Spring Has Arrived (Part One)

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Once these words were spoken, everyone looked at Gu HuaiJiang in absolute shock.

As Eastern Ling’s first-rank head general and marquis, he did not even need to kneel when meeting with Emperor Ning. Could those knees casually be bent to someone else?

Xun Chi’s actions were clearly meant to humiliate Gu HuaiJiang.

Gu HuaiJiang was the one who took the initiative to bring up kneeling. It was clear that he was willing to discard his own dignity for Emperor Ning’s sake.

Such a shocking display caused even the second prince to tear up.

“Father, you mustn’t!”

Who knew who had let out this cry; however, it was already too late. Gu HuaiJiang lifted the hem of his robe and started dropping to his knees with his back straight.

Before his knees hit the ground, a strong wind suddenly came and stopped him. No matter how he tried, he could not fully kneel.

Everyone was shocked to find Xun Chi with his hand raised in midair, and something like a whirlwind was holding Gu HuaiJiang in place, slowly straightening him up.

Xun Chi grinned with satisfaction, “Forget it, forget it. I am already satisfied just seeing you have the heart to do it. There’s no need for you to kneel. In the future, taking care of my Yu Fu is what truly matters.”

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His Yu Fu.

Everyone present had a different reaction, immediately understanding what Xun Chi was hinting at.

For the sake of Yu Fu’s future life in Marquis Gu’s Manor, he did not wish to offend Gu HuaiJiang. It could be seen just how much he doted on her.

Could it be that he had come this time for the sake of treating Gu HuaiJiang for Yu Fu?

When they had seen Gu HuaiJiang in the palace yesterday, he had looked very sick, needing Yu Fu and Gu ShuBai to support him. Today, he was able to walk around on his own.

The second prince’s eyes lit up. The way that he looked at Yu Fu changed once more.

Xun Chi stood up and dusted off his butt, “Let’s go. Off to the palace.”

After everyone left, Gu Yi pouted and said: “Why is the Deity of Medicine so capricious? Wasn’t everything fine when he was eating the chicken legs during dinner yesterday? Why is it that he wanted to humiliate father in front of everyone?”

Gu HuaiJiang, however, did not look humiliated in the slightest, “Deity of Medicine provided our Marquis Gu’s Manor with such a great help. Even if he goes overboard with any of his actions, why should it bother us?”

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Gu Yi thought about it a little, “Alright, he can be considered as having saved father’s life. I guess kneeling is fine to repay a lifesaving benefactor.”

“Idiot, that wasn’t the help that father was talking about.”

Gu JiuGe smacked him on the head with a folding fan, “Father was talking about treating His Majesty’s poison. If Marquis Gu’s Manor made an appearance in this matter, it would be hard for us to avoid being dragged into the struggle for the throne. Now, with the Deity of Medicine making an appearance, as someone divorced from worldly affairs, he won’t be dragged into the strife. He can treat him however he wishes. His Majesty can stay alive, and Marquis Gu’s Manor can remain distanced. Is this not beneficial to both sides?”

The younger ones listened to this in a daze, and Gu Yi seemed to have suddenly obtained enlightenment, “So this is why eldest brother was saying that only the Deity of Medicine could treat him!”

Why had they not thought of this?

Gu JiuGe looked at him then secretly shook his head.

Gu HuaiJiang smiled then turned around and returned to the main hall.

Gu Yi watched him depart and doubtfully said: “It’s fine if father isn’t angry, but why do I feel that he isn’t happy. Second brother, what are you shaking your head for?”

Gu Yi, this idiot, still did not understand even to this moment.

Gu JiuGe looked at Gu Xiang, Gu HanMo, and the others, “Have you guys noticed?”

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Gu HanMo nodded, while Gu WenQing looked a little embarrassed, “I was absolutely terrified when I heard it, but I felt that the Deity of Medicine was not that sort of person. Thinking about it now, I finally understand.”

Gu Yi was completely lost, “Huh, what do you understand?”

What was this group of people saying? What were they hiding from him?

He gave Gu Xiang a push, “Did you understand?”

Gu Xiang said: “Think about it. If the Deity of Medicine disliked father and wanted to humiliate him, why would he bother help by going into the palace to treat His Majesty? I heard Steward Qi say that father has already finished writing the report and was about to go into the palace to hand it to His Majesty while having Yu Fu treat him.”

Gu Yi was shocked, “How close, it’s fortunate that father didn’t go; otherwise, would it not offend the one who carried out the poisoning? Based on what you said, why would the Deity of Medicine want father to kneel before going?”

“You idiot. In the end, he didn’t have father kneel all the way!”

Gu Xiang looked as if he was explaining something to a cow. He really did not want to admit that he and Gu Yi were twins.

How could he be the younger twin brother of such an idiot?

Everyone shook their heads while smiling before leaving.

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Only Gu Yi continued to stand next to the gate, as he wondered what exactly the reason was.

After a long time, he rejoiced and said: “I’ve figured it out! The Deity of Medicine wanted to give father a chance to buy some goodwill. Like this, when His Majesty wakes up, he will hear that father was willing to kneel just to save his life. This will definitely increase his trust in father. He won’t have any more suspicions, right?”

Turning his head, he found that there was nobody there. Everyone had left long ago.

Gu Yi secretly voiced his praise, “So this is what eldest brother meant by the Deity of Medicine having a hard mouth but a soft heart. That is to say… he will marry Yu Fu to eldest brother?”

“Sixth young sir, what are you saying?”

A steward saw him standing there and muttering to himself. Coming closer, he wanted to hear what was being said.

Gu Yi glanced out through the gate. The green leaves from a row of tall trees outside Marquis Gu’s Manor’s walls gave off a faint fragrance.

This sort of smell was a little like the smell of Yu Fu’s medicine kit. It smelled earthy and unique.

He suddenly smiled and said: “I was just saying that spring has arrived, and I noticed the smell of spring.”

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