Eldest Brother Got Angry (Part Three)

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Yu Fu’s socks and shoes were placed on a drying rack near the brazier. Yao Lan felt them and found that they were warm and toasty, thus she removed them to put them on Yu Fu.

She had removed the cloak because it was warm inside the room, and there was no need for a pouch or handwarmer. She then dexterously ran out to see Gu ShuBai.

He was presently drinking tea while seated on a sofa in the outer room. Seeing Yu Fu look at him from the door but not come over for a long time, he waved to her.

“What are you standing there for? Are there flowers on my face?”

“There aren’t.”

Not only were there no flowers, but it looked a little strict.

Yu Fu stood timidly before him but did not sit down on the sofa. She looked like a child who had done something wrong and was being punished by her teacher.

He raised his head and looked around. Lian Bi and the others understandingly retreated.

Yu Fu’s small head hung low, as she stared at her feet.

“Do you know what I want to say to you?”

“I do!”

Yu Fu counted on her fingers, “Listen to instructions, wait when told to wait, and don’t go mindlessly running around. When it snows, it’s even more important to not carelessly go outside. I must change my shoes, take an umbrella, bring others with me, and I must not catch a cold…”

She was clearly organized and recalling each and every point.

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She was able to remember it but did not do it.

Gu ShuBai endured for a while but could not stop the corners of his lips from curling up.

Unfortunately, Yu Fu currently had her head down while counting on her fingers, thus she did not see his expression.

“Eldest brother, I know that what I did was wrong. Don’t be mad, alright?”

She had not done it on purpose…

“I am mad, but it’s not because of this.”

Gu ShuBai very rarely spoke to her with a serious expression. If it was not for this, then what was the reason?

Before she could figure it out, Gu ShuBai picked her up and placed her on the sofa. The warmth was so comfortable that she did not want to move.

“The floor is cold. You can take your time to think about it while sitting.”

Sitting cross-legged, Yu Fu casually pulled over a pillow and began mindlessly fiddling with it.

Aside from her running out earlier, she did not seem to have done anything wrong, right?

Gu ShuBai’s gaze landed on her hands. Her tender white fingers tugged at the pillow in her lap from time to time. The sight of this made him recall things in quick succession.

He averted his gaze in an unnatural manner.

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“Father arranged for you and me to be engaged. Why did you refuse?”


Yu Fu had an innocent expression, “When did I refuse? I was saying that master…”

She was all too eager for such a day to come. When she mistakenly believed that madam Su said that she had arranged a marriage for her and Su YunYan, her mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts.

This included the head general forcefully taking Gu ShuBai back. All of these thoughts had been considered.

Who knew that, in an unexpected joyous situation, madam Su and Gu HuaiJiang would actually reveal that it would be her and Gu ShuBai.

At that moment, she was already extremely happy, but she could not express it in front of outsiders. She could only smile foolishly.

But why did he say that she had refused the engagement?

“Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know?”

His finger was hooked under her chin. With a slight pull, her large and ignorant eyes flickered.

He suddenly forgot what he was about to say, and his mind momentarily went blank.

It seemed that she was telling the truth and really did not know.

Gu ShuBai gently explained, “Father announced that he wished to engage us in front of every noble family in the capital. If you did not refuse, you and I could have exchanged keepsakes on the spot. With father and aunty taking responsibility for the decision, and the guests acting as witnesses, this matter would have been set.”

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“But when father asked if you wanted to or not, you said that the Deity of Medicine had not yet agreed. Our Eastern Ling is a country of etiquette. With you mentioning the Deity of Medicine, father could only express that take responsibility as my father and could not take responsibility for you.”

So it was like this…

Yu Fu wanted to cry but had no tears.

“I didn’t know that your Eastern Ling’s rules were like that. Then let me quickly write a letter to master to have him quickly agree to our engagement. Won’t it be considered set just like that?”

Once these words came out, she quickly covered her mouth.

Gu ShuBai was smiling a little too brightly.

She realized a little too late, but what sort of things had she just said?

No good, no good, too utterly shameless, now eldest brother would definitely laugh at her!

When she spoke in front of outsiders, she always had a sense of decorum, but for some reason, she would always make mistakes when speaking to Gu ShuBai.

“If you don’t like me, I will act as if I never heard it.”

He grabbed ahold of her hand, wanting to have her with him without ever worrying about saying the wrong thing.

As long as he confirmed her feelings, nothing else mattered.

Yu Fu quietly said: “Although it hasn’t been confirmed, eldest brother can’t like anyone else. Especially Princess DanYang, you can’t like her.”

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She was very certain that as long as Gu ShuBai showed even the faintest interest in Princess DanYang, he would never be able to get away.

This was because Princess DanYang also really liked him.

Gu ShuBai was taken aback, but his smile could not be concealed.

“This matter… It seems that I should be the one to worry, right?”

At his side, there would be one Princess DanYang, at most. As for Yu Fu’s side… Just in this manor alone, there were dangers lurking all over.

It did not allow for even the slightest bit of relaxation.

“Who is eldest brother worried about?”

Yu Fu looked puzzled.

It was likely because there were too many people at her side who treated her well, thus she still could not tell for certain who liked her like a little sister and who had special feelings for her.

Aside from the way Gu ShuBai liked her, she did not mind how other people liked her.

“I’m not worried, and there’s no need for you to worry.”

Those other men who got close to Yu Fu, he would sort them out one by one.

Outside the window, the snow blew all over, as the north wind roared.

Yu Fu infatuatedly gazed at his profile. Suddenly realizing what he meant, her eyes became crescents from her smile.

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