Diplomacy Before Violence (Part Two)

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Kun WuShang returned to the desk, flicked his sleeve, and quickly left.

Upon opening the door, the outside was a group of dark figures, and they all had familiar faces.

At the front was Gu HuaiJiang. Behind him were Gu ShuBai, Gu HanMo, Gu WenQing, and all of the guards of Marquis Gu’s Manor.

They stood outside the study and looked to have been waiting for quite some time.

He actually had not heard any signs of movement, yet he had been blocked inside without any room for retreat.

His face became a little pale, as he gained some insights into the Gu family’s martial teachings.

“So it seems that the eldest young sir saying that he wanted to apologize to this prince was for this reason.”

For the sake of this exact moment, to catch him outside this study, to catch him in the act.

“I apologized to seventh prince with good intentions and out of kindness. Who knew that Western Kun would use the reason of improving national relations to send seventh prince into the manor to gather military intelligence. I truly am very disappointed in you.”

Gu ShuBai had a look of bitter hatred, and the corners of Kun WuShang’s lips twitched.

Capturing him was capturing him, but was there any need for this sort of tone?

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This sort of disappointed tone, who knew if he thought of himself as his older brother or something.

Gu HuaiJiang’s tone, however, was far more strict.

“My Marquis Gu’s Manor’s outer study is an important place. Court documents and military reports from the border come and go from this place, and none are allowed to enter. This marquis can only treat this as business. Guards-”


“Arrest him and send him into the palace to be dealt with by His Majesty.”

Gu HuaiJiang had made up his mind. He would not even get close to touching such a muddled affair. This matter would be handed to Emperor Ning to handle.

First, it would completely dispel any suspicions of relations between Marquis Gu’s Manor and Western Kun. Second, regardless of whether it would offend Western Kun or curry favor with Western Kun, all of the responsibility would lie with Emperor Ning.

“Be gentle, I’m a prince of Western Kun!”

Kun WuShang tried to break free, but his hands and feet were tightly held by some sturdy guards, thus he began to shout and scream.

He clearly was the irreverent person that Yu Fu had described.

“Marquis Gu! Wasn’t I just a little curious and wanted to take a look at your study? Are you guys really so petty? I will need to tell master to not let little senior disciple stay here…”

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While being dragged out, Kun WuShang struggled and screamed at them.

One of the guards detaining him said: “It might be too late. Our Lord Marquis already made the decision to engage young miss Yu Fu to the eldest young sir.”


This earsplitting shout could not be heard by those at the study.

“There was only one. Who knows where the other one is.”

Gu ShuBai stood in the middle of the yard and looked around. His eyes passed by the attic, and he faintly smiled.

With Kun WuShang having been tied up and sent into the palace, Gu HuaiJiang and the others returned to the banquet.

The atmosphere of the banquet did not seem to have been affected. Instead, this small interlude gave everyone something to talk about.

A little-known prince from Western Kun, only Emperor Ning treated him like a treasure. Nobody else thought much of him.

Emperor Ning was particularly welcoming of Western Kun’s special envoy, trying to use this opportunity to improve relations with Western Kun, such that the two countries would no longer engage in conflicts. These feelings were no longer much of a secret.

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“I already said that Western Kun suddenly sending out special envoys definitely did not have good intentions. Who knew that they would act kind on the surface but actually be trying to steal military secrets to defeat the Gu family’s army!”

“But of course, Lord Marquis Gu also invited him with good intentions, yet he actually snuck into the study like a criminal. In any case, he is a prince, but he is a disgrace to the educated!”

“Hah, say, how do you think His Majesty will deal with Western Kun’s seventh prince?”

Based on Eastern Ling’s laws, stealing military secrets was a capital crime.

Gu HuaiJiang dared to tie him up and send him into the palace, but Emperor Ning might not truly dare to punish him, much less execute him.

The guests were eager to discuss this topic, guessing at Emperor Ning’s reaction when they suddenly heard a commotion come from the outside. Nobody knew what had happened.

“ShuBai, go out and take a look.”

Gu ShuBai had been planning to go and find Yu Fu. Hearing this, he had no choice but to take some people and go out to investigate.

A few people wearing fur coats were making a commotion at the entrance to the manor. From time to time, they would speak in Western Kun’s dialect. It turned out that it was Western Kun’s special envoy.

Seeing him come out, they stepped forward with Chi Gan at the front.

“Eldest young sir, we heard that our seventh prince was sent into the palace by your Marquis Gu’s Manor. What exactly happened?”

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“Your honorable country’s seventh prince secretly broke into our marquis manor’s outer study in an attempt to steal our military secrets. He should have been executed based on military laws, but given his status as a prince, we sent him to be dealt with by His Majesty.”

Chi Gan’s complexion instantly turned pale. He never thought that Kun WuShang, who had carefully-crafted plans a few days prior, would be captured so quickly by the people of Marquis Gu’s Manor.

He had even been caught in the act and sent into the palace. Things were really problematic now!

“Eldest young sir, how could our dignified seventh prince of Western Kun do something like that? You must have misunderstood. How could you tie up our seventh prince without an explanation?!”

Chi Gan did not dare go into the palace and make a scene in front of Emperor Ning, but he would cause a commotion in front of Marquis Gu’s Manor.

Gu ShuBai said: “Whether or not it’s a misunderstanding, you will find out by asking your seventh prince. Today is my father’s birthday. Those who were not invited are not permitted to make a scene here. Special envoy, please quickly depart; otherwise, do not blame me for not holding back.”

“You… Our Majesty sent us to Eastern Ling with good intentions. Is this the way that Eastern Ling treats its guests?!”

“Our Eastern Ling is particular about diplomacy before violence. Could it be that Lord Chi Gan wishes to try out this heir’s swordplay?”

He was clearly smiling, but his eyes revealed a faint murderous intent.

Chi Gan had no doubts. If he said another word, the sword hanging at Gu ShuBai’s hip would be plunged into his neck.

He had no choice but to take a step back. Gritting his teeth, he very reluctantly left with his group.

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