Kept in the Manor (Part Five)

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Yin JiYao only entered the study after seeing Kun WuShang walk out.

“Eldest brother, are you alright?”

Kun WuShang had left in a huff, but Yin Shuo was perfectly calm, to the point that it was impossible to tell what they had talked about.

“I’m fine. His attitude was within my expectations”

Kun WuShang was unwilling to reveal Yu Fu’s identity. This action alone made it clear that there was some sort of problem.

Her identity would not be accepted by the people of Eastern Ling. For the sake of protecting her, Kun WuShang refused to reveal her true identity.

“With Kun WuShang’s side falling through, you need to get a hold of Gu JiuGe.”

“I will, eldest brother. He seems to feel quite good about me. With some more time… I will have a grasp on him.”

Yin Shuo warned: “He is different from other men. You absolutely must not allow the play to become reality.”

Yin JiYao’s face turned slightly red, as she lowered her head, “What sort of thing is eldest brother saying…”

The sound of quick footsteps came from the outside.

“Eldest young sir, we brought that maidservant back. Do you wish to see her now?”

“Bring her in.”

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A flicker of light flashed in his eyes, and Yin JiYao asked out of curiosity: “Which maidservant is this?”

“A maidservant who was expelled from Marquis Gu’s Manor and one who was among the first to serve Yu Fu.”

Yin JiYao nodded as if something had come to mind. Just when she was about to pick up a cup of tea, she suddenly saw Yin Shuo’s gaze land on her hand.

That gaze clearly said for her to leave.

She hastily pulled her hand back.

“Then I won’t be disturbing eldest brother’s questioning.”

After she finished speaking, she stood up and meandered out of the room.

Not long later, a servant brought in a maidservant. She was dressed like she was from the countryside and looked very plain.

Looking carefully, the earrings that hung from her ears were in a style popular in the capital. Sure enough, she was someone who had stayed in Marquis Gu’s Manor.

“Your name is Yao Hong?”

Based on the information gathered by his informants, the maidservant who had been expelled from Marquis Gu’s Manor was called Yao Hong.

“This servant’s name is Qi Ting. I am the granddaughter of the head steward of Marquis Gu’s Manor. The name Yao Hong was given to me later!”

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Her eyes were resolute and filled with resentment.

Yin Shuo came up with an idea and gestured for her to step forward.

Qi Ting nervously took a couple of steps forward, and Yin Shuo faintly smiled, “The head steward of Marquis Gu’s Manor? I know him. His surname is indeed Qi. Then what is your relation to his son, Qi Zhou?”

Qi Ting joyously said: “He is this servant’s father!”

“You are Qi Zhou’s daughter. Among the maidservants, you should have the highest standing. Who would dare to expel you from Marquis Gu’s Manor?”

Yin Shuo patiently questioned the defenseless Qi Ting and convinced her to reveal everything that happened.

“… She was the one who clearly broke into the outer study, yet she insisted that I tricked her. She used a poison needle on me, leaving me unable to move, and Lord Marquis naturally believed everything that she said, thus he expelled me from the manor.”

Yin Shuo fell silent for a while then nodded.

Naturally, there would be some distorting of the facts by Qi Ting. He ignored some extraneous reasons and ended up with an understanding of the sequence of events.

“Then having served her for so long, do you have any insights into her identity?”

“Identity? She is a disciple of Immortals Valley. She’s an immortal practitioner of poison. She also has a maidservant who has served her since childhood named Yao Lan, who also came from Immortals Valley. Is young sir Yin asking about this?”

Yao Lan, Yao Hong.

It was no wonder Qi Ting hated Yu Fu so much.

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He shook his head, “Aside from her coming from Immortals Valley, what else do you know?”

Could it be that Yu Fu had some other identity?

Qi Ting shook her head, and sure enough, Yin Shuo revealed a look of disappointment.

No, she was finally able to escape from the countryside and return to the capital. She did not want to go back!

Like a piece of flint causing a spark, she suddenly recalled something and let out a cry.

“I remembered, young sir Yin!”

Qi Ting suddenly said: “On the day that I left Marquis Gu’s Manor, she had Yao Lan bring me my things. At the time, I was feeling resentful and said some rude things. Yao Lan saw that there was nobody else around and said that young miss Yu Fu’s status is something that only Princess DanYang could compete with.”

Princess DanYang?

Connecting this to Kun WuShang rushing out, he suddenly came up with a thought. That thought became clearer and clearer in his mind.

Could it be that Yu Fu was a princess of Western Kun?

The people sent by the prime minister’s manor to investigate in Immortals Valley could not even get through the main gates. They could only wander around the outside.

They did not find out Yu Fu’s identity, but they did find out that there was much interaction between Immortals Valley and Western Kun, as many of the disciples in Immortals Valley were from Western Kun.

Thus the possibility of Yu Fu being Western Kun’s princess increased…

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“Servant, go and see whether or not father is still in the outer study. I will be making a trip over.”

“Yes, young sir.”

Yin Shuo suddenly stood up with his brow furrowed. He was completely different from the kind demeanor that he had when they first met, and Qi Ting just stood to the side in confusion.

After a while, she tried her luck and said: “Young sir Yin, Marquis Gu’s Manor’s matters cannot be spread lightly. I told you all of these things, so you can’t just leave me be!”

Stupid woman.

What sense was there in not discarding something that had been used up?

The prime minister’s manor was not a garbage dump that could tolerate just about any garbage.

A look of abhorrence flashed through Yin Shuo’s eyes. When he looked up, he had already managed to suppress it.

“Forget it, you can stay in the manor. You must not go out, and it’s even important that you don’t meet with people from Marquis Gu’s Manor.”

After all, she was Qi An’s granddaughter. Keeping her might have some benefits.

“Many thanks, young sir Yin! Many thanks, young sir Yin!”

Qi Ting could not give thanks enough. She looked at Yin Shuo as if he was her last hope. She was beyond joyous.

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