Apart from the Su family, all the men and women who came to pick up Su Luó this time also followed.

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As soon as she came out, she was hugged by Su’s mother, with some tears in her eyes, and said softly: “Mianyang, you finally came back, mother miss you, walk around, I will take you home, Wang Sister made your favorite lotus root clip.”

“Mom.” Su Luó hugged the woman’s soft body with her backhand, and her complexion was soft. When she raised her eyes, she looked at the two men with very similar appearances in front, and said: “Dad, big brother.”

“Just come back, just come back.” Father Su muttered repeatedly, looking excited.

The eldest brother of the Su family has a smile on his face. He wants to touch the cute sister in front of him. He is also sad and has nowhere to tell. He and Su Luó are six years old apart. His parents have been busy since childhood, and most of his younger sisters are with him. Taking care of them, the two brothers and sisters have deep feelings.

Later, Su Luó was in poor health, and when she was sent abroad for recuperation, he cried the most.

After they were all excited, Su Luó set her sights on the hostess.

The little girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a goose-yellow sweater and jeans, her hair is tied into a ponytail, her facial features are soft, and she looks pure and beautiful; the teenager next to her is the same age as her, and her facial features have grown. Now, the brows are handsome, but the temperament is a little bit ridiculous and bad.

“What are these two?” Su Luó tilted her head, a little puzzled.

“Look at me, I was too excited to see Yang Yang, and I forgot to introduce it to you.” Mother Su wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes. “This is the daughter of my good friend’s house. The name is Yan Xiaoya. She is still a student. Live in our house; this is Xu Jiahui, you used to play together when you were young, have you forgotten??”

The woman showed a suddenly enlightened expression, and looked at Xu Jiahui a little embarrassed: “Sorry, I didn’t recognize it for a while.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s happened many years ago after all.” Xu Jiahui glanced at the smiling girl secretly, and his heart throbbed quickly. Although his heart was a bit bitter, it was more joy.

Mingyang is still so beautiful, smart and gentle, like a delicate puppet, Xu Jiahui thought endlessly, in the future… when Mingyang go home?

Can they still be together like… before?

Su Luó was sent abroad when she was thirteen years old. Due to physical reasons, the Su family flew abroad to accompany her every Chinese New Year, but they never came back. Xu Jiahui can only understand her situation through photos and a few words from the Su family.

The youthful and hazy likes, with the precipitation of time, turned into a misty and gorgeous color.

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The group drove back to Su’s villa. The nanny had already prepared the meal and put it on the dining table. Su used her chopsticks to pick up the fried golden lotus root clip and bite it down. The savory and fragrant mix together, and the delicious ones can make people’s tongue swallow.

“After so many years, Aunt Wang’s craftsmanship has become better.” She praised.

Su’s mother looked at her well-behaved little daughter lovingly, and she couldn’t wait to give her all her heart: “If it tastes good, you can eat more. At home, you can eat whatever you want.” At this point, she seemed to think about something, she turned her head to look at Yan Xiaoya aside: “Xiaoya, are you a little bit shorter than Yangyang.”

“Huh?” The girl seemed to be in a daze before, when she was called up suddenly, she was dazed for a moment before she smiled reluctantly, “Sister Xiao Lu seems to be taller than me.” She was even thinner than her.

Su Luó asked in confusion: “Why did you mention this all of a sudden?”

“You have been abroad before, and you can’t wear the clothes at home. I will take Xiao Ya to try on your clothes. Now it seems… it seems that you still can’t wear it!” Su Mu sighed, this is really true. Sweet burden, “Tomorrow I will accompany you to go shopping, and mother will buy you new clothes.

“No need, the difference between our figures should be okay.” Su Luó said: “I bought all the clothes. Wouldn’t it be a waste not to wear them.”

“No, how can my baby wear clothes that don’t fit right?” Mother Su didn’t take it seriously. She looked at Yan Xiaoya on the side and said naturally, “Anyway, these clothes were bought in Xiaoya’s figure. Just give it to her.”

The Su family is never stingy with their weak daughter in terms of money. The new clothes in that closet are all famous brands.

Those words of Su’s mother actually made sense. The clothes Su Luó had never seen before. They were all new. They were bought by Yan Xiaoya and Su’s mother. They must be in line with her aesthetics, and they are suitable for her. Nevertheless.

But Yan Xiaoya’s mind is too sensitive.

Ever since she knew that the Su family’s daughter was coming back, she had tossed and turned and couldn’t fall asleep. Everything she has now is based on the care given by the Su family. Even her boyfriend Xu Jiahui is willing to associate with her because she is somewhat similar to Su Luó’s.

Su Luó came back, the Su family already had a daughter, and her status would definitely decline.

In the airport, seeing everyone taking care of Su Luó, as if the other party was a fragile porcelain, she felt a little uncomfortable. The boyfriend who has always been wayward and arrogant in the back, when facing Su Luó, behaved like a golden retriever, really…makes people jealous.

Now… give her the clothes that the other party can’t wear??

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What has she become??

Am I specifically collecting garbage objects?

Yan Xiaoya was young, and even if she wanted to cover it up, her face revealed a bit of dissatisfaction and disgust. Su Luó saw everything in her eyes, and suddenly chuckled: “Mom, you bought all the clothes for me, and then transfer them to Xiaoya. This…isn’t very good.”

