President White Moonlight [Quick Transmigration] 69

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Wenbin has a high status in the music scene, and every time a new album is released, it sells very well.

In today’s downturn in the music world, his achievements have made countless people look up to him. To let him appear in the new album, if he is a young actor who is new to the industry, it must be a leap to the sky, but for Shi Yi… it would be a bit redundant.

The idol drama is still playing. With the deepening of the follow-up plot, Shi Yi has more and more scenes. During this summer vacation, his traffic and popularity are guaranteed.

Moreover, the relationship between Su Luó and Wenbin is quite embarrassing. When Shi Yi is in their hands, they are not allowed to rub it. When the time comes, they will casually give cannon fodder for a second or two, got a favor.

The loss outweighs the gain.

Su Luó rubbed her forehead, it really doesn’t work, let Shi Yi go to another place, excuse that he doesn’t have time, and then recommend a similar style of fresh meat from the company to go there.

Anyway, this MV is absolutely not filmed.

Manager Cai, who was as fat as a ball, saw that the matter was almost settled, grinned in satisfaction, and waved his hand, let them all go out.

“Wen Bin, you guys go first, I still have something to discuss with Manager Cai.” Yan Yu took a sip of tea and smiled gently at the man.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s just a little thing.” She shrugged pretending to be indifferent, but her eyes always fell on Su Luó’s side unconsciously, with chilling viciousness and mockery, as if she had already seen them in a miserable future.

Su Luó : “…”

Shi Yi: “…”

Wenbin didn’t feel much, rubbed his eyes, yawned tiredly, and walked out of the office first. Su Luó and Shi Yi followed closely behind, and soon, only Yan Yu and the greasy-faced Manager Cai were left in the office.

The bright sunlight outside the window is blocked by the curtains, and the air conditioner is whistling, bringing refreshing coolness to this hot summer.

The man’s obscene eyes kept lingering on the woman’s white thighs, and he coughed twice with his hands on his lips, pretending to be serious: “Xiao Yu is here, is there anything you want to discuss with me?”

“Manager, You make me sad.”

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The woman’s calm voice suddenly became sweet, soft and charming: “Our family Wen Bin has been working for the company for so many years, constantly generating income, but you want to use him to praise a newcomer, alas!”

“Shi Yi looks good, and he sings well, and it’s hot now, so it’s good for you to reciprocate and benefit each other.”

Manager Cai listened to Yan Yu’s complaining and coquettish voice, and his heart was about to move, his attitude couldn’t be tough anymore, he smiled wretchedly a few times, and said in a low voice: “But if you are willing…”

He gestured with his eyes a few times, “I can help you too.”

“Manager Cai, are you joking?”

“Wen Bin’s development prospects are very bright, as his manager, why do I have to do such a shameless thing.” The woman covered her lips and chuckled a few times, before the man changed his face, she continued: “But… Isn’t she better?”


“Younger than me, with a pretty face and a good figure, and only Shi Yi, an artist, can make a move. I don’t know when she will hit the street. She should really want to climb up Right…” The woman’s voice became lower and lower, with a sense of seduction, “It just so happens that you should have a lot of resources in your hands, isn’t this… a match made in heaven?” After speaking, she heard the man’s heavy breathing, she feel a little proud.

It’s done.

Su Luó’s appearance is definitely at the top level. Even when wearing a very simple white shirt and suit pants, she can wear a restrained and elegant taste, which makes countless men and women covet.

Manager Cai’s position is not very high, but he has a brother-in-law who is a shareholder of the company, and usually secretly rules a few young model actresses, and no one dares to chew his tongue.

It’s just that Su Luó’s aura is too strong. When facing her, Manager Cai always had the feeling of talking to the leader.

Some malice, once released, can never be taken back.

The two looked at each other, everything was silent.

“Then I’ll—”I left first.     Before Yan Yu finished speaking, someone knocked on

The office door: “Sorry, Manager Cai, I forgot to take my phone, can I come in now?”

He was serious, but the eyes that kept scanning back and forth on Su Luó who had just entered the door betrayed his little thoughtfulness, so he really wanted to go to sleep now, but… bear with it, let someone go again in private Say.

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That gaze was too revealing, Su Luó cursed inwardly.

She picked up the mobile phone leaked in the gap of the sofa and put it back into the bag, with a standard smile on her face: “Sorry to trouble you, then I will go first.” Turning around, one step, two steps, Three steps… When she arrived at the door of the office, her hand was just holding the handle…

“Wait a minute.” Yan Yu, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly stood up, seemingly kindly, but in fact she stretched out her hand forcefully: “Check your phone for me.” Just now, what Manager Cai and I talked about just now is a top secret of the company, if a recording is accidentally left and spread, and the company’s affairs are ruined, it would be very bad.”

Hearing this, Su Luó lightly Sigh.

Sure enough, still can’t hide it.

But… will this be able to catch her? Don’t even think about it.

