When they first started off, Valentia struggled to focus on her surroundings, but as time went on, she soon realized that the path they were taking was not the one she recognized as leading to the Academy.

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The Fall Banquet was always held at the Academy Banquet hall, so naturally that was where they needed to go, but instead, the carriage seemed to be heading in an odd direction.

But the man had the ring, so obviously Lexus sent him.

[Valentia] “Where are we going? I don’t think this is the way to the Academy.”

[???] “Oh, my apologies. I failed to tell you this before. We’re on our way to La Vie en Rose.”

[Valentia] “There?”

[???] “I was ordered to take you.”

[Valentia] “But why?”

[???] “Well, obviously you are beautiful now, but His Highness would be forever grateful if you could accept his sincerity.”

[Valentia] “Oh…..I see.”

Her partner was Lexus. He was a member of the Imperial family and when it came to social customs and manners, there was no one more experienced than he was.

It would be strange if he showed up with a partner that did not match up with the dress requirements.

[???] “Yes. He is sincerely sorry he could not contact you.”

That was a little understandable. The incident from the circuit was only being published in a third-rate gossip newspaper, but it still caused quite the stir, and considering they were the parties involved, it was only right they be cautious.

If he were to contact her and match their outfits, that would be no different from publicly announcing that she was the other victim involved. If Valentia had thought rationally about this for even a second, she would have realized that, but she didn’t seem to be quite herself when it came to him.

It’s not over. I can still see him.

And even now, she couldn’t move away from the thought that she could still be with him for a little while longer, the idea making her heart flutter.

[Valentia] “But you are…..?”

[Yusef] “Ah, I’ve been rude once more. My name is Yusef Resin. I’ve been aiding His Highness these days, although he’s been acting rather quietly, so I haven’t had much work to do. But it’s a comfortable job.”

Soon, they arrived at La Vie en Rose. She thought she might be able to see him there, but only the staff came out to greet her, including the one woman that helped her the last time she was there.

[Staff] “Welcome, Lady Syner.”

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[Valentia] “Yes. Hello.”

She couldn’t see Lexus here, but maybe it was only natural he wasn’t waiting outside. He was more the type to make others desperately wait for him, so maybe he was inside instead?

[Staff] “Let us go inside. Everything has already been prepared.”

[Valentia] “Yes, but the place seems empty?”

[Staff] “How did you know that? A VIP rented the entire boutique today.”

It was clear who this VIP was, considering they unbelievably managed to rent out the entirety of the largest boutique in the entire Empire.

[Valentia] “All of this?”

[Staff] “Yes. No guests will be entering this building for the rest of the night except for you, Lady Syner.”

[Valentia] “I see.”

[Staff] “Right this way. It’s the best room in all of La Vie en Rose.”

As soon as the door was opened, directly in the center of the room was a mannequin fitted with a dress. There were lights shining down from above it, as if they were emphasizing the existence of this very special dress.

It was very beautiful. Even if one had no eyes, the beauty of it could be felt easily.

She chuckled seeing Valentia’s dazed expression as she simply stared at it without saying a single word.

[Staff] “Pretty, isn’t it? While we were making it, we ended up getting excited and put all of our effort into it.”

[Valentia] “Is the VIP here?”

[Staff] “Ah, we would be honored if we could serve him as well, but you are our only guest today, Lady Syner. Since we first opened La Vie en Rose, this is the first time the VIP asked us to take such good care of a lady like he asked for you.”

All she heard was that Lexus wasn’t here, and that fact disappointed Valentia greatly.

Although Valentia’s heart was swelling with excitement just a moment ago, it quickly cooled down again. Was he just acting politely towards the person he asked as a partner? Was that why he didn’t come?

[Staff] “I will help you try it on.”

High end dresses were often designed with the intent the lady have assistance in putting them on and taking them off. It took considerable care to straighten out the hem of the dress since it was so long, and one would certainly need help if they didn’t wish to wrinkle it.

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And that was why such garments were often seen as a sign of wealth and nobility.

More comfortable clothing could be made and worn easily, but they enjoyed showing off their authority and power by requiring such an extensive process. After all, in the olden days, this very process was used as proof of one’s position—signified by the number of people they required for help.

As Valentia disrobed, her shoulders and collarbone were exposed, and her slender neck, normally hidden behind her uniform, stood out to an even greater extent. The thin, lace slip, hanging  from one shoulder and wrapped around her slender body made Valentia all the more lovely.

It was honestly surprising that her previous dress managed to fit her as well as it did even though the seamstress did not allow for a personal fitting, but it paled in comparison to the one before her now.

Her new dress, lined with lace that vibrantly hugged her upper body, flowing down her legs from her cinched waist was far lovelier. The fabric was a light peach color, reaching down just before her ankles, making her look so beautiful, it was as though it was made just for her.

[Staff] “It really does suit you. His Highness has a good eye.”

[Valentia] “I’m sorry?”

[Staff] “I was worried the dress might not suit you since you couldn’t come see us in person, but it was a useless thought. It’s hard to keep up with how keen His Highness’ eye is sometimes. At this rate, we might have to close our doors.”

