Yin Shuo’s Mistake (Part Four)

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A bang came from inside the study of the prime minister’s manor.

The sound was muffled but heavy. It sounded as if a fist had landed on a sturdy desk, and the guards outside exchanged a glance.

It had already been an hour since the eldest young sir had gone in, and his expression had been very ugly when he entered. Now, he must be beside himself with anger.

In the end, they pretended not to hear to avoid going in and being a bother.

“Kun WuShang, that damn Kun WuShang…”

Yin Shuo sat in the darkness behind the desk. He did not open a window, nor did he light a candle.

In the evening mist, his visage that was as fine as jade became twisted.

There was a brocade box placed on the desk. On the day that he had asked Kun WuShang about Yu Fu’s identity, Kun WuShang became angry and left, telling him to visit the posthouse when he had thought of how he would like to be repaid.

A few days after that, Yin Shuo sent someone over, and the person returned with this brocade box.

Kun WuShang said that it contained a deadly poison. It was a poison that even Yu Fu might not be able to treat. By the time that she figured out how to treat it, the victim would have already died.

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But why was Gu ShuBai able to return safely?

The informants stationed near Marquis Gu’s Manor reported that he looked fine, and there was not the slightest sign of illness.

What nonsense about deadliness. What nonsense about a poison that Yu Fu can’t treat. Kun WuShang had clearly schemed against him!

But he could not figure it out. Why?

Did Kun WuShang not want Gu ShuBai to die…

“Lord Prime Minister, you’ve returned.”

The voice of the guard outside quickly brought Yin Shuo back to the present.

Immediately following this was Yin Yan’s voice, “Is it the eldest young sir inside the study?”

“Yes, the eldest young sir has been here for a while.”

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Yin Yan walked through the door and furrowed his brow. The inside of the study was dark. Not a single candle had been lit. This was not at all like Yin Shuo’s usual style.

After waiting for a moment, a figure stood up from behind the desk, as Yin Shuo came forward to greet him.


His voice contained a disappointment that he had never heard before.

Yin Yan’s eyes were sharp, looking him over quickly. Behind them, a servant came in, lit a candle, bowed, then exited.

“What happened to make you so inattentive?”

Yin Shuo bowed then kneeled on the ground, “Father, son was schemed against by Kun WuShang, and I fear that I have invited disaster upon our prime minister’s manor.”


Yin Yan waved his broad sleeve and sat down behind the desk, “What exactly happened? Tell me in detail.”

Yin Shuo took a deep breath to settle himself down a little more, “The assassins that tried to kill Gu ShuBai were sent out by son. I received a poison from Kun WuShang’s side. I originally thought that I could take his life in a single strike, but who knew that Gu JiuGe would take Yu Fu and set out so quickly then manage to save him.”

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“Fool, who told you to assassinate Gu ShuBai?”

Yin Yan slammed the table and stood up, “This matter was even brought up in court, and father was wondering who would be so bold. Who knew that it would actually be you? Why did you hide it from father and try to assassinate Gu ShuBai without permission?”

“Father has always despised Gu HuaiJiang for amassing troops to improve his own position and suspected him of being in cahoots with Western Kun. This time, Gu ShuBai only brought 40 people to escort the Su family’s mother and daughter back to JinLing, so what better opportunity…”

Yin Yan looked at him sideways, “Father’s suspicions of Gu HuaiJiang are genuine, and the hatred is real too; however, father wishes to find evidence to cause his downfall in court. There is no desire to have him killed secretly! Also, it would be one thing if you had tried to kill Gu HuaiJiang, but why go after Gu ShuBai? Father told you to investigate Yu Fu’s identity. Rather than devote your efforts to important matters, you did something so sinister. Father is beyond disappointed in you!”

He only had one son in Yin Shuo, and he had always thought highly of him. This was the first time that he had scolded him so fiercely.

Yin Shuo knew that he had done something wrong and could not argue.

But he was not wrong for trying to kill Gu ShuBai, he was wrong for trusting Kun WuShang!

Yin Yan continued: “Do you know just how much importance His Majesty has attached to this case? He has already ordered the Imperial Court of Justice to investigate this case. Once any connection to the prime minister’s manor has been found, not even father will be able to protect you! Also, how could you be so negligent as to believe Kun WuShang?”

Yin Shuo was feeling a great deal of regret over this and hated that he could not skin him in his sleep.

“Kun WuShang does not like the engagement between Gu ShuBai and Yu Fu, and he detests Gu ShuBai; moreover, son did not fully trust him. All 100 of the assassins that were sent out were top-tier experts. Who knew that Gu HuaiJiang, who usually kept a low profile, would send out 500 troops!”

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If this was a battlefield, 500 soldiers would not be considered much, but in a peaceful country, 500 could be considered a big deal.

Gu HuaiJiang really cared a great deal about his eldest son.

Yin Yan sighed and helped him up from the ground, “Sit down to speak. Blaming you now is pointless. It would be better to quickly think of a way to distance yourself from this matter.”

Yin Shuo shook his head.

If he could cleanly distance himself from this matter, there would be no need for him to be so troubled.

“Father, if Kun WuShang wished to use this matter to harm son, I fear that he would disclose the matter of this box of poison to His Majesty on his own.”

“How could he dare? As a prince from Western Kun, he ought to want to try and curry favor with our prime minister’s manor, so how could he turn around and decide to drag you down instead?”

A cold feeling crept up from his feet. Yin Shuo had always thought of himself as smart, but this time, he had to admit that he had grossly underestimated his enemy.

It was possible that he was mistaken from the very beginning, and Kun WuShang never wanted to use him to deal with Marquis Gu’s Manor.

That seemingly frivolous and idle prince had a heart that was like inky water. It made it hard for people to see his true intentions.

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