What They Were Thinking (Part Three)

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Within the time that it takes to drink a cup of tea, Xun Chi led Yu Fu and Tian Shu out.

The treatment was completed this quickly?

Looking at Eunuch Gao’s expression, that should be the case.

Eunuch Gao was smiling brightly behind them, respectfully sending them off.

“His Majesty is currently sleeping. Deity of Medicine, please wait. Deity of Medicine saving His Majesty is my Eastern Ling’s benefactor. We have cleaned up a palace, and we invite Deity of Medicine to stay in the palace and be served by us servants.”

“There’s no need. Though Marquis Gu’s Manor is a bit small, it’s enough for me to live in. I specifically came to see Yu Fu, not to treat your emperor. There’s no need for you to get close to me.”

Eunuch Gao: “…”

The great Deity of Medicine really did not care for any kindness that was offered.

“Many thanks, Deity of Medicine, for treating father Emperor. Many thanks, Deity of Medicine!”

The second prince repeatedly bowed, and before he could stop, the eldest prince also joined in.

“Many thanks, Deity of Medicine. As his son, I will be sure to thank Deity of Medicine for helping.”

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A few doctors from the imperial physicians’ group ran out, looking at Xun Chi with wolf-like gazes. They were all too eager to bring him back to the imperial physicians’ group for research.

“Deity of Medicine! We lowly officials do not dare ask how you treated him, but may we ask exactly what illness was afflicting His Majesty?”

Added together, the imperial physicians were roughly the same age as Xun Chi. They stood reverently stood in front of him and repeatedly cupped their hands while bowing.

They had already checked the Emperor’s pulse, and the previously weak pulse had fully returned to normal.

Aside from divine power, what sort of medicine could achieve this?

The Deity of Medicine, he truly was worthy of the title!

To physicians, being able to know a little more about illnesses that they did not know about made them happier than being given ten thousand taels of gold.

Imperial physician Sun was among them, winking to Yu Fu and hoping that she would help by saying a few words to have the Deity of Medicine provide a short explanation.

Yu Fu was troubled and shook her head, “Second senior disciple and I were watching from the outside and did not see how master treated him, nor do I know how it was done.”

The eldest prince was keen-eared and pretended to mindlessly wiped away some sweat from his brow upon hearing this.

Imperial Consort Xian had already left the palace. If she continued to remain in front of so many people, she might have exposed something.

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Xun Chi did not want to acknowledge these common physicians. After a moment of hesitation, he finally said: “Physicians are of one mind, and I am not a petty person. Originally, I was willing to tell you about his situation and how to treat him.”

All of the imperial physicians raised their heads with joy.

“But this matter is related to Eastern Ling’s court, and I can’t be bothered to concern myself with your court’s affairs, so I won’t speak on it. For the sake of making up for this, you may come to Marquis Gu’s Manor to ask me about anything that is troubling you, but if anyone ever dares to disturb me with Emperor Ning’s condition again, I will kick you out!”

Xun Chi then disappeared as quickly as a gust of wind. Only the eldest prince, who was standing in front of him, felt the wind blow past him.

He clearly knew that Emperor Ning had been poisoned, but not only did he have Yu Fu and the others withdraw, but he also hid the truth of Emperor Ning’s situation.

He even said that nobody was allowed to disturb him with questions about Emperor Ning’s situation.

The eldest prince mentally let out a sigh of relief.

Since the Deity of Medicine did not want to concern himself with this mess, nobody would know that he poisoned Emperor Ning. Everything had returned to the way that it had been before.

He still had no chance!

All of the imperial physicians hastily saluted and bid farewell, chasing after Xun Chi. They were planning to go to Marquis Gu’s Manor today for consultations.

They would be going immediately.

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All of the matters in the palace had been resolved, and Tian Shu led Yu Fu toward the palace’s exit; however, he found that her other had been grabbed by Gu ShuBai.

Yu Fu was wide-eyed, looking to her left then looking to her right.

Neither side was willing to relent.

The officials were all adults. Upon seeing this situation, they began imagining a story of fellow disciples who grew up together, but she was snatched away by the heir to Marquis Gu’s Manor.

It was only now that Princess DanYang took a closer look at Tian Shu. He had a stern expression and wore a white robe with broad sleeves. The sword at his hip gave him a valiant appearance.

He was the Deity of Medicine’s disciple and Yu Fu’s senior disciple, and he had the right to compete with Gu ShuBai.

Could it be that the Deity of Medicine did not agree to Yu Fu marrying Gu ShuBai and wanted to marry Yu Fu to Tian Shu?

“Let go.”

Tian Shu pulled Yu Fu closer with a heavy expression, while Gu ShuBai did not let go as instructed. This left Yu Fu suffering in the middle, being tugged back and forth.

“Eldest brother, second senior disciple…”

Yu Fu’s arms felt tight, as she felt that she was being wrung like a cloth.

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“The adults are speaking. Children should not interrupt.”

Gu ShuBai and Tian Shu spoke at the same time. Their eyes met, and sparks flew.

The spectators to the side watched this with great interest. Internally, they wondered, between the heir to Marquis Gu’s Manor and a disciple of Immortals Valley, who would win and who would lose?

Yu Fu miserably said: “But it hurts…”

Gu ShuBai immediately let go, and Yu Fu was pulled to Tian Shu’s side.

He provocatively looked at Gu ShuBai then led Yu Fu out without looking back.

Gu ShuBai looked displeased. After cupping his hands to everyone, he also left.

Some of the older officials were very emotional.

“How it is to be young, being able to compete for love. It must be great to be young, how enviable.”

“That’s right. Say His Majesty confers young miss Yu Fu with the title of princess, once she is a few years older, it might not be just the heir to Marquis Gu’s Manor who is competing for her…”

Yin Shuo’s eyes became cold, while the second prince faintly smiled.

Nobody knew what they were thinking…

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