Actually, Black and White couldn’t be blamed for not being able to tell Eim’s species by scent: Their original forms were way too big. They could recognise species of similar sizes by their scents, but not those of much smaller sizes. It was just like getting a lion to recognise a mosquito by its smell, which was an impossible feat, besides, it was unnecessary.

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From Black and White’s little understanding of life, only Kantases were capable of transforming into humanoid form, and hence they would also assume that every humanoid was a Kantas. It was precisely due to this that they never suspected that their bald baby- Meng Jiuzhao was not a Kantas.

Black and White decided to follow Eim to his tribe to have a look. (Actually, it was just his home, but Eim insisted on calling it a tribe since it was cooler 囧)

The two wanted to get some “fire”. Not only that, they also wanted to find Eim’s father to get some advice to the grand issue of “How does one sucessfully raise a bald cub”. If possible, they even wanted to get a “pot” which was said to be able to make soup for Baby.

Even though they still didn’t understand what kind of thing a tribe was, even though Eim, who was raised by this “tribe” looked pretty weak, as long as this “tribe” had a way to let Baby grow up healthily, it was enough!

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Full of hope towards their future life, Black and White carried their two cubs as well as the precious things left by their dad, and even half of the raptor corpse as they walked further away from their birthplace.

In the heads of the two Kantas cubs, they were only changing their hunting grounds. They did not understand the sheer difference between their birthplace and the location they were heading to!

That catastrophic collision from extremely long ago seemed to have wiped out all life on the planet! It even caused the land to be split into two, forming the inner continent and the outer continent.

The inner continent was lucky to escape the impact of the catastrophe, retaining its original appearance as the Land of Dinosaurs. 

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However, the outer continent was destroyed by the impact and was reborn as a new world. The larger dinosaurs died in the disaster, leaving the originally small mammals that gradually evolved to be larger as they were no longer oppressed by their predators in their food chains. 

They reproduced in every corner of the continent, resulting in increased populations. Their bodies adapted to become stronger in their environment, eventually reaching the point where some even took on humanoid forms.

This was a world where mammals reigned supreme!

However, the earthquake from two days ago caused a change at the edge of the already fragile continent. In a freezing cold and inconspicuous corner of the planet, a frozen lake connected the two continents without others realising.

And thus, two Kantas cubs brought “their cubs” along with them, unknowingly becoming the first dinosaurs to step into this alien world.

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On the snow, the footprints of three people gradually got further.

From the reasons stated before, Eim was mistaken to be a Kantas by both Black and White.

This misunderstanding continued even now.

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“Could you, walk a little slower… I can’t, catch up…” Looking at the widening distance between himself and the two, Eim, who was finally unable to take it, wailed.

“Ah?” Only then did White notice that there was one less person in their group, and unwillingly turned back. “Why are you so slow?”

Eim burst into tears.

“I- I didn’t know that you guys walked so quickly.” From first glance, Black and White did not look that much stronger than himself, and they weren’t much taller than him either, so how could they walk so quickly? Not only that, even their little chicken (←Referring to fluffball Louis) they raised could run so much faster than him!

That’s right, just like how Black and White thought Eim was a Kantas, even Eim, who met more people in his life, even mistook the two to be the same species as himself.

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