Su’s mother was startled, turned her head to look at the girl beside her. Before she could say anything, Xu Jiahui spoke first. He said, “What’s the matter? Just treat it as the clothes that Auntie bought her. I often change clothes with my brothers.”

Yan Xiaoya’s face became even more ugly when she heard the words.

Everyone is helping Su Luó, why… no one wants to think about her mood?

Father Su, who was sitting on the main seat, took a sip of the soup and came out to finish the game: “Okay, isn’t it just a few clothes? Our Su family still doesn’t lack the money to buy clothes.”

The topic stopped here. After they finished their lunch, Su Luó said hello to everyone. Under the leadership of Su’s mother, she returned to her room to take a break from jet lag.

The soft bed, lovely pink all over the room, very girly.

The woman was lying on the bed, looking at the wall with beige wallpaper, as if she could go through the cover and see Yan Xiaoya on the other side. The Su family is really good for the heroine. Although she only borrows to live here, she has everything to enjoy.

Luxurious villas, expensive clothing, expensive pocket money, servants’ service, three meals a day are specially prepared by the master chef from elsewhere by the Su family, as well as exquisite afternoon tea and supper.

The girl who has always lived in a small county suddenly came to the luxurious metropolis and came into contact with a world completely different from her before.

It is inevitable that there will be a bit of inferiority in her heart.

Where is Yan Xiaoya herself? Would she want to leave Su’s house? You must know that she is now in the third year of high school and will have to take the college entrance examination in another year. In the original book, it is very clear that she is worried that Su and Su’s mother will not be able to bear the pain of losing a child, so she chose a university close to Su’s home. Continue to live in this villa.

The reason is very good, but the original owner of Temu had been dead for almost a year at that time.

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Time is the best medicine. Even if you are still sad, you can’t bear it, right??

Su Luó turned over on the bed and asked the system in a low voice: “520, in the last world, you said that if I want to complete the task, I must be better than the heroine in all aspects. In this world, what industry the heroine will do in the future, I will also do it, you want to follow along?”

“No need! This is limited to the plot in the novel.”

“What do you mean??”

“Hmm!” 520 pondered for a while, then slowly said: “For example, this novel ended after the heroine’s college entrance examination. Her career is equivalent to studying, so if you want to defeat her, you must become a student tyrant~~ “

Su Luó: “…”

“After the line of the original world ends, you only need to ensure that your social status is always higher than her.”


In this way, there is a lot of room for manipulation in the process of completing the task.

For example, if the hostess becomes a waiter in the future, doesn’t she have to become a hotel manager? In a few years, the female protagonist changes career and becomes a salesperson. Is it possible for her to follow along to run sales??

She thought about the future and fell asleep little by little.

Su Luó stayed asleep until after five o’clock in the evening. She had to have dinner at home before she washed up and got out of the room.

As soon as she opened the door with her front foot, she bumped into Yan Xiaoya who came up to ask her to eat with her.

The girl’s face was a little haggard, and her expression was low. If you look closely, you can find that her eyes are a little red, as if she had just cried.

Su Luó glanced lightly: “What’s the matter with you??”

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“No…nothing.” Yan Xiaoya shook her head and walked forward quickly, “It’s going to have dinner soon, let’s go down.”

The original owner’s body is too weak, and there is heart disease, and can’t stand the stimulation. Although the system guarantees that it is there and guarantees that she can live for a long time, Su Luó subconsciously slowed down and walked without rush. To ensure that it does not burden the heart.

Therefore, when Yan Xiaoya went to the dinner table, she realized that Su Luó had been left behind early, and no one could be seen.

Su’s mother is cooking today, and she is serving food outside. Seeing this scene, she gave a soft “Huh” and wondered: “Xiaoya, what about you? Didn’t you go up and call her? Isn’t it there yet? Wake up?”

“She was clearly behind me just now.” Yan Xiaoya turned her head, bit her lip, and said in a panic: “I…I will go and see.”

“No need, let me go.” The Su Family’s eldest brother glanced at her unsaltly and snorted, “Mianyang is not in good health, you are walking too fast, she can’t catch up.”

“I’m sorry.”

Yan Xiaoya clenched her fists, pinched her trimmed nails into her palms, and looked at the strange-looking uncles and aunts in the living room. She couldn’t help complaining about Su Luó. If she didn’t go fast, she said it earlier. Now it’s making her difficult to be a human being.

This woman must be deliberate, she did it only when she was upset.

The more Yan Xiaoya thought about it, the more aggrieved, especially this afternoon, her boyfriend even quarreled with her because of a few pieces of clothes, saying that she did not do the right thing, but she just didn’t want Su Luó’s clothes, can’t she??

Everyone is a girl, of the same age, so why should she be inferior??

The little girl turned back and forth in her heart, lowered her head to feel wronged, as if she was being bullied. Mother Su was a little uncomfortable in her heart. Her daughter had just returned, which was originally a happy thing, but Yan Xiaoya was depressed and dejected. She looks like a dead person. Isn’t this making her feel uncomfortable?

For two years, the Su family treated Yan Xiaoya as her biological daughter, otherwise they would not say anything like giving her all the clothes at noon.

But now… Mother Su’s face has not changed, but her heart has cooled a bit.


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