Of course, she was probably exaggerating, but it was true the dress Valentia was wearing looked absolutely stunning on her.

[Valentia] “What do you mean……?”

[Staff] “Oh, you didn’t know? His Highness was the one who chose this dress.”

[Valentia] “……….I see.”

Looking at Valentia, the employee leaned in and whispered into her ear.

[Staff] “You know, His Highness’ partners often came here to get fitted for their dresses, but this was the first time the Prince selected the dress himself.”

She wasn’t really sure how to feel right now.

[Staff] “Ah, but the topic of His Highness’ former partners is a little hush-hush. You’ll keep this a secret, right? Or else, I’ll get fired.”

Her way of speaking was so cute and personable that Valentia smiled and nodded along. After her hair and makeup was done, Valentia looked like a completely different person.

Knock, knock—

[Yusef] “It’s almost time for us to be off.”

It was the voice of the man who came to pick her up, coming through the door.

[Staff] “Ah, like clockwork, he is. It’s a shame I must send off my masterpiece like this, but I hope you will have a good time at the banquet. If you get the chance, be sure to tell everyone you got your dress done by those of us at La Vie en Rose.”

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[Valentia] “Of course.”

Once the door was opened, the expression of the man with a rather pretentious smile stiffened for a moment, and for a second she felt a little nervous.

[Staff] “Isn’t she stunning?”

[Yusef] “Hm. Let us be off, Lady Syner.”

The young employee was quick on her feet, bursting into a chuckle as the man failed to answer, instead pretending to be in a hurry. After that, she was helped back into the carriage, sitting in the same place as before while the man escorting her sat across from her.

But in his eyes, the woman sitting before him now seemed like an entirely different person.

When he went to retrieve her at the Baron’s mansion, she seemed a little average looking, but she wasn’t bad. Naturally she would be overshadowed standing next to the handsome Prince, but she wasn’t so shameful that she would be pointed out as the unsightly one in a crowd of students.

However, in deep contrast, the woman he saw now looked very different, and he wondered if this was how she looked on most days.

[Yusef] “This may sound like a mere pleasantry to you, but I feel as though I should tell you this.”

[Valentia] “What is it?”

[Yusef] “You are very beautiful.”

[Valentia] “Oh…….Thank you.”

[Yusef] “I just pray my master won’t be angry with me now that I’ve seen this before him.”

[Valentia] “You’re very funny.”

Taking it as a joke, Valentia let out a soft and airy laugh. She thought the man in front of her was making a lighthearted joke, but she didn’t say that out loud.

Not long after, the carriage stopped in front of the hall where the Banquet was being held.

[Valentia] “Thank you for today, Sir Resin.”

[Yusef] “It was no trouble. It was an honor to serve you. Please have a good time.”

Having emerged from a carriage marked with the Imperial crest, she naturally drew attention to herself. Eyes were turning towards her amidst the crowds of people that had already gathered at the hall.

It was the first time she ever earned such stares when attending the banquet. She even felt the sting of people’s gazes on her exposed neck and shoulders.

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And instinctively, she headed off towards the familiar wall where she would usually plant herself.

The gazes that turned her way softened a bit, but she could not help but be acutely aware of them. They were eyes full of envy and unpleasant interest, all of them evaluating her appearance.

[???] “Hello, Miss Valentia.”

Like a breath of fresh air, a thin but elegant voice called out to Valentia. She looked up, immediately feeling relieved the second she saw who it was.

This was also a very strange occurrence. There was not a single person who called out to her during this particular celebration, so it was hard to believe that someone was actually saying hello to her.

[Valentia] “Ah, Miss Aigis. Miss Lily. Miss Red. It is very nice to see you all.”

[Aigis] “What are you doing, tucked away in a corner like this?”

[Valentia] “I just find it more comfortable.”

[Aigis] “That’s understandable. From the moment you made your entrance, people have been staring at you. Your dress is very lovely, by the way.”

[Lily] “Yes, it’s beautiful. Where did you get it?”

[Valentia] “La Vie en Rose.”

[Aigis] “There? But I heard it’s difficult to get a reservation since it’s fully booked for the next year. How did you manage to get in?”

[Valentia] “Oh, that….”

[Lily] “Did Lord Lexus prepare this for you?”

Lily asked very quickly without a lick of sense.

This wasn’t the best topic of conversation. It was normal for a man to send a dress to the woman he was meant to take to the Banquet, but if the man they were talking about was Lexus, then no doubt someone would have something to say about that.

[Valentia] “…..Yes, I am his partner, but I really didn’t think he would prepare this.”

But even so, Valentia didn’t wish to lie since the fact she was his partner would become known sooner or later anyway.

[Aigis] “You don’t need to feel uncomfortable about it. Everyone likes him and admires him, but to us, he is no different from a Prince within a fairy tale.”

He actually was a ‘Prince’, but in terms of his existence, he was very distant. Like a star in the sky far above, even for those of high noble birth, he was so very out of reach.

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