ren Xuesheng’s acting skills were very unstable, which greatly hindered the crew’s progress. Chen You angrily drop the script several times, and now he has a headache when he meets Ren Xuesheng, he can’t wait to kick her out of the crew directly.

Ren Xuesheng’s pressure is greater than Chen Yousheng’s, and the other party can lose his temper anyway, go out to dinner with friends and make a bunch of skewers. She could only endure silently by herself, looking at the people around her with bored or contemptuous eyes, which made people collapse.

Her final trump card was the ambiguous picture of herself and Lu Yiyuan that was taken a few days ago.

But after Ren Xuesheng sent the things to Su Luó, the other party still went its own way, and was not affected at all.

And today…

It’s probably the deadline.

Standing in the spotlight, Ren Xuesheng’s face was pale and her eyes blurred. Chen Yousheng’s voice came through the air. He said: “This is the last time. If the shooting is not good, even if I break the contract, I can’t let people ruin my movie. “


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How to shoot? Ren Xuesheng laughed suddenly, but tears flowed down her eyes. Su Luó’s own existence is her psychological shadow. As long as she is still in the entertainment industry for a day, she can’t go up.

When she ruined her, a terrible thought popped up in the woman’s mind. It’s not easy for herself, and she shouldn’t want to be with Lu Yiyuan as she wishes.

Ren Xuesheng seemed to be sensible, but in fact left the crew madly.

In the entertainment industry, they always get news that outsiders don’t know about each other. Ren Xuesheng has collected a lot of black material about Su Luó . She contacted the navy and sent what she had on hand.

{Destroy her, money is not a problem. }


One day later, a post appeared in a forum with the most traffic.

{I heard that a certain actress named R was kicked out of the crew because she offended S? Is this true? }

Second floor: Hehehe, I’ve heard that R is so pitiful too. After so many years, she finally climbed up, and once returned to the pre-liberation period.

Third floor: By the way, this size is too thin. The official Weibo of “Undercover” only posted a message yesterday, stating that Ren Xuesheng was unable to continue filming due to physical reasons. The female number two will re-select in three days and come out today. Such a post emmmm.


16th floor: So Su Luó has a strong background??

17th floor: Powerful ass, she is just a prostitute, she looks like an innocent girl to the outside world. In fact, she wants to be pretty similar. Otherwise, you think her acting skills are the only reason for acting in Chen Yousheng’s movies. The Lord throws money.

Eighteenth floor: No picture, no truth.

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The navy later released various materials little by little. Some of the original masters were upset and poured coffee during the filming, and some of her swearing. These netizens have all learned before, and how big splashes are caused.

The real thing is that all the TV series that Su Luó participated in were all invested by the Lu family.

Outsiders are quite sensitive to the term “money master”, plus the fact that Lu Yiyuan is Su Luó’s patron, but Shichui, some of the more extreme people have already scolded them, as if they could prove their strength by belittling Su Luó. Similar.

{Emmmm, sell yourself? So what’s the difference between Su Luó and Chicken, it’s disgusting. }

{Don’t want to work hard to take shortcuts. }

{Su Luó got out of the entertainment circle. }

The speculation on the forum was almost done, and the navy began to continue hacking on Weibo.

They all have their own online celebrity accounts, let someone write a good article, and then send it out with pictures, accusing the entertainment circle of being too chaotic, and Su Luó, as an idol, does not establish correct values, but sells herself to the back door. Her fans have a very bad influence.

Both the inside and the outside are leading the battle.

You must know that the country/home is very strict in seizing the celebrity. If one is not dealt with, it will be directly blocked. There was an internet celebrity in the first two months, because the style is too chaotic, so it is directly blocked. Millions of fans are in vain.

Ren Xuesheng stayed at home, watching Weibo constantly comforting her, and then watching the bloody storm on Su Luó ‘s side, the smile in her eyes couldn’t be concealed.

At this moment, even if Lu Yiyuan speaks, it is useless. Preconceived people will think that this is Su Luó’s scheming. Pan Gaozhi said that she is all for money. What about her pride now, she will be abandoned in a few years.

No matter what, Su Luó’s reputation will definitely not get better.

And the people of the Lu family, would they allow such a woman with black spots to enter their house? She is afraid I can’t wait to grab my son and let him break up immediately. And Su Luó, who has no backer, is what counts?

In a daze, Ren Xuesheng felt as if she had seen Su Luó’s tragic future.

Su Luó destroyed her, and she dragged her to hell together.


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