The females brought over all of Carat’s pots, purposefully addings lots of aromatics into the water.

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Well, from Meng Jiuzhao’s perspective, they were adding seasoning.


You can imagine it as bath water with fresh garlic and ginger inside.


The four large pots of water were heated together, and along with the strange smell of the kitchen wafting, the nest started fogging up.


“The water’s ready! Let’s go in!” Hearing Sita’s announcement, the muscular women cheered. On this cold winter night, being able to take a hot bath was unbelievably comfortable!


Everyone boldly tore off the animal skins covering their bodies, before jumping in stark naked.


This scene was so tragic that Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t bear to look at it.


However, a hot bath… He wanted to get in.




Meng Jiuzhao stretched his little hand out towards the hot water.


Now, Black and White could see that they were not intending to “cook them to eat”. On the contrary, the people soaking in the pot seemed like they were enjoying themselves.


Seeing the anticipation on their family’s bald baby’s face + Louis’ curious expression, the two also carefully entered the pot with one cub in each parent’s arms.


“Ah~~~” The unfortunate female who entered the same pot as them let out a shrill scream.


“The water! Why is it all black!”


Two females immediately discovered the culprit.


They glared at Black, White, who were carrying their children, as well as Eim, who were awed.


One of the females– Xiao Ding, from the wolf race, couldn’t help asking, “How long has it been since your last bath?!”


“B- Bath… What is that?” Eim weakly hugged his father in the water.

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“…” A wave of silence swept across the nest.


“Everyone, get out! Let’s boil a couple more pots of water and give these people who have never bathed a thorough cleaning!” Sita decided.


Thus, even though it was night, the nest of bachelorettes got more lively.


“I heard they’re preparing bath water for the females.” The lonely males got restless and wanted to take a look, but the strength of the females deterred them, and they could only smell the scent wafting from Sita’s nest from a distance.


“How fragrant~ Is this what females smell like?” One of the men asked, drunk from this smell.


If Meng Jiuzhao was next to them, he would definitely shatter their fantasy and tell them that this smell was just that of onions, ginger and garlic.


He had never used such strange bath water.


There was currently a suspected clove of garlic on top of his head. 


The females were scooping out dirty water while adding in more hot water. As the hot water surrounded him, he felt more comfortable and even slightly sleepy.


“You really haven’t taken a bath before? But you’re so much cleaner compared to Eim! Also, girls, look! Their hair looks so good!” Xiao Ding, who was currently washing their heads, looked in envy as she called the others to take a look.


That’s of course! Black and I lovingly groom each other every day![2] — White thought to himself proudly.


However, he wouldn’t say this out loud~


“Wow~ So soft! And so smooth! And look at their skins, there’s barely any hair on it!” All the females had looks of longing, and as they spoke, some even secretly glanced at Black and White’s exposed skin.


This sentence broke the glass hearts of Black and White.


They– What they wanted most was hair ahhh~~~[3]


“Actually… Actually, I think that having hair is sexier.” Eim’s face reddened.


The rabbit in his arms kicked his knees, “Dad thinks so too. Can… Can you guys tell me how to make my hair grow bushier?”

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Black and White pricked their ears.


This group of “females” started happily discussing the usually taboo topic of how they made their hair denser.


As they discussed, more secrets were shared between each other, and before knowing it, they got much closer.


“But Black, your chest is so flat! Mine is larger than yours…” Finally, Xiao Ding couldn’t help but stretch out her lecherous paw to Black.


She placed Black’s hand on her own chest, while her own hands were on his flat chest.


So flat, isn’t this way too flat– Xiao Ding thought to herself, but she didn’t dare to say this out loud.


Such strong pectoral muscles– Black was secretly very envious.


Finally, when the water in the pot no longer turned black, Sita announced that their bath time was over.


“You guys can get out now.” Sita said to Black and the others.


“Ya~ We can finally get out?” Eim happily hugged his dad and stood up. Black and White also slowly got up next to him–


“Eh!!!!!!!! Why do you all have JJ?!!!!” The cozy, hot bath ended with the earth-shattering screams of the females.




The news of Black and White being males shattered the hearts of many. However, it only increased their popularity among the females.


“To be able to have such a cute and strong cub, they must have really good genes~” When God closes a door, he opens a window. [4]


Because of the huge and eventful bath they had, Sita’s nest had to be left open for a night to air. Therefore, the group of females decided to live in Black and White’s nest for the night. (Since their nest was the biggest in the tribe after Sita’s)


After seeing how comfortable their nest was, Black and White now had an additional label “capable” on their heads.


At night, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

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A tiny figure climbed up, carefully twitching his nose and sniffing the position of his target.


Good, great, he had found his target…


The little figure jumped across many legs, before finally reaching his target.


“Chirp–” Quietly, he made a sinister sound.




The next day,


“Louis? Where are you?” Black was a parent prone to worrying, since he had a restless cub.


“He’s over here.” Andy was the first to notice Louis. The cub with a chick’s appearance was breathing softly as he slept on his stomach. What a great morning.


He was almost reluctant to return Louis to his parents.


“Ah! Andy, you peed everywhere!” Xiao Ding was the first to notice. She immediately pointed to a large wet patch beneath his stomach.


Andy froze and looked down awkwardly.


“How is that possible? I’m already this old…”


“You can’t be thinking that it was Louis, right? Such a large patch, how old is Louis? How can he pee so much?” Xiao Ding made it clear that she would not accept his attempt at self defence.


“Chirp?” Louis tilted his little head, acting as if he did not understand what was going on.


Andy could only accept the fact that he was unlucky, and in order to make up for his deeds, he promised to redo the grass flooring in Black’s nest before he went out to hunt.


With the bedwetting incident of the popular idol of the tribe, Andy, exposed, his position in the hearts of the females fell. On the other hand, Black and White’s position got raised further?


“You little baddie.” When everyone else had left the nest, poked Louis’ belly, causing Louis’ feathers to sink in whenever he poked. A cub was definitely not able to urinate to form such a big patch, but if they tried hard enough, peeing multiple times in one night was ‘ok’. [5]

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“Chirp?” ( ⊙ o ⊙ )


“There’s no use pretending.” Meng Jiuzhao poked Louis’ soft belly again.


Louis was a cub with good upbringing. Black had taught him from a young age not to urinate or defecate inside the nest. If he wanted to settle his needs in the middle of the night, Louis would definitely go out to do it. 


Meng Jiuzhao also noticed that Louis had secretly drunk a lot of water last night.


So– He definitely ran to Andy everytime he had the urge to pee. It was most probable that Louis got tired after running and accidentally fell asleep next to Andy. = =|||


“This two-faced[6], revenge-seeking attitude of yours, is really just like the other Louis.” Meng Jiuzhao poked his little mouth.


“I don’t know what he was like as a child, but who knows, maybe he was like you and was gifted at being naughty.”


Meng Jiuzhao smiled slightly.


He felt like he had finally let it go, and could finally freely talk about the Louis from another world.


Or at least that was how it seemed on the surface.


Translator has something to say:

Not me dying-struggling to complete my assignments and study for my tests…


↑1 drool kaomoji( ̄¬ ̄)
↑2 In the raws “licking” is used, but I opted to use groom because cats groom themselves by licking, right?
↑3 because they were currently balding LOL
↑4 The males lost their crush but the females gained a new crush
↑5 ok was english in the raws, and is supposed to mean ‘possible’ in this case.
↑6 蔫坏蔫坏, meaning he does bad things behind other’s back, but acts as if he did nothing in front of others. the closest thing I can think of is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or a false gentleman?

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