Su Yu’s eyes widened, and she pretended to be extremely surprised, looking innocent: “How could the recording be accidentally pressed? You are saying that I did it on purpose, really… this is also true. Can you guess for no reason.”

“Stop talking nonsense, take out your phone.” Yan Yu didn’t back down.

“I’ll just give it to you.” Su Luó muttered impatiently, with drooping eyebrows, she took out a mobile phone from her bag and handed it to Yan Yu, “You must check it carefully, and don’t push it to me if you have any problems..”

She was so confident that Yan Yu flinched a little.


“Six and eight.” The rose gold mobile phone is covered with a transparent protective case. It seems that the owner has taken good care of it. Except for some scratches from the keys on the screen film, the rest of the mobile phone is like new, unlock the phone, and search back and forth in the audio several times.



How is this possible? As far as she knows, Su Luó would never make such a low-level mistake and leave her mobile phone in the office.

But the reality is indeed… so.

Yan Yu looked around again in disbelief, Manager Cai, who had been extremely nervous after hearing her words, relaxed now, and waved his hands carelessly: “Okay, let her go, don’t waste time.”

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Hearing this ,

Su Luó climbed down the steps: “Miss Yan, can I trouble you to return the phone to me?”

Yan Yu bit her lower lip, reluctantly handing it over.

“I know Miss Yan that you are dating Wen Bin, so you are a bit prejudiced against his ex-girlfriend, but it was a long time ago, I have already watched it, I hope you will stop targeting me like this, what recording. Yes , it’s not an idol drama.”

Su Luó’s voice was not too loud, just enough for everyone present to hear.

Manager Cai’s expression was dumbfounded: “Dating?”

She is not the one who swallows her anger when she is bullied, since Yan Yu keeps making trouble again and again, she will find something for her to do.

Yan Yu: “…”

“The manager…” Yan Yu called out in panic a few times, seeing Su Luó’s leisurely expression, she quickly pointed the finger at her, “Su Luó is also dating Shi Yi.” So everyone together It’s fine.

“What are you talking about? I am six years older than Shi Yi, just like his older sister. Impossible.” Su Luó waved her hands, as if she had heard some joke, “Probably because both of us were poor before, live in the same community, so I misunderstood you.”

“But in the elevator you obviously…”

“That was just him throwing a child’s temper.”

“The two of you are obviously together, he looks at you His eyes——” Yan Yu’s originally pretty face was distorted into a ball, looking hideous, making people unable to bear to look directly at it.

Manager Cai was so dizzy from the series of big news, he didn’t react until now, he slammed the cup in his hand on the coffee table, making a harsh sound, and said with a gloomy face, “Okay, Both of you shut up.”

“Manager Cai.” Yan Yu shouted.

Su Luó stood calmly by the door, allowing the other party to look up and down.

Manager Cai hesitated for a moment: “Su Luó, you go first, Yan Yu and I have something to discuss.”

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“Okay.” Hearing this, Su Luó opened the office door, and she waved her hand with a smile: ” Shi Yi is still waiting for me below, so I’ll go down first, I’m really sorry to leave something behind this time, I’ll be more careful next time.”

Manager Cai lowered his head in thought, and gave a dispensable ‘hmm’.

Yan Yu stared at her fiercely, as if wishing to dig out a piece of flesh from her body.

Su Luó smiled at her, and said with her mouth: “Idiot.”

She watched the woman’s pupils shrink suddenly, her face was full of shock, and she closed the office door calmly. In a vague way, she could hear the woman’s collapsed cry: “This is all set up by Su Luó!”

“There must be something in her phone, you can’t just let her go.”

“Isn’t it just an ex-girlfriend? Can you be generous and keep doing what you are doing to her?”

“I’m telling the truth.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll let people stare at her.” Manager Cai said something casually, his expression was obviously fooling Yan Yu, and he turned to say: “Compared to this, let’s have a good talk about your violation. The company contract, the relationship with the artist.”

Yan Yu’s eyes were red, and she sat on the sofa exhausted, in a trance.

It is obvious that she should play the game for Su Luó.

Why is it that the person who is in a dilemma now has become herself instead?

In the company lobby.

Shi Yi stood next to the elevator, playing with his mobile phone while waiting for Su Luó, turning a blind eye to the whispering crowd not far away, until a familiar figure appeared in his eyes, he took back his mobile phone, and complained in a low voice: “It’s so slow “

“Sorry, it took me a while.”

“By the way, what were you doing in a hurry to buy a new phone just now?” The man’s eyes scanned the woman curiously, “Could it be that you…” He raised his eyebrows , asked with his eyes.

“This is a secret.”

Su Luó winked at him in a rather happy mood, took out two mobile phones from the bag, paused the recording of one of them, and put the other back into the bag after formatting, ” Fortunately, I saved everything in the cloud before, and I can copy it immediately when I have a new phone, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

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