Chapter 2 : At the crime scene

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The man in front of her sight, with bright red hair as fiery as fire and slender eyes.
The corner of his eyes curved upwards, giving out an arc of cold arrogance, faintly exuding a sense of sinister aura.

His facial features are as sharp as a knife, as if they were meticulously carved out from a painting scroll, impeccably exquisite.
With just a glance, people will not be able to shift away their line of sight.

The most important point is his lip, thin yet full, is gracefully nipping on another pair of red lips.

The hands of the red-haired man wandered across the girl’s body, in which the young lady is trying her best to reject his advance.
A face full of pain, she seemed to be trying to look at the direction where Zhu WuXin were standing.
But unfortunately, her head was firmly held by the man’s hand, she just simply can’t move.

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The harder she struggled against the man, the stronger his grip is on her.
On her spotless clear skin, there are red marks everywhere which were caused by his strong grip on her.
And he seemed to be enjoying this kind of resistance.

“Oh, my lady gaga, so this is the so called Want but Don’t want act ah [1]”

[Translator note : The author really wrote that exclamation in English]

Zhu WuXin swallowed her saliva, dayum live version of an A film [2] , really done it with much energy.

But when she was enthusiastically waiting for the scene of [something something] to unfold, she saw something from between their lips and teeth.
There is a faint trail of fresh blood dribbling out from between the lips of the two person.

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Then, Zhu WuXin heard a clear [ka-cha] sound, the throat of the young lady was snapped broken, she died.

The man took his long slender arm away from the dead girl’s neck, casually flung off the girl that was just treated tenderly without emotion on to the floor.
Using one finger, he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth.
Then, he looked at Zhu WuXin, smiled yet not smiling [3].
An unlimited force of something[4].

“Hmm, you are not dead yet,” the red-haired man said, looking at WuXin.

His voice sounded hoarse and eerie.
After hearing that, she immediately broke into cold sweat.
And the feeling she had when she was watching the ‘show’ disappeared without a trace.

The human ability to perceive danger let WuXin know that the man who is currently walking towards her, is definitely not a good crop.[5]”

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If she have known earlier, she would have slipped away while he was doing ‘it’.
She shouldn’t have gotten tempted by temporary lewd stuff.
Right now, it’s useless to regret about it!
Really eat sh*t ah!

Out of instinct, Zhu WuXin started walking backwards while covering her chest.
The red-haired man suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her neck, then pulled her towards him.
The action was done in one breath, she haven’t even see him move but yet, immediately caught in his hand.

His icy cold fingers glided across her cheeks, saying one word at a time, “It seems that your life is quite strong.”

Zhu WuXin is losing breath from the man’s grip at her throat.

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Her eyes fluttered backwards.
She wordlessly gaze at Heaven, asking who can tell her what is this situation!
What situation is this!

[1] : 欲拒還迎 – It means in your heart you want it but your mouth says you don’t

[2] : A片 – porn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[3] : 似笑非笑 – An idiom

[4] : 風情無限 – No idea how to translate this to English, all I can say is it’s an unlimited feeling

[5] : 茬 – The author used the word crop, but it’s similar to ‘not good stuff’

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